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I got my first 'Hate Mail' today! Wow!

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Dear Sammy and Writeincode,


Wheels within wheels!


In a slightly spooky development, I unexpectedly discovered the aforementioned ranter (who initially emailed me with their strong opinions) on my own Facebook page!


I call it spooky, because that almost exactly mirrors a development in the actual story (An English Teen, Circumcised in the USA), where Luke also unexpectedly encounters someone that way. It's in a chapter shortly to be published, so I won't say anymore, other than (in my own case) the individual, who we shall just call Sammy, unexpectedly appeared in my own Friends of Friends list. The 'you may know this person because they are a friend of someone else already on your list' thing. Now what are the chances of that?


It's a bit like a good mystery story unfolding! But, actually, the chances were not that slim, because I assume that Sammy (who, of course, has to be a regular on GA to have read the tale in the first place - and is probably reading this thread too) is Facebook friends with someone from our community who has already linked with my page. For those who don't use Facebook (Neph), sorry if that sounds complicated!


All I can say to the two of you - we're only at the second chapter. You both seem extremely keen on the mothersagaincirc website, and have both taken pains to point me to that place. And you both clearly have some strong feelings! Nothing wrong with that! All I ask is that you give the story a chance before you slate it - and it's theme threads - too much further.




We both referenced that site? That is spooky! It is a good site though. I am still yet to read your story so i don't even know what opinion you're going to put forth so mine was just a general response to the circumcision thingy being brought up in a forum (and I'll take any opportunity to rant about anything that I'm strongly opinionated about :P )


And your story has that storyline within it? Weeeirrdd... Maybe they did it just to create an ironic situation.


Hey!!! I have a Facebook account. Just because I don't understand it doesn't mean I don't enyoy it... and I certainly enjoyed Luke's tongue.gif

I'm ADDICTED to facebook! Farmville anyone? It's so embarrassing :*)

Edited by writeincode
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Just read the story (English Teen Circumcised in USA after getting screwed into having to come to Atlanta). (Just kidding. I love Atlanta. As long as someone else is driving. Preferrably someone with NASCAR training. Who is driving a tank. With operational weapons.)


First, the story: superb. Excellent mix of medical stuff, interpersonal relationships, and unique perspective on teen angst. Also kind of sexy. I'm looking forward to more.


Second, the issue. Having come in late on the circumcision conversation, there may be nothing new to say. I do recall (from history, not personal experience) that whether or not gentiles converted to Christianity had to first become Jewish and, therefore if male, be circumcised, was a significant issue for the early Christian movement. The Apostle Paul, who set himself up as the first Church Lawyer, argued not. He was, however, a Hellenic Jew, and perhaps that affected his opinion. Circumcision was not a Greek custom. This was a serious and rather emotional debate, and resulted in the persecution of Christians by the Romans. Under Roman law, Jews living in the empire around this time enjoyed a somewhat protected status; they did not, for example, have to acknowledge the divinity of the emperor. When the new Christian movement became too far separated from its Jewish roots, its members became a non-protected minority. When they refused to venerate the emperor, they got fed to the lions. (A simple description of a much more complicated situation, but illustrative, I hope.)


Third, "rant mail." Congratulations! It meant that your writing affected someone strongly. Perhaps not the way you wanted, but strongly. And that's one mark of a great author. (I've never gotten a rant. Anyone? Please?

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I'm a big fan of your story. I guess you can't please everyone. Although, if you continue to get the hate mail i would declare war!2handed.gif Okay so maybe you should go that far. Good luck though!

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Just read the story (English Teen Circumcised in USA after getting screwed into having to come to Atlanta). (Just kidding. I love Atlanta. As long as someone else is driving. Preferrably someone with NASCAR training. Who is driving a tank. With operational weapons.)


First, the story: superb. Excellent mix of medical stuff, interpersonal relationships, and unique perspective on teen angst. Also kind of sexy. I'm looking forward to more.


Second, the issue. Having come in late on the circumcision conversation, there may be nothing new to say. I do recall (from history, not personal experience) that whether or not gentiles converted to Christianity had to first become Jewish and, therefore if male, be circumcised, was a significant issue for the early Christian movement. The Apostle Paul, who set himself up as the first Church Lawyer, argued not. He was, however, a Hellenic Jew, and perhaps that affected his opinion. Circumcision was not a Greek custom. This was a serious and rather emotional debate, and resulted in the persecution of Christians by the Romans. Under Roman law, Jews living in the empire around this time enjoyed a somewhat protected status; they did not, for example, have to acknowledge the divinity of the emperor. When the new Christian movement became too far separated from its Jewish roots, its members became a non-protected minority. When they refused to venerate the emperor, they got fed to the lions. (A simple description of a much more complicated situation, but illustrative, I hope.)


