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[DomLuka] Least Favorite DomLuka Character

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I'm not so sure with Ben actually. I get the impression that while he's still carful with Dennis he will be one of the first to realize he has changed and forgive him.

I agree, I kinda get that impression myself.


But I'm not too fond of Aiden. I've been feeling it for a while now and I'll try putting it in words. Aiden has a pretty dificult time, I guess we an all see that, but he still handles it so ... perfectly. Like everything he does is perfect in a way. Aiden points out the perfect parking spot, Aiden with the perfect hair, Aiden who takes the perfect pictures, Aiden, who at the perfect time is just a little bit unperfect so that he'll seem cuter. It strikes me as unreal, surreal almost. Like an elve living amongst dwarves. Like a person in HDTV in a black and white movie. What I mean is: I guess I don't feel I can trust him because he's so perfect I'm not sure if we know him. The real him. Makes sense? :wacko:
I think I just fell in love with him all over again :wub:

Whew! I thought I was going to have to sedate Menzo when I first read that Aiden was your least favourite! :lol:

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:P Ok. I guess listing all of Aiden's virtues to express my dislike towards him isn't the way to get my point across :D


What I'm trying to say is: If anybody is as perfect as Aiden that makes me suspicious. It makes me wonder if maybe they are "unreal" and have something to hide. I'll try to explain:

Aiden says (or thinks) that Owen makes him feel perfect. Apparently Aiden thinks he isn't, what I don't get is: what does he not like about himself? what is he trying to hide?

And why did they break up? Because they got too comfortable? Pecause being perfect was too much pressure for Aiden? I mean... come on! Does Aiden maybe just need a break from playing an act, being a person he's not? I'm not saying he doesn't love Owen, but could he maybe try too hard to be what Owen likes instead of who he wants to be?


I think he might. And I'd rather have an asshole boyfriend who's honest and himself, then a guy that tries hard to change what he is in order to be what I want (Of course I'd like it best if I had a boyfriend who just WAS what I wanted, but how often do you come across the perfect guy? See that's my point! Never! We've got to have flaws!). That's why I don't like Aiden.


Does it make sense now? I'm afraid not :wacko:


(You can sedate Menzo now btw)

Edited by Liddy
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:P Ok. I guess listing all of Aiden's virtues to express my dislike towards him isn't the way to get my point across :D


What I'm trying to say is: If anybody is as perfect as Aiden that makes me suspicious. It makes me wonder if maybe they are "unreal" and have something to hide. I'll try to explain:

Aiden says (or thinks) that Owen makes him feel perfect. Apparently Aiden thinks he isn't, what I don't get is: what does he not like about himself? what is he trying to hide?


See, it's that very quiet vulnerability that is endearing. Everyone has a vulnerable side, things about themselves they don't like, but most people are either too needy or too austere (who, me? 0:) ) and I like how Aiden is self-confident, together, yet still admits to his vulnerable side.


(You can sedate Menzo now btw)


:2hands: I don't know where any of you would have got the impression I would feel the need to defend Aiden :ranger:


Menzo (the violent)

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See, it's that very quiet vulnerability that is endearing. Everyone has a vulnerable side, things about themselves they don't like, but most people are either too needy or too austere (who, me? 0:) ) and I like how Aiden is self-confident, together, yet still admits to his vulnerable side.


Well, he dumped Owen because he felt too pressured having to live up to his expectations. Doesn't sound like the most self-confident thing to do to me. But I'm not going to bash him any further, because even though he's my least favorite I think he's still...decent. Even though I still think he and Owen should make up (but since Dom isn't around and might not be for a while mecry.gif14.gif15.gif I guess nobody minds if you borrow him. Kevin get's Luke, you get Aiden, I guess it's only fair.)

