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Congrats Lore

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I am so happy to hear your wonderful news. Children really are a blessing. I wish you an uneventful pregnancy and joyus years to follow. Children are not always easy, but when you look at their sweet faces it makes it all worth it. I think the most satisfying thing is when you know you have made an impact.


One night we sat down for dinner and our niece was playing with her food instead of eating it. When my husband told her "Don't play with you food and don't eat your toys." She giggled and started ratteling off all these different do's and don't. I looked at her and said "That right. Where did you learn all that?" Her reply was "From you." I thought I was going to cry.



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Thank you so much! You did make me cry with your story about your neice, that is so beautiful.


Most people on here probably do not know but my husband and I have been doing IVF, so after some failed cycles, heartaches, too many artificial hormones, etc. this is just such wonderful news for us.


I am so excited I just had to share.





P.S. I miss your poetry Mag, have you thought of posting any here or on your blog? xx

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Congratulations Lore !!! :music:


Don't be surprised when you fall asleep while walking. :D A couple of months of extreme fatigue are normal. Also, a word of advise, make sure you have good shoes that just slip on. It is incredible how you will no longer be able to bend at the waist to put on shoes. :lol:



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Ok, my turn, congratulations, Lore!


Oh my yes, you have so much to look forward to. Here's two "out of the mouths of babes" stories.


I had just finished reading a story book to Erin, the younger of my two daughters. She was 4 or 5 at the time(she's now 30). It was one of those stories with a moral. Being the loving and control freak parent that I was, I wanted to make sure she got it. So I'm trying my best to explain it to her. However, there was something on her mind as well and she was doing her best to tell me. Neither of us were getting anywhere. Finally, in exasperation, she says to me, "Daddy, save some of your voice for later." The little imp had just told me to shut up - in the most kind of way, of course. Great phrase - I still use it. :wub:


The other story is from my elder daughter, Andrea. She was 5 or 6 (now 32) at the time. I was having a leisurely bath upstairs. She was in the TV room downstairs watching Sesame Street - she absolutely adored Big Bird. I had left the bathroom door open so I could lend an ear to things. Suddenly, I hear a noise - it sounded like tumbling on the stairs. I dash out of the bath and reach the top of the stairs in 2 to 3 seconds. There she was at the bottom of the stairs, she had slipped on the first or second stair and tumpled backwards. She was fine. She looked up and saw me in my where-with-alls and said, "Oh Daddy, you've got your bum on!" I did of course, and I still have it on. :wub:



Conner :boy:

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Congratulations and Lots of Hugs sent your way...you will have lots of Aunts and Uncles online to hear all the good stuff and the times you want to shriek, cry, scream and laugh and of course beam with pride about your soon to be newest arrival....matters not if a boy or a girl...your little one will be loved with great parents and of course all of us oohing and ahhing:) and the Moms and Dads and hey even we Aunts and Uncles chiming in:)


Best wishes and keep us informed.....I remember my sisters telling me everything swells...ring fingers, feet, hands..so, listen to mother Sharon and invest in slip ons and comfy shoes/sneakers/slippers


I remember when the first of my sisters was pregnant..she said she was only having one child and she had a craving for chocolate 7 layer cake and we watched her devour the whole thing....anyone who attempted to get a piece of cake had their hand slapped away as she said she was only having one child and she had that craving for chocolate cake so hands off....she had me rolling with laughter....well my niece will be 21 in March and she is one amazing smart woman..so, good luck and enjoy some chocolate cake:)





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Hi Lore


Congratulations on your pregnancy. I am so glad for you that the IVF at last as worked for you and husband. The birth of your child is going to be the most joyous occasion for you both. Is your husband going to be there at the birth. I do hope so, I was and I wouldn

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