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X-men First Class


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X-men First Class is great movie fun. Check it out. If you are a X-man fan or just like a fun movie, there's something here for everyone.


The cast included some REAL cuties and I hope we'll see lots more of them.


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Lucas Till- "Havoc" is his break out role from the Disney machine.


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Caleb Jones played "Banshee". He got some great action and humor scenes.

He played the "kid on the bike" in No Place for Old Men.

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Big X-Men fan here, indeed I'm a fan of a bunch of the Marval and DC comic heros. I really am looking forward to seeing this spin on the early day, how Xavier and Magneto started out.

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Watched this with my little brother yesterday. Nice movie! I ended up liking Magneto a whole lot more the Professor X though.

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It was a good movie. I liked how they explored the histories of Xavier and Magneto. You end up feeling a bit sorry for Eric and seeing how good friends they were, it's kinda a sad to how wide their paths diverged.


I also liked how imperfect Charles Xavier and other big characters is in the movie. In the first X-Men Professor X seemed like the wise old guy who knew the answers and in First Class He's still bright and intelligent, but his flaws are more evident and fans of the movies and/or comics will see the results of them.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lucas Till went from Hannah Montana to X-Men..I'm surprised by the smooth transition. I, personally, think James McAvoy is extremely sexy, especially in the movie Wanted. But X-Men (First Class) was an amazing movie!

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  • 2 weeks later...

X-Men is my favorite superhero series, and I loved this movie. I actually liked Wolverine: Origins better but First Class was great. I wish they'd make another one with Storm though, she's my absolute fave!

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I've seen First Class last week. I love the X-men films, but to be honest the ones Singer did were the best. I wasn't all that smitten by First Class. Though, yeah, I completely agree - some Professor X and Magnetto romance would go very nicely :D In fact, at moments, I did get this strange feel like there's something more going on between them :devil:

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  • 1 year later...

are we ready for another 

I think after Stewart carbs up, lol



Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart will return for the next film in X-Men saga, X-Men: Days of Future Past, reveals director Bryan Singer.
the captain always wants his table set with a knife n fork, lol
“When it was brought over to me, my first comment was ‘There’s no knife and fork,’” he told New York Mag on Thursday. “Of course, I was mocked for thinking that I could eat a pizza slice with a knife and fork.”





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