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Well, he dumped Owen because he felt too pressured having to live up to his expectations. Doesn't sound like the most self-confident thing to do to me. But I'm not going to bash him any further, because even though he's my least favorite I think he's still...decent. Even though I still think he and Owen should make up (but since Dom isn't around and might not be for a while mecry.gif14.gif15.gif I guess nobody minds if you borrow him. Kevin get's Luke, you get Aiden, I guess it's only fair.)


When I say Aiden, I generally mean TLW Aiden. ITFB Aiden and I have some issues we need to work on.

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Hmm I got the impression from, as I think Ryan commented "everytime they crossed paths someone seemed to get hurt" that sounds like their evenly matched. Even if Dennis would have the upper hand, I think Leo(not me) would have some serious advantage with his rage if it ever came down to a brawl :blink: . But I don't want them to fight :( their both nice guys in their own rights, maybe Ben can slap them both and call it a day :funny:



but seriously, i don't think ben would want to get involved. i know he's a great character, good to the core and forgiving, but i get the impression that he's still scared of dennis, or at least hurt to much to be able to forgive. and for that reason leo (char) [your username is making it confusing, lol] will never forgive dennis either.


Here's a quote from Dennis in TLW...this is years after Ben got beat up....


"Well if it isn
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<off top>


I'm not so sure with Ben actually. I get the impression that while he's still carful with Dennis he will be one of the first to realize he has changed and forgive him. And Ben also strikes me as the boyfriend to watch out and "educate" Leo. Try to make him an even better person (remember the "It's the principle" scene, where he drew little scetches of people on the living-room wall because Leo had said he'd paint it?) So I think if Leo would try to pick a fight Ben would intervene. Leo on the other hand might be pretty much unstopable, which might make him less appealing to some people but I get how he could be that way. I'm not the kind of person to hold a grudge against others, but if I do...o boy. Difference is, I don't get physical. So while I agree that it isn't the best thing to do, I can still understand.


I doubt Leo or Ben will be able to forgive & forget so easily. And do you blame them?

i kind of agree with you, Liddy, that Ben is the first one to forgive and that he'd want to forgive Dennis if he saw him change for better. And i totally agreee that Leo is unstoppable, especially if his grugdes involve someone who hurt Ben. And as Vic illustrated - he does have a reason to hold a grugde; Dennis was a royal asshole for so long that the urge to beat the sh*t out of him must be like an instinct for Leo. But then again, as great guy as Ben is i still don't think that he is ready to forgive. there's still an emotional wound in him that is not healed and untill it is, he'll simply be scared of the guy


Ben had turned, too, obviously startled. Dennis could still see him past Lyle, and he frowned when he realized that Ben wasn’t leaving as fast as he could, like he should be. Instead, the blond was staring at the two of them, seeming horrified and still, his eyes fogged as if he’d suddenly been transformed to another place. Unfortunately, Dennis knew exactly where that place was, and that’s where he always felt the guilt when dealing with Ben Summers.

i know that Ben's reaction was partly triggered by Lyle's presence, but it shows that the past events still terrify him. and for that reason, IMHO, Ben simply won't be able to be around Dennis, and thus won't be able to fully forgive.


</off top>


about Aiden. you say, Liddy, that he is perfect. well, he's not ^^' at least as far as i am concerned. he can act like an asshole (to Owen, when the latter beat Dennis), he can sulk (when Owen didn't want to have a dinner with his mother) and he can let anger rule him (like when Nick first arrived). as far as i see it all he did was be there when Owen needed him and be a bit more resonable than the latter. i don't see how he's different than Jude in that area, for exapmle (aside for the fact that Jude had to deal with Quinn, who was damn more annoing at times than Owen ever managed to be).

though you have every right in the world to dislike him if you wish :P i take advantage f the same right and like him B)

it's true that INFB Aiden is kinda misguided and asshole-ish at times, but then he is confused and jealous and too stubborn to admit it. he misinterpreted Owen's needs and now they both suffer from it (though Owen is partly guilty too, he could beat the idea about breaking up out of Aiden's head and they'd be good by now).


