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American idol- Kris Allen

Mark M

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The bottom line is the better of the two singers did NOT win. In this case it IS about being gay. The Huffington Post article got it right. GayBoy out-sang StraightBoy. StraightBoy was horrific on the Santana piece and out of his league. The Kiss song sucked but that was more Kiss than the lead. Queen, well, that was perfect.


American Idol has ceased to be relevant. Nobody should watch this ever again. It's what happens when you let a bunch of ignorant closed-minded people vote. (Snarky Bush comment deleted).

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Or we could think about it this way. Assume that Adam Lambert is gay and that factored in to the decision making process of American Idol voters. He still came in 2nd place.


If you dial the clock back 10 years, he probably wouldn't have even gotten the invitation to Hollywood.

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I don't know, I guess maybe I am getting wrapped up too much in the whole gay vs. christian thing.


I still believe Adam was the better singer.


On a side note, last year's Canadian Idol outed himself at the end of this

It was then known he was gay. He went on and continued to dominate throughout the competition and ended up winning.


Funny thing is that there was no media comment or coverage on the fact that he was gay. People voted based on the talent up on stage and that was it. Maybe there was the homophobe vote out there, but it wasn't enough to make the true winner win.


In case you want some more, here is some of his better performances. Too bad the quality isn't too great on YouTube.




I guess I was hoping that the US was getting more accepting of things :( .

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No offense, but it seems like whenever someone or something is gay and it doesn't win, it's always because of homophobia. Just like with the movie, Brokeback Mountain. It did not win an award for best picture or something and suddenly it was because of homophobia. It really tees me off because it seems to make this statement to me: If you don't vote for the gays, then you are homophobic.


There is no proof that if America was not homophobic, Adam would have won. I actually sat down and watched the stupid show, and I think he sucked. I would have voted for Kris over him, and I'm not homophobic in the least.


But either way, I see Adam being more successful in the long run. Talent does not go unrecognized and he'll probably get a record deal.


I agree completely. I think its just a case of 'sore losers' syndrome for some.


I don't really think religion or homophobia had much to do with it. I know most of the polls in Utah leading up to the finale favored Adam. You know that if the Mormons voted for Adam, religion or sexuality didn't really factor in.

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It's more likely that Adam's fanbase simply got lazy and assumed that everyone else was voting for him. We had the same thing happen on Idol a few years ago, where the 'hot favourite' (Ricki-Lee Coulter) was eliminated on the fifth-last episode because nobody had actually bothered to vote for her. They just assumed she'd get enough votes. It wasn't due to any sort of discrimination, it was just the complacency that comes with the 'hot favourite' tag. And if you portray Adam as the 'hot favourite', Kris' supporters are naturally going to work extra-hard to get him over the line. On the other hand, 'hot favourite' Adam probably had a lot of fans who would have voted for him, but didn't.


And ironically, it's those exact same people who now call the result a 'sham'.

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It's more likely that Adam's fanbase simply got lazy and assumed that everyone else was voting for him. We had the same thing happen on Idol a few years ago, where the 'hot favourite' (Ricki-Lee Coulter) was eliminated on the fifth-last episode because nobody had actually bothered to vote for her. They just assumed she'd get enough votes. It wasn't due to any sort of discrimination, it was just the complacency that comes with the 'hot favourite' tag. And if you portray Adam as the 'hot favourite', Kris' supporters are naturally going to work extra-hard to get him over the line. On the other hand, 'hot favourite' Adam probably had a lot of fans who would have voted for him, but didn't.


And ironically, it's those exact same people who now call the result a 'sham'.



B) ...............I actually sent in two votes that night, and I still say it was a 'sham'. This was a singing competition with the award supposed to go to the best performer, which Adam clearly was by far. Do I believe that if Adam wasn't gay he would of won? Yes I do, the up-coming record sales will prove the better of the two singers.

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B) ...............I actually sent in two votes that night, and I still say it was a 'sham'. This was a singing competition with the award supposed to go to the best performer, which Adam clearly was by far. Do I believe that if Adam wasn't gay he would of won? Yes I do, the up-coming record sales will prove the better of the two singers.


It's a popularity contest, the award is supposed to go to the most popular performer.


And again, I think you're confusing homophobia with voter complacency. The groundswell of public support for Adam would be a clear indication that homophobia wasn't an over-riding factor in the result. Fact is, everybody was so sure that he was going to win, that nobody was proactive in actually making it happen.

