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[DomLuka] All I Want For Christmas

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Now I will not try and be so noble as to say that when I first decided to start this post (about 5 minutes ago), that it was to ask everyone to announce what they were happy about in their lives. What they wanted for the Holidays (weither you celebrate Christmas, Hanni aka, or any other end of the year holiday), it was perhaps to try and inspire a certain writer to post another story (you know who I am talking about), but here we go, let's hear what you guys want for the holidays. It doesn't have to necessarily be what you want, but can be what you want to give to someone else also.


My personal wish is that everyone one have a safe and prosperous holiday. I hope that you are surrounded by those that you love and that you love in return, even if you feel like ripping their blipping heads off half the time!! I hope that you have true reflections on the previous year, and you find that you have laughed, cried, and most of all lived to your fullest potential for 2009, no matter where you are. With hopes and good will that you will continue to do just that in the years to come. (Oh and also I do wish another chapter in any story from Dom, preferably WT...even if you don't best holiday wishes to you all and to you Domluka)



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I have some wishes that are bigger than the one I will speak of here, but this is my most important indulgent wish. I wish for Dom to complete "In The Fishbowl," and then get to work on "With Trust." I wish for Dom to make it his New Year's resolution to get back into writing! We love you Dom and we MISS you! Merry Christmas!

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I have some wishes that are bigger than the one I will speak of here, but this is my most important indulgent wish. I wish for Dom to complete "In The Fishbowl," and then get to work on "With Trust." I wish for Dom to make it his New Year's resolution to get back into writing! We love you Dom and we MISS you! Merry Christmas!


I vote for WT next. I believe it will rival DD for his best story.



Edited by Marco
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Hrm.... Wishes... For ITFB to be finished, along with WT and then Hello Stupid. Then more of the new one in premium. But, out of all of those, I definitely wish for WT.


But, above all else, I wish for Dom and everyone else to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I also hope everyone stays safe..


Third, I wish the holidays would end. I'm not sure I can stomach much more of hanging out with my family. Bleh..



~The Linch of Xmas.

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Thanks for reminding me of that one. I thought it was great, but it hadn't occurred to me to reread it for the holidays this year.


I'll read it tomorrow. Maybe that will become one of my holiday traditions (if I don't forget about it again).



It's definitely a feel good classic to read during the holiday season!

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