i still try to figure who's my least liked character is. Aaron(tls) is kinda an obvious choice, but i kinda feel sorry for him too and don't want to kick the beaten one ^^'


oh, i know! Janie! she's a total bitch and i can hate her with no guilty conscience whatsoever ^______^

Edited by kashka
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about Aiden. you say, Liddy, that he is perfect. well, he's not ^^' at least as far as i am concerned. he can act like an asshole (to Owen, when the latter beat Dennis), he can sulk (when Owen didn't want to have a dinner with his mother) and he can let anger rule him (like when Nick first arrived). as far as i see it all he did was be there when Owen needed him and be a bit more resonable than the latter. i don't see how he's different than Jude in that area, for exapmle (aside for the fact that Jude had to deal with Quinn, who was damn more annoing at times than Owen ever managed to be).

though you have every right in the world to dislike him if you wish :P i take advantage f the same right and like him B)

it's true that INFB Aiden is kinda misguided and asshole-ish at times, but then he is confused and jealous and too stubborn to admit it. he misinterpreted Owen's needs and now they both suffer from it (though Owen is partly guilty too, he could beat the idea about breaking up out of Aiden's head and they'd be good by now).


Actually, the times he acts like an asshole is when I like him best, makes him more human. In ITFB there is a scene where I particularly like him, that's where he admits that he feels pressured being Owen's second boyfriend. I mean, in a way it is sweet that he wants his boyfriend to be absolutely sure that he wants him, but to me that shows that his self-confidence isn't always real. But hey, as I said, I understand that not everybody can be self-confident all the time and everybody does things that they'll regret later. Let's hope he realizes that soon and get Owen back (if he'll let him and isn't buisy doing the deed with Travis 012.gif)


Wainting for your choice Kash :)

Edited by Liddy
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To be further blunt, and I may indeed incite the rage of my fellow Domaholics (in fact they may just want to tear up my membership card :unsure: ), I would say that With Trust is also by far my least favourite story by Dom. Again, it's not at all that it isn't well-written, in fact as I said before I think it's very well-written, it's just that I don't really like any of the characters that much (except Nels himself). I've tried to go back through the old threads and pull out my original analysis of the characters, but I can't find the post for which I'm looking. Anyway, basically from the beginning I've never particularly liked any of the main characters, they're just a bunch of spoiled, self-involved, cliquish teenagers, which is extremely believable. I'm just not all that interested in what happens to them because again none of them are especially virtuous or messed up in the first place. Basically it seems like I feel toward them how many readers felt toward Seth (however I never felt that way toward Seth), they're just too boring, and vanilla.


Anyway, I guess what I really want from this story is for Nelson to quit wasting his time and effort with Milo, Caleb, Haily, and Joe (and to ignore Jame), and go find a boyfriend and a group of friends more worthy of him and with more substance.


I really can't remember enough about With Trust to like or dislike the characters. I remember there was a goat and that Milo painted pictures. That's about it. The biggest emotional response I experienced reading the story was horror over some paintings' being destroyed by being run over by a car. Maybe I got into the story more than I recall now, but I'll clearly need to start reading from the beginning if/when Dom goes back to writing on it.


I'm with all the folks who were annoyed by Rory and Quinn, but it was in different ways for each. Quinn just annoyed me as a character. With Rory, I realize it was the story itself, much more than his character per se, that annoyed me for many chapters. That is not to suggest that I didn't think it was a good story, or that I regretted reading it, or that I was any less of a Domaholic as chapters came out and I always wanted more. Some may recall that I even wrote and posted my own ending as a proof of concept on how things could be resolved when Dom was two (I think) chapters away from posting the end. Now we have a whole team of folk writing ITFB fan fiction.


What annoyed me about the DD plot (other than the evil cliff hangers) was that so much of it depended upon people not telling each other things, even in some cases things they had promised someone that they would tell, and the like. Perhaps that is a criticism of the story itself, that a single plot device was overused to set everything up.

