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Sex with Strangers


Doing Strangers  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you ever had sex with a stranger?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Maybe... there have been a few times when I've been really drunk...
  2. 2. Would you have sex with a stranger?

    • Yes, but I have not as of yet
    • Yes, and I have done so in the past
    • No, been there done that...
    • No... never have, never will

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B)..........You are absolutely right, my definition of a stranger!! 'Hi, how are you? My name is Benji!, yours?' 'Want a drink?' 'Thanks Chris, I'll take a beer' 'Yep, I've come here a few times, and you?' 'No, actually I was raised here in Vegas, but I did most of my high school in San Diego' 'Really? No, I try to stay away from the strip, but I have seen a lot of shows too!' 'Sounds good, this place will close up soon, do we need to bring anything back to your place?' Hey Chris, is there going to be any problems with your roommate?, cause I can leave you know, I don't want any problems either? ...................f**k, last night was great...here is my number give me a call ok? You too! maybe we can hook up again real soon? Ok, see ya Chris!!


I'm pretty sure I didn't miss much of the '70's and '80s!! Except, we did not practice safe sex, we had mulitiple partners and basically did it anywhere we could out of sight! Yep, that would qualify as 'strangers' B)



you just described my definition of a relationship in the 80's...;:2thumbs:

my definition of a stranger: no names exchanged, afterward no acknowledgment of mutual existence, just clean up after yourselves...which made it really weird, when the number would turn up at a dinner party and we're all like..."don't I know you from somewhere..."..."no must be mistaken, oh, have you met my wife..."


"the winds of change are gonna blow"

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.........You are absolutely right, my definition of a stranger!! 'Hi,how are you? My name is Benji!, yours?' 'Want a drink?' 'Thanks Chris,I'll take a beer' 'Yep, I've come here a few times, and you?' 'No,actually I was raised here in Vegas, but I did most of my high schoolin San Diego' 'Really? No, I try to stay away from the strip, but Ihave seen a lot of shows too!' 'Sounds good, this place will close upsoon, do we need to bring anything back to your place?' Hey Chris, isthere going to be any problems with your roommate?, cause I can leaveyou know, I don't want any problems either? ...................f**k,last night was great...here is my number give me a call ok? You too!maybe we can hook up again real soon? Ok, see ya Chris!!


I read it about six times and still trying to sort out where I want to burst out laughing or make this face " :o "

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I read it about six times and still trying to sort out where I want to burst out laughing or make this face " :o "


B)............For G_d's sake do both!!! I certainly did!! :lmao: Sign of the times, sign of the times!!

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Actually, this is my point (such as it is). When polls like this go up, suddenly all the gay guys are pure as the driven snow who never f**ked around until they found their true love. They answer "no" to whether they had, or would, have sex with a stranger. I'm not saying those guys aren't out there, I'm just observing that there certainly aren't as many as this poll would have us believe.


In your situation Aik, you did your stint, right? You're pure and happy now, but it wasn't always so?


For guys like James and I, we were never pure, and probably never will be.


I prefer the term clandestine, but in a classy way, with suits and ties. Kind of like the way Xeran looks at my profile.

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Different people have very different attitudes to sex, especially sex with strangers...


I have a friend (yes, really! strange but true) who had very religious parents and who went to a religious school. As he grew up he was brainwashed to believe that all sex (including heterosexual) was disgusting and dirty, so should only be tolerated in marriage and only then when it was intended to try to conceive.


Now, many years after he left home, he knows intellectually that sex isn't dirty and disgusting, but deep-down, subconsciously and emotionally he can't shake off the feeling that it certainly isn't 'nice'. Of course, he still has a sex drive but because of the ingrained attitudes, his most satisfying sex is only with strangers. After all, if he really likes and respects someone, how could he do something dirty and disgusting with them?



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his most satisfying sex is only with strangers. After all, if he really likes and respects someone, how could he do something dirty and disgusting with them?



It sounds like a bad joke but why would I like anyone that would want to have sex with me? This is a common attitude that you'll find among hard core cruisers.


People get all sorts of sexual hang ups, especially after they've been told they are an evil abomination in the eyes of God from an early age. That's mild- living in the South, I've seen some really f**ked up head cases. Self esteem is easily destroyed and can only be restored up to a point.


One of the cruising areas south of Jackson is named "Missionary Hill" after an old Queen that hung out there during the seventies and eighties that would "share his witness with you" (proselytize) and then try to get in your pants.


Me, I go to a club, pick out the best looking guy there and f**k them. If it doesn't work out, so what? Nothing ventured, nothing gained. It has the added advantage of not having to listen to their shit the next morning. After a long string of lying, manipulative, self-serving bastards, to me that's the best part.




There actually is an old joke that goes:


Sex is dirty, disgusting and gross and should only be performed with someone that you love.

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Actually, this is my point (such as it is). When polls like this go up, suddenly all the gay guys are pure as the driven snow who never f**ked around until they found their true love. They answer "no" to whether they had, or would, have sex with a stranger. I'm not saying those guys aren't out there, I'm just observing that there certainly aren't as many as this poll would have us believe.


In your situation Aik, you did your stint, right? You're pure and happy now, but it wasn't always so?


For guys like James and I, we were never pure, and probably never will be.



I would never consider myself pure. I don't think anyone could ever consider himself/herself pure, especially in the sex department which is so often considered extremelly not pure by repressive societies who often can't even bear the thought of a naked human being without twitching their nose.


I've never had sex with a stranger and though I find the thought extremelly arousing and intense I don't think I'll ever be able to. The fear of a disease is too much even if we used a lot of condoms. Plus you never know if the guy will decide to have his way with you after it. The risks are just too many.


Plus I'm extremelly happy in my relationship and after experiencing having sex with someone I trully love I don't know if I could jump fron this to a one night stand with a guy that means nothing to me.

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