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he won basically because of the christian vote which is a shame.


Now thats just sad there is no proof, but i guess is it your oppionin but please back it by proof otherwise were just causing hate on both side by accusing how or what happened.


Honestly, look at David A and David Cook. David A came in second, yet he was able to get a recording contract and released his own CD, where David Cook only released one song, I think. Anyways even if america got it wrong, theres bound to be someone out there willing to give Adam a deal, and I'm sure we'll see a lot of him in the future.


David cook actually got quite big, sold more albums then David A even, only by like 20,000....since there both were in the 1__000 range selling week.


I dont think Kris will be that successful because the only real successful winner was Kelly Clarkson everyone else fell off after while


Um Carrie underwood??? She's way bigger then clarkson.....on the grand ole opry now! lol


I think this article from the Huffington post about sums it up, Homophobia Wins.




OK WOW....OVER DONE MUCH??? seriously america smarten up is all i can say.


No offense, but it seems like whenever someone or something is gay and it doesn't win, it's always because of homophobia. Just like with the movie, Brokeback Mountain. It did not win an award for best picture or something and suddenly it was because of homophobia. It really tees me off because it seems to make this statement to me: If you don't vote for the gays, then you are homophobic.


There is no proof that if America was not homophobic, Adam would have won. I actually sat down and watched the stupid show, and I think he sucked. I would have voted for Kris over him, and I'm not homophobic in the least.


But either way, I see Adam being more successful in the long run. Talent does not go unrecognized and he'll probably get a record deal.


lol well i didn't relize this at the time till i read all of these posts but we have a gay canadian idol!! :D so cool now that i know that GO CANADA!! lol



You make some good points, Chris. You might say talent is no respecter of sexual orientation. I don't think Kris won because Adam is gay. He won because his performance appealed to more of the people who voted. If religion was the determining factor, the Mormon would have won last year.


Well i don't know how prominant mormanizim is in the states but i do know i was totaly cheering for david A last year!! i want him in my bedroom anyday. lol


B) .......No offense taken!! I watched the whole season, and Adam was way above everyone else. If America was voting on talent, Adam should have won hands down. If it was a pretty face contest, Kris might have edged Adam out. Truth is, if Adam wasn't gay he would have won and we wouldn't be having this discussion. Even Kris knew the truth!!


Well kris knows adam was better yeah but i think alot of the gerneral public these days are not into ROCK anymore. Alot are into pop that's why kelly and Carrie are so successfull there rock/pop/country is totaly in. Adams rock/metal/screamo??/popish may not have workeds...i'm currious to see how albums progress.


Not to sure about that, I do think though some yea some didn't vote for him cause of that, or cause he's out there, both will probably sell records, time will tell.


One thing though Fergie looked out in that dominatrix type uniform :P


Loved Fergie!! and sure i think his theatrics plaied against him but jeez imagine musical theatre without these type of people, myself i think adam will major on broadway then HIT CDs


I personally think that his flamboyant style was what lost Adam the contest, but that is only my opinion. You are right Mike. As of yet, there is no empirical evidence to support that theory. As of yet.


Agreed! as of yet and there never can be, cuz you can't get a vote from every voter. so there could be thousands of reasons for each individual. America in time i hope will come around.


Or we could think about it this way. Assume that Adam Lambert is gay and that factored in to the decision making process of American Idol voters. He still came in 2nd place.


If you dial the clock back 10 years, he probably wouldn't have even gotten the invitation to Hollywood.


Well last year we had Danny Noriega now it's Adam Lambert well i definatly don't know 100% sexualtiy but look at Clay akin, He's gay and is now dropped from his record label....there are definatly alot of homophobs out there in america yet.


personally i think holly wood is pushing to hard. like seriously you got someone like Brad pitt who won't marry jolie cuz he wasnts marriege rights to anyone in america. Gay or Straight. You got the whole majority of movie stars supporting the movie MILK! and of course the cali vote went over badly. So i duno Canada it was done High up and can never be re-opend. Frankly i think that is what America should do! get obama to make a National proposition and then it's over and dealt with, course he's gotta decide for the future because all thos states who said no, now have to what wait ten years and re-vote?? cuz it will change as older traditional people die off.


Cool Canada has a Gay canadian idol who would've guessed!

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OK WOW....OVER DONE MUCH??? seriously america smarten up is all i can say.


