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Most embarassing moments?


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Most embarrassing moment of my life?


Probably when I told my whole fifth grade class I still believed in Santa Claus.


My teacher laughed at me.




Anyway. I figured we could all gain some giggles from other people's embarrassments.

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Oh, I have so many embarrassing moments. It’s something that I do almost every day. :P


The worst would be when I was in college, I had this brutal exam. Afterwards, when I left the building my head was pounding and I tripped.


When I fell I didn’t even try to catch myself. I hit the ground and actually rolled into the bushes beside the sidewalk!


This little old guy who looked about 90 years old came running. He kept trying to help me, but I just wanted out of there. I grabbed my books, got in my car and headed to work.


I walked in to work and everyone freaked. It seems that not only did I have leaves stuck in my hair, I had cut my chin and had blood on my face…they thought I had been mugged!


The good thing is, I can laugh at myself with all the crazy things that happen.:lmao:

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I'm a walking talking catastrophe too... things happen around me, mostly by my actions. This is something that happes every now and then and has stopped being embarrassing after the first few times, these days I just laugh it off.


here's few examples what has happened during my work hours:


I noticed in the middle of my yoga class (I'm the teacher) that I have my top upside down. :P




Once I was instructing a pt client at gym and he said something funny and I couldn't stop giggling for half an hour (lucky he didn't mind). The more i tried, the harder I laught.




I fell asleep in my yoga class at the end relaxation - and snored. :P


the list is endless...

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My moment is purely humiliating...

I was in grade six, and it was really my first and only time on the basketball team.

I got a rebound, being a friggin' giant back then...

I thought, "Pivot, plant your foot, aim..."

And shot the ball right into the other team's net. D:

My coach was so mad and the other team started cheering for us.

But we ended up winning the game so it wasn't so bad. I guess.

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I have a few embarrassing moments, too, and they're all related to my being in the service.


The first one needs a little background: I was in ROTC during my bachelor's and we had a shortened version of basic training in the summer. Now, while you're there you run on so little sleep that a few strange things begin happening. Firstly, you start to forget how tired you are. Every time we sat down for more than five minutes at a time, we fell asleep. And, most importantly, you learn to catch sleep whenever you can ... sitting through a briefing, a nap standing on the parade grounds, and even dozing off during our formation runs. Yes, I learned how to fall asleep while running in formation -- and not getting out of step or falling out of formation! :P


OK, so for embarrassing moment #1: the school year following my summer training, I started working out with the Army ROTC unit at my college 3 days a week. We met and worked out at 6 am and they broke us into groups for running. I was in the slow group. ;) Anyway, since my college didn't have a track, we ran inside the big sports complex around the backside of the bleachers, where the food stalls and stuff are set up during an event. It was just short of a quarter mile for one lap. One morning, while running with my group, they followed the path as it curved ... and I did not. I kept running straight ... straight into one of those vender carts, bounced off onto my butt and was back up on my feet running again (and now wide awake). Meanwhile, our instructor and the rest of the class stopped and stared at me and, when they realized I hadn't a clue what had just happened, laughed their butts off. Nowadays, I'm pretty sure that moment would've been captured on youtube. Thank heavens for small mercies!


Another time, later on after I was commissioned, I was playing an intramural frisbee game and got called foul multiple times in the same game for "tackling." Or, as I was repeatedly reminded, "Frisbee is not a contact sport." My team decided to get even with me by singing a song that had the chorus: "Fly like a bee, sting like (insert my name here)." I wasn't really amused, but the little song was picked up by everyone by the end of the season. Besides, I was not tackling -- they ran into me! :devil:


I can also cite the time following my hand surgery when I tried to salute my colonel (my arm was in a cast) and whacked myself in the face. He heckled me about that for ages. Oh, the memories! Funny how we can laugh about them now!

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I don't think I've ever had anything happen to me in public that would be considered embarrassing. Atleast for me. I think I'm too careful and aware for anything out of the ordinary to happen to me in public.The thing I find embarrassing is when I see someone running to catch the bus and the driver 'acts' like he's going to stop, but as soon as the person gets to the door, the bus driver drives off and leave them there. lol, That always gives me an embarrassing feeling, even when it happens to someone else. That is why I never run to catch the buses. I mean there's always another one. I do however feel embarrassed when my mom consistently inform people about the mischievous things I used to do when I was ynger.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was in a McDonalds with some friends and got really sick and made a fast bee-line for the restroom. I must have covered the FE part of the restroom sign that said FE MALE when I rushed in, because I remember seeing MALE on the door as I ran in. I ran straight to a stall, without looking around (or I would have seen NO urinals) because I was about to..... well I was sick. While in the locked stall I heard some people come in with what sounded like clicking heels on the tile floor. Then Female voices!!!!!!!! By then my stomach had calmed but now I panicked........ I was in the women's restroom!!!!!!! I sat and lefted my legs afraid someone would see my hairy legs ( I was wearing shorts) and tennis shoes. Waited until I heard no more voices or clicking heels and made a fast dash for the door. I thought I was home free when as I exited the women's restroom, one of my female friends that was with me entered as I opened the door to exit. Of course she told everyone when she returned to the table about me being in the "Lady's Room" with numerous laughs and jokes at my expense. It took me forever to live that down.

