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Radar detectors


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I started looking online for radar detectors because I really want to invest in one, and soon! I only got one speeding ticket last summer, but now that I commute a lot more for work, driving on major highways or other times little side streets, you never know where they may be lurking and hiding. I do try to go with the flow of traffic and stay with them, but sometimes if they have their eye on you, even if you're only going ten over the limit and someone else is going twenty, they pick you just because you were the last in the line-up. Pure luck of the draw.


I'm tight on funds, have to help my parents with their finances and a recent hospital bill, so if I can save money on a ticket and those hideous insurance points, I want get something to help me. I'm sure it may not work ALL the time, but it's the safety net, peace of mind that I really want more than anything.


Having said that, any suggestions? Do you guys have one yourself? Do you know someone that does? Any good brands or models that you know and like?


I read up on quite a few already; the V-1, Escort Passport, Whistler, etc, but the reviews are endless and sometimes I don't know what to believe anymore. I'd much rather discuss it with someone here, perhaps you can give better and more in-depth advice or tips.

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I had a couple friends up at school with them, they drove sports cars (Porsche and some sup'd up BMW) and they worked cool when we were driving them. I don't know much about them but I'm sure you can get them. I know that grocery stores set the off because of the frequency the scanners within give off and retail stores. This is what I heard. Here in California if you are pulled over and found with one that is an extra fine and stuff like that.


But all in all they are worth it and I think they work pretty well. Personally, I just try to make myself aware if I am driving maybe 30 over the speed limit. To see if I can spot cops and such before hand. I've only been pulled over once for speeding and I was speeding, going maybe 120 back from San Diego at 4 in the morning. He gave me a warning apparently with his speaker (on the freeway with rushing wind, brilliant idea) then finally pulled me over and yelled at me. =( Usually if you stay near another car, it can't pick up both readings. I read that from an article. Also, now at least CHP (california highway patrol) is doing crazy shit. I know on the way to Vegas they have helicopters/planes that spot you out from above then radio down and then you get pulled over my four black unmarked chargers and you're screwed. Benji might know that.


There are a billion ways they can get you now, so maybe saving your money for something else and just driving a little slower might be better than risking a ticket. Those things make weird noises and freak out at any frequency it catches.


And you're a girl who drives fast, thats hot.

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I had a couple friends up at school with them, they drove sports cars (Porsche and some sup'd up BMW) and they worked cool when we were driving them. I don't know much about them but I'm sure you can get them. I know that grocery stores set the off because of the frequency the scanners within give off and retail stores. This is what I heard. Here in California if you are pulled over and found with one that is an extra fine and stuff like that.


But all in all they are worth it and I think they work pretty well. Personally, I just try to make myself aware if I am driving maybe 30 over the speed limit. To see if I can spot cops and such before hand. I've only been pulled over once for speeding and I was speeding, going maybe 120 back from San Diego at 4 in the morning. He gave me a warning apparently with his speaker (on the freeway with rushing wind, brilliant idea) then finally pulled me over and yelled at me. =( Usually if you stay near another car, it can't pick up both readings. I read that from an article. Also, now at least CHP (california highway patrol) is doing crazy shit. I know on the way to Vegas they have helicopters/planes that spot you out from above then radio down and then you get pulled over my four black unmarked chargers and you're screwed. Benji might know that.


There are a billion ways they can get you now, so maybe saving your money for something else and just driving a little slower might be better than risking a ticket. Those things make weird noises and freak out at any frequency it catches.


And you're a girl who drives fast, thats hot.


Thanks for the info! I've read info. about that and yeah, they pick up a lot of false signals. There's one model that recognizes a false and by the third or so time, it won't beep anymore. And others have the locations of cameras. There's quite a bit of those in Manhattan. A lot of times I'm trying to make the light, but gridlock is so bad that I don't always quite manage it and I see flashes and not sure which direction it came from. We get more camera and regular patrol than that intense helicopter stuff. That's like army insane, lol.


I try to be aware, but there's always that one day when your eyes didn't roll in the right direction, and you're f**ked. Side streets and no cars are the absolute worst because these guys hide behind houses, trees, bushes, parked cars--you name it!


I'll take the annoying noises if it will save me from the crawlers, aka cops. I already have 4 points, don't need anymore before I hit 25.


