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American idol- Kris Allen

Mark M

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Was it unexpected? yes. is he awesome? yes. is he hot? yes!!! is he straight? yeah married with no children..



BAH i loved the finaly espcially boom boom pow by the black eyed peas!! lol

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I like both of them, I like more of Adam's and his song choices more, and he's more creative.


One thing to remember, there has been other winners on idol and not done very well.

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Glad you started this thread :2thumbs:


I was just thinking should I start one called "Did America get it Right?"


Truthfully, I didn't watch the show too much this season, but did start paying attention the past couple of weeks,


One thing that was very apparent was that Adam was leaps above all the other competitors including Kris. I don't claim to be an expert or anything, but take out the looks of the two competitors and just listen to their voices, their range, their emotion and I would have to say Adam won.


Shocker, yes. Even though Simon can be a jerk at times, did you notice he was the only one that didn't get up and applaud the announcement? I think he felt that America got it wrong this time. Also, maybe my bias :P , but it didn't seem like the audience was fully behind congratulating him either. It seemed to be more of a 'polite' congrats.


I would really really really hope that Adam's sexuality did not play a role in the outcome, but unfortunately it makes you wonder when one person is leaps and bounds ahead of the winner and the lesser of the two is selected :( .


I guess the only real consolation is that I bet in a years time, America will know Adam Lambert's name from what he is going to accomplish over the next year, where Kris will have his record deal done and thats about it.

Edited by wildone
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Glad you started this thread :2thumbs:


I was just thinking should I start one called "Did America get it Right?"


Truthfully, I didn't watch the show too much this season, but did start paying attention the past couple of weeks,


One thing that was very apparent was that Adam was leaps above all the other competitors including Kris. I don't claim to be an expert or anything, but take out the looks of the two competitors and just listen to their voices, their range, their emotion and I would have to say Adam won.


Shocker, yes. Even though Simon can be a jerk at times, did you notice he was the only one that didn't get up and applaud the announcement? I think he felt that America got it wrong this time. Also, maybe my bias :P , but it didn't seem like the audience was fully behind congratulating him either. It seemed to be more of a 'polite' congrats.


I would really really really hope that Adam's sexuality did not play a role in the outcome, but unfortunately it makes you wonder when one person is leaps and bounds ahead of the winner and the lesser of the two is selected :( .


I guess the only real consolation is that I bet in a years time, America will know Adam Lambert's name from what he is going to accomplish over the next year, where Kris will have his record deal done and thats about it.


Even Kris was shocked. He mumbled something like "this was suppose to be Adam's"


My wife told me that people at her office said they didn't like Adam because they thought Adam was too theatrical.


I personally think they were trying to say they didn't like him because he was a fag.


Very depressing.

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Thanks for the spoiler. <_<

Yeah, I can only echo that, result doesn't air here until Friday!! :angry::P


This is a shocking result, but as other people have said it's not surprising. We were debating this on another thread two weeks ago, and the consensus was that Adam wouldn't win due to the holy rollers voting! Shock-horror, what happens?

But like Chris Daughtry before him, make no mistake, Adam is going to be hugely successful IMHO.

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Yeah, I can only echo that, result doesn't air here until Friday!! :angry::P


This is a shocking result, but as other people have said it's not surprising. We were debating this on another thread two weeks ago, and the consensus was that Adam wouldn't win due to the holy rollers voting! Shock-horror, what happens?

But like Chris Daughtry before him, make no mistake, Adam is going to be hugely successful IMHO.


Honestly, look at David A and David Cook. David A came in second, yet he was able to get a recording contract and released his own CD, where David Cook only released one song, I think. Anyways even if america got it wrong, theres bound to be someone out there willing to give Adam a deal, and I'm sure we'll see a lot of him in the future.

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Honestly, look at David A and David Cook. David A came in second, yet he was able to get a recording contract and released his own CD, where David Cook only released one song, I think. Anyways even if america got it wrong, theres bound to be someone out there willing to give Adam a deal, and I'm sure we'll see a lot of him in the future.