Ahhh, no. Quite accurate actually. Besides, America did smarten up, they elected Obama! :D


Though they did put George W in the White House twice!!! :blink:


Jury's out. :P

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Though they did put George W in the White House twice!!! :blink:


And that's just a matter of opinion. And the first time, it was the opinion of the majority of the Supreme Court that counted.


And while I know I'm treading too near the Soapbox territory, it is relevant to this thread to add that the second time was arguably because of homophobia.

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Lambert May Sign Record Deal with 19 Entertainment





Interesting, I thought Sony Entertainment had them all sewn up. Be fasinating to know if there is any truth to this.


B) ..........Very interesting, the article goes on to say;


..........A few well-known musicians have expressed a desire to work with Lambert, including legendary band Queen's guitarist Brian May who has reportedly considered offering Lambert a role as lead singer for the band. Lambert himself has suggested that he would like to work with Slash, the former Guns N' Roses band member who mentored American Idol contestants during Rock Week.

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B) ..........Very interesting, the article goes on to say;


..........A few well-known musicians have expressed a desire to work with Lambert, including legendary band Queen's guitarist Brian May who has reportedly considered offering Lambert a role as lead singer for the band. Lambert himself has suggested that he would like to work with Slash, the former Guns N' Roses band member who mentored American Idol contestants during Rock Week.

Yeah I saw that, but I can't see him wanting to do anything but his own solo album.


What's interesting, it that 19 is owned my Simon Fuller and is NOT part of Sony. I can't see that being right, Sony have first pick on all the artists. Unless something's changed.

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I think he may want to avoid KISS though, if the final was anything to go by. They haven't aged well!! :lol:


B) .............Well you can't blame KISS and Guns n Roses, they need a great singer to revive their careers. :lol:

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I think he may want to avoid KISS though, if the final was anything to go by. They haven't aged well!! :lol:



:o:o BLASPHEMY!!! :o:o



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Ooooooo I quite enjoyed the finale. The performances were great, for once. :P And I fully expected Adam to lose. Without a doubt, he was the better singer, but the demographics just weren't in his favor. All along Kris had the tween girl vote. (A heavy voter demographic, they don't have to pay for the time they spend dialing in their votes over and over and over.) And once Danny Gokey fell out of the competition, the christian vote went from Danny to Kris. Crappy? Sure. But that's life. They prefer Kris' small-town, aww shucks modesty to Adam's San Francisco flare. A lot of people try to make this about homophobia, and I don't buy that they were voting for Kris to spite the gay guy. Sure they prefer Kris, but lets take all speculation of sexually out of it, who do you think a small town voter would be more comfortable with, Kris or Adam?


And either way, I read earlier that Queen was looking into Adam maybe becoming a part of the group. In which case he'd instantly be one rich dude. Although, I can't help but wonder if the production company that Idol stars work with would get in the way of this. If you come in the top 10 on Idol, that production company basically owns your career from then on. You have to agree to that or you can't compete. Still, that's the price of success I suppose.

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America got it sooo wrong!!


I like Kris. He's a nice guy. But we all know Adam is much talented than him. Oh well.


The only reason people know Kris Allen isn't because he won AI, but because he defeated Adam. And Adam is all more in the news because he lost. That guy is always in the news. Lol


Ieshwar (Adam fan!! :wub: )

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America got it sooo wrong!!


I like Kris. He's a nice guy. But we all know Adam is much talented than him. Oh well.


The only reason people know Kris Allen isn't because he won AI, but because he defeated Adam. And Adam is all more in the news because he lost. That guy is always in the news. Lol


Ieshwar (Adam fan!! :wub: )


B) ...........Humm,


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I watched the news this morning and was appalled by it. And now I wonder if Simon is going to do something about it. It's not right what they did!


yeah but come on, it was only a few parties. It wasn't a full scale attempt to change the vote. 2 or 3 parties couldn't have had that much of an affect, and a few of the employees not the company.

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yeah but come on, it was only a few parties. It wasn't a full scale attempt to change the vote. 2 or 3 parties couldn't have had that much of an affect, and a few of the employees not the company.


Well, I'm sticking with Sprint. :P

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yeah but come on, it was only a few parties. It wasn't a full scale attempt to change the vote. 2 or 3 parties couldn't have had that much of an affect, and a few of the employees not the company.


And you believe that?



Well, I'm sticking with Sprint. :P


Not Sprint Mark!! Verizon! I heard Verizon is buying AllHell!

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