I may be more aggressive and intense compared to other girls, though I never really gave it much thought. My good friend and fellow GA member, Meeko, can attest to that. I drove his car on the freeway in Hawaii and got an earful from him.

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Hehe. Yeah... I'm of the fast and furious type too... and have the points of my license to prove it. *sigh* I hate speed cameras.

LOL, fast and furious types, good phrase. Now all we need is the soundtrack from the movie!


I took a defensive driving course to reduce the points or insurance. I can go again in two years, I think? It was a good class actually, taught by a really cool detective.


I don't want anymore points though! I'd be willing to buy all kinds of products and hardwire it into my car, but I'm not really tech savvy.

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I'm tight on funds, have to help my parents with their finances and a recent hospital bill, so if I can save money on a ticket and those hideous insurance points, I want get something to help me.

You won't like this idea, but it could save you a lot of money. Don't buy a radar detector and don't speed. My experience, which includes a little driving in New York, is that you can go up to fives miles per hour over the limit and you won't be stopped.


Happy driving!



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You won't like this idea, but it could save you a lot of money. Don't buy a radar detector and don't speed. My experience, which includes a little driving in New York, is that you can go up to fives miles per hour over the limit and you won't be stopped.


Happy driving!



Valid point, MikeL. I've got one I haven't used in a couple of years now. Didn't really need it. I normally use cruise control on the hi-way and set it for 5 mph over the posted limit and I haven't been stopped yet.


A lot of the construction zones where they use those orange and black light signs have a radar unit installed on them that will set the detectors off. That's nice. As your driving along, you tend to not have your mind on the road completely. The beeping detector going off, brings you back to reality, even the false alarms.

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You won't like this idea, but it could save you a lot of money. Don't buy a radar detector and don't speed. My experience, which includes a little driving in New York, is that you can go up to fives miles per hour over the limit and you won't be stopped.


Lol, so far I've been doing that or going with the flow of traffic. Personally, I think it really depends on your luck that day. A cop could get you for five-ten over if they want. It's up to them and how much they want to give a ticket or if they need to meet a quota.


I may not even buy one either. So far, just researching options is all.

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A lot of the construction zones where they use those orange and black light signs have a radar unit installed on them that will set the detectors off. That's nice. As your driving along, you tend to not have your mind on the road completely. The beeping detector going off, brings you back to reality, even the false alarms.



In all reality. You can be pulled over for going 1 mph over the posted limit. But most Law Enforcement give that 5 mph grace.

You're right about both. I try not to zone out when driving, but early in the morning or when it's really cold, you can't help it at times. The beeping would definitely jolt you into paying attention once again, having your alert up.


True, they can get you for one over. Thus far, in my experiences, they do give a lot of grace. Although on the parkways and such, where everyone is going 80-100, I'm not sure how they choose.

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The good: some models work against radar and the newer laser based systems in use by police. If you buy one, you'll want one that can detect X, K, Ka/super-wide Ka, Ku and instant-pop band radars, has 360 degree laser detection and can detect multiple threats. The newest generation of radar detectors are microprocessor controlled and are very smart. They can "read" the same electronic safety codes that emergency vehicles use (like "Road Hazard", "Emergency Vehicle" or "Train Approaching" alert is displayed in reaction). Another smart feature is that some can learn about recurring false positives and can remember them.


The bad: many detectors will cause false positives based on common systems in use on or near roadways like automatic doors and highway department laser scanners.


The ugly: some cops that see that you have a radar detector will give you as much grief as they can get away with. Sometimes a simple speeding ticket will become speeding + reckless driving + whatever else he can think of to screw you. Your insurance can go up or be canceled.


A very good radar detector can be had for under $200. Anything more expensive has probably got bells and whistles that you don't need.


This buyers guide can help you sort through it.


Something relatively new is a combination device that puts a GPS navigation system and a radar detector in the same box. They are worth a look not just because they can kill two birds with one stone. Not even the most hard-ass cop will hold having a GPS navigation system against you.

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There are legal issues with them. In some states, they're allowed. In some other, they aren't. Sometimes it is even illegal to keep it in your car trunk. If they see it, they'll seize it, and fine you a lot. Make sure you look at the laws before driving around with it... including interstate travels (and don't even think about driving around with it in Canada).




I cannot give you any advices because I only lived in places where it is completely forbidden (Quebec).