Still reeling a touch from the result, but kind of expected it. Sony Entertainment will sign him up under one of their many labels I'm sure. What's going to be interesting, is which one of them this time next year will be the more successful? I'm betting Adam....any takers? :P

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David Cook released a great CD one week after David Archuleta.


As for this year... Kris and Adam are both great singers in their own genre. It was a combination this year of the Christian/Anti-gay thing against Adam the fact that Kris is cuter than Adam.


Adam is by far the more talented performer. (though, the scream thing got old in a hurry. he toned that WAY back for the final though)


I plan on buying the CDs that Kris, Adam, Allison all put out.


Oh... and thanks for the spoiler. I work nights and didn't get to watch it live. :P

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Still reeling a touch from the result, but kind of expected it. Sony Entertainment will sign him up under one of their many labels I'm sure. What's going to be interesting, is which one of them this time next year will be the more successful? I'm betting Adam....any takers? :P


B) ..............Adam was the real winner last night, he is already a household name, was miles ahead of all the other competition in the last 6 weeks. I like the way Mark's wife put it in perspective for us, Adam was too 'theatrical' add that to Kris's prophetic words 'I hope religion doesn't play into this, it all about talent'. It would seem talent had nothing to do with the voting, I would love to see the demographics of a poll of the voters.

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I dont think Kris will be that successful because the only real successful winner was Kelly Clarkson everyone else fell off after while


B) .................Quote; 'Meanwhile, Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood are generally considered to be the only two GENUINELY SUCCESSFUL American Idol winners, by selling tons of CDs, earning Grammy nominations, and racking up other awards (remember the hubbub over Faith Hill's alleged mock-shock when Underwood won the CMA?). Unfortunately, the albums released by their fellow winners Ruben Studdard, Fantasia Barrino, and Taylor Hicks have sold poorly. Making some question whether winning the American Idol title is really all it's cracked up to be.'

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No offense, but it seems like whenever someone or something is gay and it doesn't win, it's always because of homophobia. Just like with the movie, Brokeback Mountain. It did not win an award for best picture or something and suddenly it was because of homophobia. It really tees me off because it seems to make this statement to me: If you don't vote for the gays, then you are homophobic.


There is no proof that if America was not homophobic, Adam would have won. I actually sat down and watched the stupid show, and I think he sucked. I would have voted for Kris over him, and I'm not homophobic in the least.


But either way, I see Adam being more successful in the long run. Talent does not go unrecognized and he'll probably get a record deal.

Edited by C.L.L
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No offense, but it seems like whenever someone or something is gay and it doesn't win, it's always because of homophobia. Just like with the movie, Brokeback Mountain. It did not win an award for best picture or something and suddenly it was because of homophobia. It really tees me off because it seems to make this statement to me: If you don't vote for the gays, then you are homophobic.


There is no proof that if America was not homophobic, Adam would have won. I actually sat down and watched the stupid show, and I think he sucked. I would have voted for Kris over him, and I'm not homophobic in the least.


But either way, I see Adam being more successful in the long run. Talent does not go unrecognized and he'll probably get a record deal.

You make some good points, Chris. You might say talent is no respecter of sexual orientation. I don't think Kris won because Adam is gay. He won because his performance appealed to more of the people who voted. If religion was the determining factor, the Mormon would have won last year.

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No offense, but it seems like whenever someone or something is gay and it doesn't win, it's always because of homophobia. Just like with the movie, Brokeback Mountain. It did not win an award for best picture or something and suddenly it was because of homophobia. It really tees me off because it seems to make this statement to me: If you don't vote for the gays, then you are homophobic.


There is no proof that if America was not homophobic, Adam would have won. I actually sat down and watched the stupid show, and I think he sucked. I would have voted for Kris over him, and I'm not homophobic in the least.


But either way, I see Adam being more successful in the long run. Talent does not go unrecognized and he'll probably get a record deal.


B) .......No offense taken!! I watched the whole season, and Adam was way above everyone else. If America was voting on talent, Adam should have won hands down. If it was a pretty face contest, Kris might have edged Adam out. Truth is, if Adam wasn't gay he would have won and we wouldn't be having this discussion. Even Kris knew the truth!!

