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Never heard of Susan Boyle?


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:lmao: Meow! You saying she needs a makeover & liposuction?! :P

Agreed though, she deserves her time in the spotlight, because these days it doesn't seem to last very long!



Truthfully, that's exactly what I'm saying. In our culture, you can't expect to be successful as a public figure without looking good or having a VERY unique and effective style/image. You have to be sexy on some level, and pretty as well. I don't condone or endorse it, but I know it's true. The woman has never stood any real chance until now. The reason she's getting a chance now is because people feel sorry for her. She does have talent, even if it is unpolished, but she's not attractive. People are choosing to concentrate on her talent and personality (if indeed she does have the one she seems to have), because they identify with her. How long can that last? It SHOULD last forever, but it won't of course. I hope she does wonderfully and is completely successful, but the sad and hard truth is that she's absolutely screwed unless she plays the sympathy/identification factor.


Wow I'm such a downer, lol. All I'm sayin' is while I'm rooting for her and hoping she makes it big, I know that people are dying for the chance to rip her apart as soon as the crowd that's identifying with her plight stems. All that's keeping the bitches and critics at bay is the horde of people saying "I DARE you to mess with her, because I AM her, and I will END you".

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I don't really see the big deal. I mean, yeah, she has a good voice, but it's not a *phenomenal* voice. It's lovely, and she interprets well, but if you'd just been sent that song without any video to listen to, I think most of you would've shrugged it off. I've seen Les Miz several times and the actresses playing Fantine in all of the performances were miles better.


I think the big deal was the judges admitting on national television that they are often too quick to judge based on external appearance. They're getting people to question their preconceived notions, which is nice.


But the next world superstar? Nah. It's a blip.


I rather agree... The voice is nice, but not amazing -- she's got no chest voice for the lower notes, and the fake vibrato annoys me.


I don't even think the judges admitting that they are often too quick to judge based on external appearances is even very genuine. I got more of a feeling of "Look -- we even appreciate ugly people!" than "looks don't matter".


But that's not to mean I dislike Susan Boyle. I wish her all the best and am sure she'll finally get a job. :D

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She wasn't WONDERFUL... but she was damned good. It's so sad that she's 47 and not polished. If she were 27 years younger, 50 pounds lighter, and had an eyebrow wax... she'd have it made. Sooooo rooting for her. ~sigh~ People deserve a decent break at least once in their lives.




What if someone said of Adam Lambert: "Well, he'd have it made if only he was straight."

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What if someone said of Adam Lambert: "Well, he'd have it made if only he was straight."

To be fair, harsh as his comments may be, there is truth in them. Right or wrong the industry is image oriented, always has been, always will be.

Is she good enough to make it? I really don't know. We've only heard one song; I think we should reserve judgement until the later stages of the competition when we hear her sing again.

Pavarotti was no looker, but he had that certain something, besides his voice. Has this woman got it, I really don't know. But Pavarotti she's not!

As for Adam, he's the full package; looks, voice and charisma. That guy is going to go very far.

Edited by Sir Galahad
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Where did you find these guys? A band where ALL the guys are cute?!?!? That's so rare today--there's usually one that's a throwaway...

Can I take them home? :P



I have to debate the guy sitting on the left. not sure about him :) . but mcfly been around aggges.



I don't know. He looks to be about 25, probably pretty wealthy if the band is doing well..


Hey James, I think we found your man! :P



Oh he was wealthy before the band I think. Or maybe it isn't him, but one of the others. But he is the main songwriter I think. I think I'm biased, I met him once, and I am convinced that he 'stole' my new poncho as it disappeared just after he left the seat next to me. have no other clue what happened to it :) .



This is McFly, and I found them while watching an episode of CD : USA. After that they were in the movie Just My Luck as themselves. And going from left to right we have: Tom, 23, Danny, 23, Dougie, 21, and Harry 23.


They have been around since 2004, breaking the Beatles record of being the youngest band to have a debut album go straight to number 1. Four albums and a Greatest Hits album later, they have had a bunch of number ones and top tens. They are alllll gorgeous! lol


Harry, the drummer, is the one who was posh before the band lmfao. Tom, the one on the far left is the main songwriter, but Danny, the front one, also writes with him. Dougie plays bass. They all have girlfriends unfortunately :(


And I'm waiting somewhat impatiently for them to come back the US to do some shows :wub:

Edited by Anna
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On a lighter note:


I knew there was something about him that particularly got my attention


HAHA! I must admit I was drawn to him as well when I first came upon them lol. I tend to like bass players lol.

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Haha yea I agree. Although I particularly like Danny. It's the hair, I have a thing for curls...and blue eyes...and guys in bands lmfao. Plus his accent is hot! :D

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Haha yea I agree. Although I particularly like Danny. It's the hair, I have a thing for curls...and blue eyes...and guys in bands lmfao. Plus his accent is hot! :D


B) ..........Hahaha!! Nice, but how the hell did this get into Susan Boyle thread??

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B) ..........Hahaha!! Nice, but how the hell did this get into Susan Boyle thread??


Someone made a comment about the picture in my signature. So we went off talking about McFly lol.


But back to Susan Boyle. I hope she does well in the competition. It would be such a sad thing to see her not get some kind of music deal out of this.

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You're both terrible lol. McFly happen to have very good music, otherwise how would they get so many number one hits and sold out tours? Besides, isn't this a thread about Susan Boyle? Let's leave McFly alone.

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You're both terrible lol. McFly happen to have very good music, otherwise how would they get so many number one hits and sold out tours? Besides, isn't this a thread about Susan Boyle? Let's leave McFly alone.

That's easy to answer, girls buy into the image & the look. Cute guys sell records, as a cute actor will sell a movie. Lets face it, they have no real musical ability! Besides the star they were flying on, here at least, is plummeting downwards. :D


So, Susan Boyle.....mmm....no comment!

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That's easy to answer, girls buy into the image & the look. Cute guys sell records, as a cute actor will sell a movie. Lets face it, they have no real musical ability! Besides the star they were flying on, here at least, is plummeting downwards. :D


So, Susan Boyle.....mmm....no comment!


B) .............Susan Boyle has more talent then that group of fine, cute looking boys! I see she had a bit of a make-over in the news today. I really hope she does well in this Brit's competition!

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B) .............Susan Boyle has more talent then that group of fine, cute looking boys! I see she had a bit of a make-over in the news today. I really hope she does well in this Brit's competition!

The hype is ridiculous. That 'makeover' wasn't real either, all done on a computer as to what she could look like if she had surgery etc. :thumbdown:

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The hype is ridiculous. That 'makeover' wasn't real either, all done on a computer as to what she could look like if she had surgery etc. :thumbdown:


:P ..........Neverless, the woman has talent!!

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I'm so out of touch that every time I read "Paul Potts" in this thread, I think of the Khemer Rouge.



ROFLMAO :lol::lol::lol: I was thinking the same thing :D .


But back to Susan...


I find it kind of interesting that some of us don't see her for what she is. A well above average singer who misled all of us who often misjudge a book by the cover.


Kind of humbling.


Nuff said.

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The hype is ridiculous. That 'makeover' wasn't real either, all done on a computer as to what she could look like if she had surgery etc. :thumbdown:




You're such a cynical pessimist Galahad...no wonder I don't like you

Edited by Nikolai
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It's not cynical, it's fact! The article in the paper it was in even admitted as much.

This is going to sound bad, but I hope she doesn't win. The hype is getting ridiculous, and the public will tire of it very soon.


Wow....sounds like you once had a dream and someone crushed it like a bug. Now you're taking it out on this poor woman because she's being given a chance. Have you no heart?

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