Most usual advice that just slow down around exit ramps and emergency paths connecting between the highways (especially if hidden by a patch of forest)... you will always see them with a sign. Cops love to hide at the emergency paths. When I lived in Pennsylvania, it gets easier because it's completely illegal for any cops other than the state police to use radar guns and the state police could only use that on interstates and state highways only.


I usually get caught when I'm close to 75, but the police always let me go. The grace is 5-10 mph in my experience, but don't push your luck beyond 10 mph.


Honestly, I do not see a point of speeding up to 90-100 mph just to save you a few minutes to get from point A to point B if just 10 miles away. It would make sense for me to go at 120 km/h instead of posted 100 km/h on a 800 km trip because it would take me only 6.6 hours at 120 instead of 8 hours at 100. It's a bitch to drive on Canadian highways at 100 km/h as (almost) nationwide speed limit. Not much civilization between highways... or even almost none for a half of day.




My personal record is 107 mph. Nearly blew the engine out out of my 1991 Buick Regal, but the car computer cut off the gas then. I can't wait to drive in Germany someday. :P

Edited by Jack Frost
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Tiff you speed demon.. :o don't buy a radar just use your boobies.. :P


I've wanted a radar detector, but decided they were more trouble than they're worth, like James said, cops give people a difficult time when they see that you have one in the car. It will definitely get you a speeding ticket if you're stopped, where a warning could have been a result if you didn't have one. :P


Mostly in high congestion zones you will find your Cops... so go with the flow of traffic in those areas... (That's probably every area in NY :P) I know when I visited NY a while ago the traffic was crawling... and that just gives me road rage really.. I like going fast. I live in Ky though and Cops are few and far between so I can get away with speeding really easy and can usually see Cops well before they see me coming so I have time to slow down. 0:) And of course knowing the traffic court people helps.. (Small towns do have their plus sides)

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They are illegal in Virginia so I have a CB. All the truckers know where the "Candy Wrappers" are at even if on the side streets. But anyway, since I'm usually with my daughter I don't speed too much.

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There are legal issues with them. In some states, they're allowed. In some other, they aren't. Sometimes it is even illegal to keep it in your car trunk. If they see it, they'll seize it, and fine you a lot. Make sure you look at the laws before driving around with it... including interstate travels (and don't even think about driving around with it in Canada).




I cannot give you any advices because I only lived in places where it is completely forbidden (Quebec).


Most usual advice that just slow down around exit ramps and emergency paths connecting between the highways (especially if hidden by a patch of forest)... you will always see them with a sign. Cops love to hide at the emergency paths. When I lived in Pennsylvania, it gets easier because it's completely illegal for any cops other than the state police to use radar guns and the state police could only use that on interstates and state highways only.


I usually get caught when I'm close to 75, but the police always let me go. The grace is 5-10 mph in my experience, but don't push your luck beyond 10 mph.


Honestly, I do not see a point of speeding up to 90-100 mph just to save you a few minutes to get from point A to point B if just 10 miles away. It would make sense for me to go at 120 km/h instead of posted 100 km/h on a 800 km trip because it would take me only 6.6 hours at 120 instead of 8 hours at 100. It's a bitch to drive on Canadian highways at 100 km/h as (almost) nationwide speed limit. Not much civilization between highways... or even almost none for a half of day.




My personal record is 107 mph. Nearly blew the engine out out of my 1991 Buick Regal, but the car computer cut off the gas then. I can't wait to drive in Germany someday. tongue.gif



My personal record is 120 and I'mnot proud of it. It was the first time I ever had a brand new car and I was just power crazy. It was a long empty stretch of road early in the morning and I didn't even notice I was going that fast because of the change from driving stupid old wrecks to having a fabulous new bitch under me. I was on my way to the first day of a new job and I was being a complete ass. I don't recommend it to anyone and it scared the shit out of me when I noticed. 90 - 100 is common place for me on motorways especially on long journeys and I have to specifically concentrate to keep the speed under 80. I have been caught speeding 4 times so far but not recently so I must be slowing down in my old age. :)

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The good: some models work against radar and the newer laser based systems in use by police. If you buy one, you'll want one that can detect X, K, Ka/super-wide Ka, Ku and instant-pop band radars, has 360 degree laser detection and can detect multiple threats. The newest generation of radar detectors are microprocessor controlled and are very smart. They can "read" the same electronic safety codes that emergency vehicles use (like "Road Hazard", "Emergency Vehicle" or "Train Approaching" alert is displayed in reaction). Another smart feature is that some can learn about recurring false positives and can remember them.