Third, "rant mail." Congratulations! It meant that your writing affected someone strongly. Perhaps not the way you wanted, but strongly. And that's one mark of a great author. (I've never gotten a rant. Anyone? Please?


Hi David,

I think that what many don't realise is that the religious/cultural practice of circumcision (seen both in Jewish and Muslim peoples) probably originally stems from some very basic healthcare practices. In hot dry climates, where water for washing was scarce, circumcision became a practice that would facilitate better cleanliness in those settings. Even in the old testament, much of early Jewish Law was of this nature, and was set out to keep the community in good healthy order as they marched through the desert for 40 years.


As is often the case, the regular practice developed into a ritual (in both religious cultures) and brought with that its own symbolism for the religion. In new testament christian faith, you see a biblical stance that says - 'look don't get caught up in all the symbollic hocus pocus that surrounds circumcision. Faith isn't about that.'


My penneth!



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I'm a big fan of your story. I guess you can't please everyone. Although, if you continue to get the hate mail i would declare war!2handed.gif Okay so maybe you should go that far. Good luck though!


Thanks HJ - fabulous to know Luke and I have a fan!!


Thanks for reading the story where, just so you know, war is coming....just not in the way you might imagine!



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Third, "rant mail." Congratulations! It meant that your writing affected someone strongly. Perhaps not the way you wanted, but strongly. And that's one mark of a great author. (I've never gotten a rant. Anyone? Please?


You wanna rant, David? You got it! You promised us some great story in your last Anthology entry! Now where is it!? It was due in 2010! It's been almost three months!



Otherwise I hope you're better. I'm really looking forward to seeing you around more. :)



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I see people here saying that it's a good story. However, I'm not likely to read a story whose title is in effect [somebody Has Surgery], whatever the particulars.


There was a guy on my hall in grad school who had a circumcision. It wasn't any religious or doctrinaire matter, just some minor health issue (which I don't recall, if I ever knew the particulars). I didn't check out the before or the after. That's the only adult circumcision that I know of.


Will there be a sequel "A Mormon Gets a Vasectomy"?

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I see people here saying that it's a good story. However, I'm not likely to read a story whose title is in effect [somebody Has Surgery], whatever the particulars.


There was a guy on my hall in grad school who had a circumcision. It wasn't any religious or doctrinaire matter, just some minor health issue (which I don't recall, if I ever knew the particulars). I didn't check out the before or the after. That's the only adult circumcision that I know of.


Will there be a sequel "A Mormon Gets a Vasectomy"?

Damn! Come on guys, that's not fair...who leaked the sequel!


Making it a Mormon though - that's spectacularly twisted. Come on, admit it, you've been talking to Nephy!



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  • 3 weeks later...

You wanna rant, David? You got it! You promised us some great story in your last Anthology entry! Now where is it!? It was due in 2010! It's been almost three months!...


Hey, Paya,

I just found this thread...and your message. Thanks for the rant, and the story...which I hope is adequate but would be surprised if it were great...is in beta, now, and should be posted in a couple of weeks. It's different from anything I've written, before, so please don't expect too much.

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It felt slightly surreal, to be sent an email from somebody who has been reading my curret tale "An English Teen Circumcised in the US", complaining at the story (and particularly my folly at including a thread in there, that refers to circumcision)!


At first, I was a bit shocked - then mostly irritated - but actually, now I kind of feel rather smug that something I wrote managed to get under someones skin enough for them to want to write to me privately and complain about it!


But, I'm intrigued. As you know, I've not written much and was wondering whether others had experienced any readers getting on their high horse about a subject issue you touched on?




Yes, the longer you write and the more you write and the better you get the more feedback you will get and some of it negative.


The good news is if you are bad no one bothers to to read you so you now know you are definitely good.


And there is a very militant world out there on the subject of circumcision.

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Thanks HJ - fabulous to know Luke and I have a fan!!


Thanks for reading the story where, just so you know, war is coming....just not in the way you might imagine!





Your welcome and Yep I'm hooked.

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