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  1. 1. Whats your Fave Mag. to read?

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National Geographic... People... Rolling Stone is what I've subscribed to in the past. I'm not much of a magazine person anymore.. lol.. the Internet has somewhat replaced that.

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National Geographic... People... Rolling Stone is what I've subscribed to in the past. I'm not much of a magazine person anymore.. lol.. the Internet has somewhat replaced that.


B) ............I'm in agreement with Krista, the Internet replaced magazines.

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lol Radio Star!! God that's still one of my favorite songs to dance to.


Eric reads Cosmo? Lol internet has replaced magizines for me, if i want news and that i go check Yahoo or google or youtube.


I read cosmo online though and then get little ideas in my head on how to attract a man yup i'm pathetic. GQ i read when it's some hot guy who i'm fascinated with :) . and then think. Gosh! They have nice clothes!.


Mom reads "Woman's World" lol. I read the headlines on the newstands in the grocery stores. National Enquirer. Laugh at the stupid celebrity drama. Some magizines will have some topic and drag it out for months. People Magizine U.S Weekly *cough* Jon & Kate plus 8 *cough.

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None of those. I read the auto mags (Motor Trend, Car and Driver, and Automobile), Newsweek, Conde Nast (occasionally), The Robb Report, and Consumer Reports.

And don't forget Honcho. :P

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I only had one of those, when I was 19 (so it was well-read). I remember that it had a series on a guy with a big dick in a fire house.


I'm sure those pages were well glued used.


I can't say I subscribe to anything, I pretty much have what I need on the internet. I used to buy Euroboy on a regular basis, very educational! 0:)

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I used to subscribe to National Geographic, but I stopped about a year ago. I never had time to read it. Great pictures and stories.

I purchase Winq -- Global Queer Culture when it comes out, but it seems to be only twice a year. Great stories and photography, lots of fashion ideas. Not that I can afford the featured designers.

I'm planning on buying a subscription to MiLK -- Le magazine de mode enfantine. I have no further comment on this one.


In order to pick a magazine you should think of what you like the most. Pick a topic then a magazine. However, one can never go wrong with National Geographic.

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I subscribe to the New Yorker. I don't get a lot of it read each week, but between the cartoons and what I do read, I find it worth the subscription.

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