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Wish me luck!


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Well, i hung out with him on Friday. Like ALL day, lol. I got over there at 10am and didn't go home until 4:30am.


Now, I'm even more certain that I wasn't imagining things.


At one point, we were at Denny's (kinda like a 24 hour diner) with his friend Kat, and she mentioned to him that he needed a new girlfriend. He ever so subtly glanced at me and said, "Or boyfriend."




I'll update y'all if there's any new developments.

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Well, i hung out with him on Friday. Like ALL day, lol. I got over there at 10am and didn't go home until 4:30am.


Now, I'm even more certain that I wasn't imagining things.


At one point, we were at Denny's (kinda like a 24 hour diner) with his friend Kat, and she mentioned to him that he needed a new girlfriend. He ever so subtly glanced at me and said, "Or boyfriend."




I'll update y'all if there's any new developments.


B) .....That was no suble hint, that was a blatant question!

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I will hold his arms for you whilst you molestify him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And possibly record it and sell it on ebay to assist in paying off my student loans!!




You have to keep us updated! Omg tackle him and make him your man! He wants youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!


~giggles~ Oh that makes me happy. :D ~hugs tight~ Yay!

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I will hold his arms for you whilst you molestify him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And possibly record it and sell it on ebay to assist in paying off my student loans!!




You have to keep us updated! Omg tackle him and make him your man! He wants youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!


~giggles~ Oh that makes me happy. :D ~hugs tight~ Yay!


:lol::lol: I enjoyed this response oh-so-much.



He's definitely flirting. I say flirt back, get to know him better, but wait for him to initiate anything beyond that. It seems like he will anyway, at the rate he's going. He sounds like a sweet guy. Good luck!

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LMAO Benji!


The Three Sad Musketeers.


:,(:,( :,(


Ok. now I need to find the Three Vurjeen Musketeers... /me runs off


Oh yeah. :off: Any replies to this post will be subject to torching! :fire:

Here's the second, reporting for duty! Though apparently not that kind of duty. :(


I'm also in the "no relationship evar" camp. It's cold out there in the Lonely Woods. :ph34r:



Razor--> Calm down! Hahaha.

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Well, i hung out with him on Friday. Like ALL day, lol. I got over there at 10am and didn't go home until 4:30am.


Now, I'm even more certain that I wasn't imagining things.


At one point, we were at Denny's (kinda like a 24 hour diner) with his friend Kat, and she mentioned to him that he needed a new girlfriend. He ever so subtly glanced at me and said, "Or boyfriend."




I'll update y'all if there's any new developments.


*sigh* soo romantic :P


If that isn't a broad hint, then i don't know.


Yes, you should wrap it up in a story (after you return from the honeymoon) ;)

Edited by YaP
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*sigh* soo romantic :P


If that isn't a broad hint, then i don't know.


Yes, you should wrap it up in a story (after you come return from the honeymoon) ;)

Oh that reminds me... when you guys get right to it don't forget the old saying, "Don't be a fool, wrap that tool!"



Lol sorry, I couldn't resist.

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"Don't be a fool, wrap that tool!"


Wise Robbie! Did Yoda teach you that? :P


I'm also in the "no relationship evar" camp. It's cold out there in the Lonely Woods.


The Four Musketeers... :( Hey we can do a menage a quatre! LMAO

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  • 2 months later...


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So...I know I haven't updated you guys on this...but yeah. I gave a long update in my blog which I'm too drained to re-type out here, so I'll just post a link.


[No smiley face today]

Hey, now you have a challenge B)

You have him as a friend. Go slowly, don't push but don't give up !

Take it easy, if he is worthy, going step by step, from friend to boyfriend is a long way.

As bi myself, I can talk from experiences :P . Your (and his) problem is perhaps he don't want a monogamy relationship. Are you ready for that ? Thats the main question :wacko: .

Nevertheless, good Luck.

Old bob

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So...there's this guy I used to work with. I haven't seen him in like two years, but when we worked together we were great friends. We had a whole lot of the same interests, I.E. we both are big Stephen King fans, comic book nerds, sci-fi fans, we have the same taste in video-games and music. We just clicked, you know?


And, I'm not ashamed to say, I had a HUGE crush on him.


Like, whoa.


Well, a while back, while chatting online he told me he was bisexual. I came out to him, and we've been keeping in touch pretty well, but I never dreamed I'd have a snowball's chance in Hell with him.


Yesterday, he was dropping hints. At one point when we were talking about art, he meant to say, "You do good art" but made a typo and said, "You do good artist". I fired back with, "As far as I know, I'm not 'doing' any artists."


He said, "You could beee". With the extra "e"s.


He's an artist too.