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I really can't remember enough about With Trust to like or dislike the characters. I remember there was a goat and that Milo painted pictures.

Here's a bit of GA trivia for you guys. If I recall correctly it was said goat that inspired CJ to pick his (in)famous avatar ;)

Some may recall that I even wrote and posted my own ending as a proof of concept on how things could be resolved when Dom was two (I think) chapters away from posting the end.

I do remember that! I quite liked it. Can't seem to find the link now though.

What annoyed me about the DD plot (other than the evil cliff hangers) was that so much of it depended upon people not telling each other things, even in some cases things they had promised someone that they would tell, and the like. Perhaps that is a criticism of the story itself, that a single plot device was overused to set everything up.

As I recall at the time, there were many comparisons made about TOU being like a movie and DD being like a soap opera. It's probably not coincidence then that many of the things people were focusing in on were the result of deception, misinformation, or purposeful omissions.



So then I'm assuming based on what you said, glomph, that Quinn is your least favourite leading man?


Take care all and have an awesome day :D


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I really can't remember enough about With Trust to like or dislike the characters. I remember there was a goat and that Milo painted pictures. That's about it. The biggest emotional response I experienced reading the story was horror over some paintings' being destroyed by being run over by a car.

i didn't even remember the goat O_o what i remember are milo's nelson_with_a_raging_hard-on paintings ^^' what does it say about me? :*)


and i was also horror struck as i was reading the scene with the destroyed paintings. i love drawings and paintings, especially if beautifully done, and milo's were definitely good ones. i draw a bit myself and i dunno what i'd do is someone destroyed sth i worked hard on and grew to love :,(


I'm with all the folks who were annoyed by Rory and Quinn, but it was in different ways for each. Quinn just annoyed me as a character. With Rory, I realize it was the story itself, much more than his character per se, that annoyed me for many chapters.

good point :]

in TOU's case it was usually just quinn i wanted to hit for how he behaved. he was so much concentrated on himself that he didn't notice that even if his friends/family made some mistakes they were no worse than he himself was (like "i had a bad day/was in a shi*ty mood" excuse was fine as long as he was the one using it but noone else could) or when he didn't give his friends/family (his sister!!!) the benefit of doubt and had no faith in them. he acted bratty at times :P so i guess the title of my "least fav dom luka's character (protagonist)" goes to quinn. i'm far from hating him though. he still had his cute moments and turned into a decent guy in the end ^__^

but jude, for being there for quinn and putting up with everything the boy threw at him, will always be a bit of a hero for me ^__^ and totally edible. yum B)


as for DD: it wasn't only rory i wanted to hit hard at times, it was most of the characters. i think eddie even more often than rory, lol :P plus he had a better excuse for being sad and angry than quinn.

besides i was too busy getting annoyed at aaron(tls) for creating bad blood between rory and luke. (yeah, i didn't like him from the beginning, even more then, cuz i started to feel sorry for him at the end ^^')


In ITFB there is a scene where I particularly like him, that's where he admits that he feels pressured being Owen's second boyfriend. I mean, in a way it is sweet that he wants his boyfriend to be absolutely sure that he wants him, but to me that shows that his self-confidence isn't always real.

i'd say it shows how UNSURE of himself he is. i mean, there's lots of couples being together in spite of their relationship being their first or second ever. look at leo and ben - from what i remember they don't really have that much prior experience with other guys and yet they're happy together. so it was pretty twisted way of thinking, for me. but then it was both their fault, that they ended up splitting up. looks like they forgot how to talk to each other and be honest.

i too hope they realize that they're miserabe without one another and get back together, soon ^^; but they're both so stubborn, ugh >_< where's tony when we need him? maybe he'd be able to talk some sense into them ^^'

as for travis - sometimes i dunno if i want to hug him for trying to get the guys together or hit him for doing it ineffectively, lol :P

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