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Why the "Wedge" is so Dangerous

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The famous "Wedge" in Newport Beach has probably killed and paralyzed more body surfers and boogie boarders than any place on the west coast. This picture shows why.




20 feet of raw power breaking in 18 inches of water. Amat victoria curam.

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my pot dealer doesn't live far from there, i can hear it roar from his house. my moms good friend also lives on the balboa right near there. you can't find parking for shit


Dealing pot and living near the Wedge? Maybe I'll do that when I retire. thumbsupsmileyanim.gif


Like you can park easily in any other SoCal beach city.

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Like you can park easily in any other SoCal beach city. ]


During the summer it really becomes an issue, like the city needs to deal with it. i can't count the number of times i rage in my car at some tourist who has to take pictures of boats or some shit.

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During the summer it really becomes an issue, like the city needs to deal with it. i can't count the number of times i rage in my car at some tourist who has to take pictures of boats or some shit.

Bleh.... stop by your dealer's, pick up some bud, smoke and then go to Pizza Pete's in the Fun Zone for greasy pizza..... the tourists will bother you a lot less.

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I've surfed there twice, over ten years ago, but NOT when it was pumping like in the above shot.


When I surfed there, I went out into little three foot waves :lol: (In other words, totally harmless).


Actually, I was about 50 yards from the "Wedge" itself. The way it was explained to me is the actual big break is (or, was at the time) a reflection wave off a rock jetty, which doubles up a southwest swell, making for a big peak across a narrow wavefront. For a big swell, that wedge is maybe (I haven't seen it, only pictures) 40 feet off the rock jetty (which juts out into the sea). With a very small swell, and reflection would be much closer to the rocks, like 7 feet. Much too close for my comfort, so I stayed clear. I don't recall actually seeing any increase in that spot at all on that day of the three foot swell, but the angle may have been wrong.


I've never even seen it when it's pumping, but I've heard stories and seen pics. Scary place, when its big. Definitely beyond my skill level, even when I was surfing regularly.


Another issue with the area at the time was a very strong "locals only" movement in the area. Going out on that break when it was pumping could have been very risky for a non-local, either onshore or in the water. I have no idea what it's like today, but that was true then.

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