The bad: many detectors will cause false positives based on common systems in use on or near roadways like automatic doors and highway department laser scanners.


The ugly: some cops that see that you have a radar detector will give you as much grief as they can get away with. Sometimes a simple speeding ticket will become speeding + reckless driving + whatever else he can think of to screw you. Your insurance can go up or be canceled.


A very good radar detector can be had for under $200. Anything more expensive has probably got bells and whistles that you don't need.


This buyers guide can help you sort through it.


Something relatively new is a combination device that puts a GPS navigation system and a radar detector in the same box. They are worth a look not just because they can kill two birds with one stone. Not even the most hard-ass cop will hold having a GPS navigation system against you.

Thanks for all the advice. I'll check the buyers guide and keep up with the research until I'm ready to buy.


My personal record is 107 mph. Nearly blew the engine out out of my 1991 Buick Regal, but the car computer cut off the gas then. I can't wait to drive in Germany someday. :P

I've never gone over 100 before. That was my max. And I don't think my car could handle it at all, it's an old integra. I'm with you on driving in Germany someday. That's the dream.


Tiff you speed demon.. :o don't buy a radar just use your boobies.. :P


I've wanted a radar detector, but decided they were more trouble than they're worth, like James said, cops give people a difficult time when they see that you have one in the car. It will definitely get you a speeding ticket if you're stopped, where a warning could have been a result if you didn't have one. :P

Krista, do YOU use your boobs? lol, and you try to come off so innocent. Psh, who would buy that act?


There are pros and cons. I agree with you and James; cops would give anyone a hard time if they spotted that. I'd try to stash it in the dashboard so it's not obvious. I think that's what my sister's bf does.


Bleh...law enforcement. Such cat and mouse games.

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On the 5mph limit issue, the Australian Standard for car speedometers only requires that they be accurate to 10%. In other words, if the speedo says you're doing 100kph, you could be going as fast as 110kph, or as slow as 90kph.


I suspect the same is true in the USA. Speedometers are not highly accurate. That 5mph limit is largely there to compensate for that fact. But that's a courtesy -- as has been said, they can fine you for doing 1mph over the limit. Of course, the radar guns also have a tolerance, so if they reported you for doing 1mph over the limit challenge it in court -- the radar gun tolerance will be higher than that.


That's why Australian speeding fines have something like: Observed speed 68kph. Charged speed 65kph


The 3kph difference in observed vs charged is to take into account the tolerance of the radar gun and to prevent anyone challenging them on that basis.

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In the US the best defense is a good offense...most of the radar guns have to be calibrated daily, even the newer models--don't know if it's true or not, I've only heard this--and the officer in the car is required to know how to do this calibration. Problem is, most of the time, the calibration kit isn't in the car, nor is it in the possession of the officer.

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my old age.

M'luv, you're not old. You got like 30-40 years left in you. You're just in the middle.


Of course, barring any unexpected events. :)




But I got to agree with you. When I find myself driving an almost-brand-new car, it is a little hard not to get carried away for fifteen seconds and suddenly find yourself going at 70 on a 55 mph limit. They're so smooth to drive... which is a shift from me being used to driving cars around five years old or more.

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Hey Tiff,


I had a Escort Passport until my unfortunate day in June sad.gif , when it went to the auto wreckers with my car.


A lot of good comments here about the pros and cons of them.


First and foremost would be finding out if they are legal or illegal in your state and any surrounding ones that you may travel. Fines in excess of the detector would definitely hurt the pocket book.


With my Passport, yes it would detect any automatic doors on the grocery stores, malls, etc. Also, some houses have alarm systems that will trigger off the K band on the detector. They great thing about the more expensive ones is that they recognize them as being that and give one loud beep and then just flash after with no sound. When they do pick up radar they will increase they amount of beeps as you approach closer.


One thing I always tell people who are considering buying one is that in most cases now, if the laser detector goes off, it means you are caught. Lasar does not have flak like radar, so if the cops are using the laser on another car in front of you, you will not know about it.


