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Singapore retains its gay sex ban


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Remember the Thread about the Singapore Petition? Here's the Result--->


Singapore retains its gay sex ban



Singapore's parliament has voted against a proposal to decriminalise sex between men, despite receiving a petition signed by thousands of people.






My Heart goes out to the Singapore people, who have yet again been denied their human rights.



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I read this in one of local newspapers. The reasoning in the article I saw was ... interesting.


Essentially, the parliament was trying to say that they won't legalise it because that would make it appear like they approved of it, so they'll leave it as illegal. However, they implied that they won't enforce it because they accept that some people are gay. As I said... interesting. :blink:

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This is just like the sodomy laws in the states... as is the reasoning behind keeping them.


Singapore is a favorite port of call for sailors all over the world because of their brothels [for a few dollars more, you can get anything you want including the donkey] and their markets where you can buy Chinese made counterfeit Western designer goods at a fraction of the cost of the real thing.


What a bastion of morals!

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I don't disagree....


The article I mentioned: Oral Sex Legalised in Singapore


I'll make it a point that when I am able to travel internationally, Singapore will not be on my list of countries to visit unless they have repealed penal code section 377A. I'm sure they won't care about my intention, but it's all I can do. One small step, and all that!


Also, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's comments about "...if you look at Western Europe, the marriage as an institution is dead, families have broken down, the majority of children are born out of wedlock and live in families where the father and the mother are not husband and wife living together bringing them up...

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But unfortunately, that's the image conservative societies have of Western Societies.


And believe me, Singapore is considered as very surccessful in some countries. (Mauritius!) We want to make Mauritius like Singapore! :rolleyes:



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And believe me, Singapore is considered as very surccessful in some countries. (Mauritius!) We want to make Mauritius like Singapore! :rolleyes:

I agree. Singapore is held up as a very successful country in the Asian region, and I'm including Australia in that region, even though some other countries may disagree with that. It is, however, recognised as having a very strict government -- though not everyone thinks that is necessarily a bad thing.

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I agree. Singapore is held up as a very successful country in the Asian region, and I'm including Australia in that region, even though some other countries may disagree with that. It is, however, recognised as having a very strict government -- though not everyone thinks that is necessarily a bad thing.


I think that, aside from a few select issues, the Singaporean government has the right idea about things. It's a lovely country, and everything is so blessedly clean.



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I think that, aside from a few select issues, the Singaporean government has the right idea about things. It's a lovely country, and everything is so blessedly clean.

I haven't been there enough to form a personal opinion. While I've been through Changi Airport many times on my way to/from London, I've only stayed there for a grand total of five nights. However, the comments I've heard agree with yours.

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I'm sorry, but that's a bullshit excuse. It still gives homophobic enforcers of the law a bloody sword to strike down innocent people.


I kinda agree with you, Robbie.


A similar law, Section 377, is in India. It reads--->


Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal, shall be punished with imprisonment for life, or with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine.


Please note that this law criminalizes only gay sex and not lesbian sex due to its 'carnal intercourse' clause.


The Indian Govt says that this law is rarely used to prosecute consentual homosexual activities but rather used to counter child sexual abuse (of boys).


What the people in New Delhi fail to notice is that this law also empowers the Police to pursue extortion and embezzlement and sexual pleasures against homosexuals. This law is very vague also.


Too sad that the Govt is not willing to discuss the issue and the court case against this particular law is still pending even after 6 years!!




For more info, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality_in_India

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The Philippines doesn't have an anti-sodomy law, AFAIK, tho it still does not legalize gay marriages. hearing this from a country I've always envied and admired is shocking. Singapore was always so progressive to us filipinos. Now tho... my opinion has certainly been brought down a lot.

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The Philippines doesn't have an anti-sodomy law, AFAIK, tho it still does not legalize gay marriages. hearing this from a country I've always envied and admired is shocking. Singapore was always so progressive to us filipinos. Now tho... my opinion has certainly been brought down a lot.


I think this should not be the basis to judge a country. Take India, for example. I would never under-rate her potential even if she has a law that criminalizes sodomy and oral sex!!!


Same is the case with U.S. Even though she has numerous problems, she is one helluva country.


Each country is great in its on right and none is less than the other. :)



(who is feeling quite patriotic towards his Mother Earth!!)

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I think this should not be the basis to judge a country. Take India, for example. I would never under-rate her potential even if she has a law that criminalizes sodomy and oral sex!!!

As a side comment, homosexuality was only decriminalised in Tasmania (one of the states of Australia) ten years ago. Now, they are one of the most supportive of states for gay rights.

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