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There's a voice that's screaming inside me


"Why can't I be the same?"


Like the rest of my generation


Fit into the teenage frame.





They hate me because we're wealthy


The money is not mine.


I don't want the things they buy me.


I just want a bit of their time.





I can't help finding learning so easy


Why am I hated for that?


Why resent be cause I am clever?


It's like hating a guy 'cos he's fat.





I don't like the music you rave to


But I don't make fun of you.


I listen to classic for pleasure


Why does that so upset you?





My sexual feelings confuse me


I don't feel I'm part of the norm


But who can I talk to about it?


Admitting would cause such a storm.





You think that my life is so perfect


Big house and money to spare.


If only you knew what the truth was,


But I doubt that you'd really care.





I hate it that I am so different


I don't like the person I am.


So why do I just go on living,


Yes living a life that's a sham.





You hate me because I am different


But if I do you a fave;


Remove this wart from your presence


Would you come and visit my grave?





I doubt it; I'd still be neglected


A stone carved out with my name.


Like so many else in our churchyard


Unloved, but at last I'm the same.



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That made me shiver. You're so right and so wrong at the same time. It's a treatise on the cruelty of youth. School is supposed to be the best time of your life.... thank Gods that is't true.


Another beautiful poem.

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There is a positive side to being different and being gay, we are taught not to see or believe it. But this is true about a lot of things. Find your own self and beliefs and values. Like your poems. :*)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Dean, I'm going to assume that that's your name, not that your user name gives it away. I really like this piece. It's structured and I don't see much of that, but that's not the reason that I like it, I just think that it's neat.


I like your poem because I remember what it was like for me at your age, and this is very similar to my experience. So, in that, I think that your title is ironic (I do hope that I'm using that word correctly, though if not, I'm sure you understand what I was trying to convey by its usage).


I grew up with money, but the feelings that I had for guys made me feel like I was so very alone. It threw me for a loop, but then I found out that there were others within variable degrees of my situation and I realized that I was like more people than I thought. And in the end, though I stand by the fact that we are all beautiful, unique snowflakes, we are more "the same" than different. See what I did there? Even though, this is from when you were fighting your sexuality and thought about suicide, those feelings have a habit of recurring, so I'm relating for that "just in case" moment.


Anywhoserwhatsits, I understand your pain, I like your poem, and I believe that poetry is an excellent outlet so...keep it up!

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