At the end of the conversation, he gave me his number and told me to call him. Not in the normal 'guy' way, like "Hey dude, give me a call", but in the flirtatious "Call me sometime" way. Lol.


I dunno, maybe I'm looking too far into this, but I think he's sending out some signals. What do you guys think? We're going to hang out soon, and I'll know more then, but do you think I have a shot?


Either way, wish me luck!




P.S.-Did I mention he's cute? Like, really cute?


Yes, it sounds like you have a shot at getting this guy into bed. Are you hoping for more, as in luv or even LTR? If your hope is for the latter two you'd better ask this fellow exactly what he means by bisexual. If you do ask, and if he answers, be sure to listen with the head on your shoulders. A lot of people claim to be bi. Being able to get it up with either a guy or gal isn't bisexuality, it's sexual greed, and that, is a heart breaker.


Good luck!



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A lot of people claim to be bi. Being able to get it up with either a guy or gal isn't bisexuality, it's sexual greed, and that, is a heart breaker. Good luck! Michael

Hi Michael,

May I ask what you mean with your comment about bi's ? :o

As a bi myself, should I be hit ? :huh:

Did you made bad experiences with bi-guys ? :rolleyes:

If you prefer, you could answer per PM :D

I hope my comments don't upset you. Yours did me :angry:

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Hi Michael,

May I ask what you mean with your comment about bi's ? :o

As a bi myself, should I be hit ? :huh:

Did you made bad experiences with bi-guys ? :rolleyes:

If you prefer, you could answer per PM :D

I hope my comments don't upset you. Yours did me :angry:


Hi Bob, I'll PM you, but to answer in part, no I have not had a problem with a bi person. No I'm not upset with anyone.



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Yes, it sounds like you have a shot at getting this guy into bed. Are you hoping for more, as in luv or even LTR? If your hope is for the latter two you'd better ask this fellow exactly what he means by bisexual. If you do ask, and if he answers, be sure to listen with the head on your shoulders. A lot of people claim to be bi. Being able to get it up with either a guy or gal isn't bisexuality, it's sexual greed, and that, is a heart breaker.


Good luck!



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That's the thing, I know it isn't anything about sexual greed. We've had long discussions on this topic and I know without a doubt that it isn't that. (There's a specific reason, but I don't want to say)


I'm definitely looking for a LTR and he is too, and I KNOW we'd make an awesome couple, but I think he's just over thinking or something. He's afraid of all the things that come with being gay, like all of us, and decided that since he's bisexual he's focusing only on girls. But I KNOW he likes me, that's what makes this so frustrating, lol. He's SAID so. Like I said, we have like ALL the same interests. We understand each other on levels most other people don't.


Arg. That is all.



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That's the thing, I know it isn't anything about sexual greed. We've had long discussions on this topic and I know without a doubt that it isn't that. (There's a specific reason, but I don't want to say)


I'm definitely looking for a LTR and he is too, and I KNOW we'd make an awesome couple, but I think he's just over thinking or something. He's afraid of all the things that come with being gay, like all of us, and decided that since he's bisexual he's focusing only on girls. But I KNOW he likes me, that's what makes this so frustrating, lol. He's SAID so. Like I said, we have like ALL the same interests. We understand each other on levels most other people don't.


Arg. That is all.




If he matches you so well, then you're very, very lucky, even if he just stays a friend. I might suggest not trying to pressure him or rush him and risk spoiling things. I haven't read all the posts in this thread, so maybe you're already being extremely mature about it. :P Good luck anyhow!

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I agree, there is much bi-phobia in the world. On the other hand bi people who refuse to have relationships with one gender contribute to it.


I have an unorthodox suggestion that may or may not work, and I suppose it has the potential to hurt you so take it with a grain of salt.


Why not do relationship like stuff with him? Like you said you guys had fun hanging out before right? Well keep hanging out and start acting more and more like you're already his boyfriend. Without being possessive or very overt with it that is, since that would probably put him off. Just keep flirting and having fun, and spending time together, and if it's something you both want maybe you guys could 'do stuff'. After awhile it'll basically be like you're dating anyway. Which will give you both a chance to see if you like it. If you do, at some point you can have 'the talk' about where things are going and what you each want. At that point it might not be as intimidating to him if it is something he wants because he'll realize it's basically something he's already doing and all that would happen is that it would become 'official'.


Anyway, that's my advice, keep it light and non-serious, but similar to dating and when it feels right see if you both want to take it to the next, official level.


I know that does have the potential to get you a broken heart, but really what relationship doesn't? Anyway that's why I urge you to keep it light and non-serious until it is official. Just have fun, don't go too fast, and only do stuff you both want to do.


Just a suggestion.


I hope it all works out :)





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