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Hair or Hairless? Which is dominent and where

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I like facial/body hair... a lot. hehe. Not the chewbacca look obviously, but cubs and bears get me hawny. :ph34r: It's a case of fascination with what I can't have probably. I'm not naturally hairy, although I've started growing a sparse beard just recently. The one thing that turns me on without fail is a chinstrap beard and I don't know why! LOL


I prefer short head hair though, buzz cut if possible. Crazy. :D

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I know a lot of guys that shave to appear bigger, which is lol, but I can understand if it makes them feel better about themselves.

Well, that's a important point. it's vital to feel good about yourself.


Although, I think it may be a bit like wearing your pants below your ass, most people over 25 are laughing at those doing it, thinking how ridiculous they look. And then there are people...of a certain age... that remember when you would be arrested for wearing your pants that way! We used to call it indecent exposure - unless you were at the circus, then we called them clowns!


People have so many bizarre notions. I don't really understand where they come from. I've lived through MANY tends, but very few of them in the past were as disturbing as many of the current fads. We seem to have a need for more extreme measures all the time.


Although I can't talk too much - I was one of the 'weirdos' when I was young; I liked hip-hugger jeans the first time around, disco music, and I had a pierced ear long before men were piercing ANYthing. I also had a three-foot long braid of hair when most men wore their hair short.

Edited by Tipdin
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Although I can't talk too much - I was one of the 'weirdos' when I was young; I liked hip-hugger jeans the first time around, disco music, and I had a pierced ear long before men were piercing ANYthing. I also had a three-foot long braid of hair when most men wore their hair short.


And those trends were probably considered just as weird by the old people of your day as the trends of today are considered by people of your generation. It annoys me when older people criticize the younger generation for their styles and "fads", when the adults of their age as a kid did the same and they complained just as much. It's a never ending cycle. thumbsdownsmileyanim.gif


That being said, I'll probably be doing the exact same thing I rant about when I'm an old man. :P

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I'm probably the odd man out on this subject but I actually prefer the male body not to be ever shaved below the neck. The reason is simple... cuddling with sandpaper skin just isn't fun. However, passionate man that I am... when I go about kissing all over the body... its skin I want to kiss, not fur. Accordingly, clippers with a guard on them are how I prefer to handle the hair situation below the neck with the dual exception of the balls and the perianal region - there a razor is still more appropriate.

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I'm probably the odd man out on this subject but I actually prefer the male body not to be ever shaved below the neck. The reason is simple... cuddling with sandpaper skin just isn't fun. However, passionate man that I am... when I go about kissing all over the body... its skin I want to kiss, not fur. Accordingly, clippers with a guard on them are how I prefer to handle the hair situation below the neck with the dual exception of the balls and the perianal region - there a razor is still more appropriate.

I never imagined men needing grooming like a dog...


hmmm....kinda fun to think about a new business venture!



No, I'm NOT a dog groomer. I'm a Man groomer! Talk about a dream job!

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