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Cell Phones


23 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you have a cell phone?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Its a smartphone! Geez!
  2. 2. Is it a necessity?

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So, I was reading Sam's (Bugeye) thread about jeans no pockets and it seems everyones response involved a cell phone. The good ol' cellular device. Do you think cell phones are a necessity? What do you use yours for? Do you think that world is getting a little extra with cell phones? (i.e. sexting, bluetooth, internet, blackberry, camera phones, music etc.)

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You asked if having a cell phone is a necessity. I don't think it is, but I voted 'yes' because it has become one over the years. You always miss it if you forget it or run out of battery. Plus it's very useful in an emergency (when you have signal, of course). I have one and carry it around everywhere I go because you never know when it's needed. As far as music, internet etc go, I use none of them. My phone is for talking, texting and, lately, a watch because mine needs a new battery =P





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I keep hoping someone will invent nipple ring phones. So then everyone could wear no pocket jeans.


Remember in Star Trek, the back pocket communicator was replaced with the pin on the chest.

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So, I was reading Sam's (Bugeye) thread about jeans no pockets and it seems everyones response involved a cell phone. The good ol' cellular device. Do you think cell phones are a necessity? What do you use yours for? Do you think that world is getting a little extra with cell phones? (i.e. sexting, bluetooth, internet, blackberry, camera phones, music etc.)

Are cell phones a necessity? An equally pertinent question: Are jeans a necessity? :P


I almost never put my cell phone in a pocket...pants or shirt. I use a holster or leather case that attaches to the belt. That makes it much easier to get at the phone when it rings. If I had it in the front pocket of my jeans, I would have to stand up to get it out. My cell phone is just for calls. If you have something really fancy - some kind of smart phone - wouldn't you want it out where people could see how sophisticated you are? Of course, if you are one of those people who talk all the time, storage is a moot point.

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I got this hideous "Cell Phone Wallet" as a blow off gift from my sister. It's basically like a purse with a front compartment for a cell phone. If I'm wearing it, it's because I'm dead and someone is playing a cruel joke on me by putting it on me in the casket.

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I have an enV Touch. I use it for calls, text messaging, picture messaging, and emails primarily. I used to use for AIM on the go, until that mysteriously stopped working. I can't live without it, as I feel that is needed for when people need to reach me at a moments notices, as opposed to waiting all day for me to return home. I spend upwards of 12 hours per day at school sometimes, and there is NO other way for people to reach me while I am there, short of going there and arranging a search party (school encompasses about three towns).


I want the DROID. Not the cheap HTC knock-off, the real deal by Motorola. Blows the iPhone out of the water... like, puts its thumb to its nose and says "NEENER NEENER NEENER!!" Once it has an app for starting a car by voice prompts, I will install a remote starter on my car and get the DROID. Then I can be like the russian guy in 2012 and say, "Engine... Start!" hehe


My sister just upgraded from her Voyager to the DROID... I'm plotting her death.

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I have an enV Touch. I use it for calls, text messaging, picture messaging, and emails primarily. I used to use for AIM on the go, until that mysteriously stopped working. I can't live without it, as I feel that is needed for when people need to reach me at a moments notices, as opposed to waiting all day for me to return home. I spend upwards of 12 hours per day at school sometimes, and there is NO other way for people to reach me while I am there, short of going there and arranging a search party (school encompasses about three towns).


I want the DROID. Not the cheap HTC knock-off, the real deal by Motorola. Blows the iPhone out of the water... like, puts its thumb to its nose and says "NEENER NEENER NEENER!!" Once it has an app for starting a car by voice prompts, I will install a remote starter on my car and get the DROID. Then I can be like the russian guy in 2012 and say, "Engine... Start!" hehe


My sister just upgraded from her Voyager to the DROID... I'm plotting her death.


Ok, guys apparently if my sources are correct the iPhone is coming to Verizon Wireless, shortly... :2thumbs:

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I have a phone... sometimes...when I don't lose it....


So rarely if ever? :P



I have the Rant, it's like the non-shitty version of the Rumor. Here's why. *throws at wall* See it's still intact! :P but ya, it's become a necessity in today's society, not so much because we've become dependent on them but more because we require direct communication a lot more than we did say 100 years ago.



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I can no longer survive without my iPhone. It's become a part of my life, and there is no way I can function on a daily basis without it. Aside from phone/text usage, it's also my alarm clock in the morning, iPod for music, camera, calendar to keep track of shit, watch for time, and timer for sports. I also regularly check my email, stocks, weather, news, Facebook, and JPM Chase let's me manage my accounts on there too.


If it breaks, I'll die.

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It's great to have a mobile, yes, but I think those who say it's a necessity need to be without one for a while... because that's an addiction. :P I'm not counting those whose boss demands that they always have a mobile with them, but everyone else, yes.

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