Where they do become very helpful in my experience is when driving the highways/freeways and moving cops are using bursts of radar to randomly check for speed. My detector could in certain cases detect up to five kms/ three miles away. Another great feature about them is they also will tell you when a cop is behind you.


Photo Radar sucks cause the beam is going out in front of the camera and you don't get any warning until you are basically in the cameras view.


I guess I have mainly given the disadvantages, but probably the biggest pro to having one is that cops will tend to go more lenient on you if you pull over right away so they don't have to turn around and chase you down for five minutes. I personally have gotten warning tickets instead of actual fines six times now. Considering that tickets for over 10 km/h up here start at $120 and 20 goes to $200, I'll take the warnings every day biggrin.gif .


Jack, FYI...B.C., Alberta and most of the northwestern US states detectors are legal and are widely used.


Hope that this doesn't muddy the waters on your decision Tiff.


Steve cool.gif

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Hey Tiff,


I had a Escort Passport until my unfortunate day in June sad.gif , when it went to the auto wreckers with my car.


A lot of good comments here about the pros and cons of them.


First and foremost would be finding out if they are legal or illegal in your state and any surrounding ones that you may travel. Fines in excess of the detector would definitely hurt the pocket book.


With my Passport, yes it would detect any automatic doors on the grocery stores, malls, etc. Also, some houses have alarm systems that will trigger off the K band on the detector. They great thing about the more expensive ones is that they recognize them as being that and give one loud beep and then just flash after with no sound. When they do pick up radar they will increase they amount of beeps as you approach closer.


One thing I always tell people who are considering buying one is that in most cases now, if the laser detector goes off, it means you are caught. Lasar does not have flak like radar, so if the cops are using the laser on another car in front of you, you will not know about it.


Where they do become very helpful in my experience is when driving the highways/freeways and moving cops are using bursts of radar to randomly check for speed. My detector could in certain cases detect up to five kms/ three miles away. Another great feature about them is they also will tell you when a cop is behind you.


Photo Radar sucks cause the beam is going out in front of the camera and you don't get any warning until you are basically in the cameras view.


I guess I have mainly given the disadvantages, but probably the biggest pro to having one is that cops will tend to go more lenient on you if you pull over right away so they don't have to turn around and chase you down for five minutes. I personally have gotten warning tickets instead of actual fines six times now. Considering that tickets for over 10 km/h up here start at $120 and 20 goes to $200, I'll take the warnings every day biggrin.gif .


Jack, FYI...B.C., Alberta and most of the northwestern US states detectors are legal and are widely used.


Hope that this doesn't muddy the waters on your decision Tiff.


Steve cool.gif


Thank Steve! This actually helps a lot. I spent most of time reading the reviews for the Escort Passport. Most were good, but the amount of reviews and information were just overwhelming, hence I came here to ask some questions.


There are pros and cons for sure, but nothing is perfect. If I can have a little help--especially on those highway/parkway driving like you mentioned--I'll take it. I saw about 6 in total on the parkway today and I was a little nervous, but kept pace with all the other cars.


You're really lucky that you got warnings instead of tickets. I don't think the cops here are that generous, least for a moving violation, whether they chase your down for a mile or not. And no one cares about the tickets so much as the insurance points. Four points stays on for several years and having to pay that increased total every year is the kicker.


Thanks again!

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Since NY State borders Quebec (which Jack covered ) and my province of Ontario, I'll reinforce Jack's warning... if you are planning to drive up north, leave it at home. The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) detachments along the border crossings have cars with radar detector detector units and are very strict about enforcement. It's illegal to possess them in Ontario (which means they confiscate & destroy them if found) and it's a pretty hefty fine plus demerit points if the state where you live has a reciprocal agreement.


Ontario isn't as "generous" as Quebec when it comes to exceeding the limit but under 120 KPH on the highways (100 km\hour), they'll never pull you over. Another warning about Ontario is the police LOVE to use the Street Racing law. Basically, you get tagged doing 50 KM\hour over the posted limit, they automatically suspend your licence for 7 days + impound your car for 7 days. You even have to go before a judge to explain why you should be allowed to get your licence back pending your trial.


Good luck with your search!




BTW, the fastest I've ever taken my car (Acura RSX) was on a trip to the east coast on a very straight highway through a wilderness preserve... I took it up to 180KM\hour before the fear of a deer stepping out of the woods overtook my need for speed. :wacko:

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