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B) .......No offense taken!! I watched the whole season, and Adam was way above everyone else. If America was voting on talent, Adam should have won hands down. If it was a pretty face contest, Kris might have edged Adam out. Truth is, if Adam wasn't gay he would have won and we wouldn't be having this discussion. Even Kris knew the truth!!


Not to sure about that, I do think though some yea some didn't vote for him cause of that, or cause he's out there, both will probably sell records, time will tell.


One thing though Fergie looked out in that dominatrix type uniform :P

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No offense, but it seems like whenever someone or something is gay and it doesn't win, it's always because of homophobia. Just like with the movie, Brokeback Mountain. It did not win an award for best picture or something and suddenly it was because of homophobia. It really tees me off because it seems to make this statement to me: If you don't vote for the gays, then you are homophobic.


There is no proof that if America was not homophobic, Adam would have won. I actually sat down and watched the stupid show, and I think he sucked. I would have voted for Kris over him, and I'm not homophobic in the least.


But either way, I see Adam being more successful in the long run. Talent does not go unrecognized and he'll probably get a record deal.

No necessarily, but in this case it was so blatant even the normally straight laced media are hinting at it. Mmm, lets think about it, you have flamboyant, make-up wearing Adam or you have Allen's Christian picket fence lifestyle. Which one are the holy rollers going to vote for? They are after all, the ones that have made an issue of Adams sexuality, which is why now people are screaming homophobia.


This is a singing competition, and by a long distance Adam was by far the best and most original of the entire series. Trust me if Allen had been the better contestant I would have no problem with the result, but he wasn't even close. He has a pleasant enough voice I suppose, but he is Conference division to Adam's Premier League.

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No necessarily, but in this case it was so blatant even the normally straight laced media are hinting at it. Mmm, lets think about it, you have flamboyant, make-up wearing Adam or you have Allen's Christian picket fence lifestyle. Which one are the holy rollers going to vote for? They are after all, the ones that have made an issue of Adams sexuality, which is why now people are screaming homophobia.


This is a singing competition, and by a long distance Adam was by far the best and most original of the entire series. Trust me if Allen had been the better contestant I would have no problem with the result, but he wasn't even close. He has a pleasant enough voice I suppose, but he is Conference division to Adam's Premier League.

I think you have missed the point, Sir. (May I call you "Sir"?) The more appealing performer won the contest. You can't be sure that all the homophobes voted against Adam any more than you can be sure that all the gays voted for him. Just because most Americans are not gay does not mean most Americans are homophobes.

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I think you have missed the point, Sir. (May I call you "Sir"?) The more appealing performer won the contest. You can't be sure that all the homophobes voted against Adam any more than you can be sure that all the gays voted for him. Just because most Americans are not gay does not mean most Americans are homophobes.


I personally think that his flamboyant style was what lost Adam the contest, but that is only my opinion. You are right Mike. As of yet, there is no empirical evidence to support that theory. As of yet.

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I think you have missed the point, Sir. (May I call you "Sir"?) The more appealing performer won the contest. You can't be sure that all the homophobes voted against Adam any more than you can be sure that all the gays voted for him. Just because most Americans are not gay does not mean most Americans are homophobes.

If other comments hadn't been made then I may have swallowed that point, grudgingly. However, points have been made by religious right wingers before voting for the final even commenced. Then suddenly we have the biggest upset in idol history. Let's not mince words about this, Adam was the clear favourite from the beginning, then suddenly it's turned on its head. That certainly looks suspicious to me.


That said, the real poll starts now in CD & download sales. Lets see who the real winner is 12-24 months from now. I know who my money's on!

Edited by Sir Galahad
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I agree with Galahad, something certainly stinks with this result. Kris has an okay voice, that it, just okay. Nothing special about him at all, IMO.


Let the record sales commence. :D

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I agree with Galahad, something certainly stinks with this result. Kris has an okay voice, that it, just okay. Nothing special about him at all, IMO.


Let the record sales commence. :D


B) .............Ya'll right, the real contest will commence with the sales. The other one was a sham!!

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