Edited by KYE
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I am trying to insert this part of my life's embarassing moments as a part of my novel, but this is what really happened.


I had a date once with a guy I was seeing for three months back then. He was busy with work and I was busy with my university studies therefore, we only got to see each other at the end of the week, either by watching a movie or having dinner. Nothing happened, no sexual inuendos or any flirtations were provided by both parties, which made it special for me because we both enjoyed each others company. He was such a gentleman and I was physically attracted to him, which made it all too hard and easy for me to not pounce on him while trying to get to know him better.


After watching a movie on our 12th consecutive date, without ever having our first kiss, he told me that he would drop me off at my mom's house. When we were nearing my place, he stopped the car in front of the house. It was dark and all lights were out in my house, since the movie and our dinner ended at 1am in the morning, everybody was asleep.


He said to me, "Can I have a kiss?" Seeing the opportunity that presented itself, I grabbed his head and torridly and passionately kissed him for a mere minute. When I finally let go of his head, he then said, "WOW....that was unexpected."


And to my surprise I asked him, "What do you mean, unexpected?"


He had this sheepish grin and explained himself, "I was asking if you have your keys?"


I chided, "What? I thought I heard you say can I have a kiss!"


I immediately pulled out of his car and scurried along the gates of our house and was so embarrased for the life of me.


We had a date again after that, until we drifted apart due to his work and my busy schedule with my school activities.


I now realized if only he took the chance to kiss me again, it would have made a difference. I guess, we simply missed our chance. HAHA.


I promised myself to listen intently on what the other person is saying....I might be kissing complete strangers if ever they asked me, "Do you have your keys?"




So yeah...

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I am trying to insert this part of my life's embarassing moments as a part of my novel, but this is what really happened.


I had a date once with a guy I was seeing for three months back then. He was busy with work and I was busy with my university studies therefore, we only got to see each other at the end of the week, either by watching a movie or having dinner. Nothing happened, no sexual inuendos or any flirtations were provided by both parties, which made it special for me because we both enjoyed each others company. He was such a gentleman and I was physically attracted to him, which made it all too hard and easy for me to not pounce on him while trying to get to know him better.


After watching a movie on our 12th consecutive date, without ever having our first kiss, he told me that he would drop me off at my mom's house. When we were nearing my place, he stopped the car in front of the house. It was dark and all lights were out in my house, since the movie and our dinner ended at 1am in the morning, everybody was asleep.


He said to me, "Can I have a kiss?" Seeing the opportunity that presented itself, I grabbed his head and torridly and passionately kissed him for a mere minute. When I finally let go of his head, he then said, "WOW....that was unexpected."


And to my surprise I asked him, "What do you mean, unexpected?"


He had this sheepish grin and explained himself, "I was asking if you have your keys?"


I chided, "What? I thought I heard you say can I have a kiss!"


I immediately pulled out of his car and scurried along the gates of our house and was so embarrased for the life of me.


We had a date again after that, until we drifted apart due to his work and my busy schedule with my school activities.


I now realized if only he took the chance to kiss me again, it would have made a difference. I guess, we simply missed our chance. HAHA.


I promised myself to listen intently on what the other person is saying....I might be kissing complete strangers if ever they asked me, "Do you have your keys?"




So yeah...


That is simply adorable, JC. DId you say you're writing a story about it? :)

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Ugh I have a host of embarrassing stories. Well here goes (i'll save the best.. or worst for last):


Once in high school was practicing for track outside of my house and I was all finished up so I went to run inside and I ran into my cement stairs. The worst part was I had to tell my whole family cause I was cut up pretty bad.


Umm there was a time in math class my friend had given me a printed out story to read and I got really into it but I didn't notice my teacher had called on me so by the time I looked up my whole class was looking at me laughing.


One time I was introducing my friend to a guy who helps to donate money for the charity I volunteer at and I couldn't remember the person's name so I just sort of.. stopped talking lol. I just was like this guy is... and had him say his own name. It was awful.


This has to be the worst one and it's not super appropriate so i'll try to be vague. I was in a sort of casual relationship with one of my friends in high school and we had been doing sexual things for a few months when he wanted to try doing something in his living room. We were in the midst of something when we heard a car close it's door outside close. So we figured we'd go to his room. On the way there I tripped. Broke two toes, and had to get five stitches in my head because I fell into a like corner. Anyway his dad walked in with me half naked blood gushing down my face and I think it was pretty obvious what had happened. I still feel awkward when I go over that house Posted Image

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That is simply adorable, JC. DId you say you're writing a story about it? :)



Yeah, will be putting it up in one of the story sequence. Haha. But I will change it for the sake of fiction...not that much but, yeah... :D

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I'm an expert at embarrassing myself. Here's one of the first super embarrassing moments of my life.


I was in 1st grade, and our classroom teacher made the whole class do a nativity-type play we had to perform in front of all parents. I was an unpopular kid, so I got to play one of about 9 or 10 trees (I was birch tree no. 1, to be precise).


The day of the play came and my mum showed up with my then 3-yr-old sister. The school didn't have an auditorium, so they just put up lots of chairs in the main hall where we used to hang out during breaks, and the play was at the front. We did a decent job doing our memorized lines, until all of a sudden I saw my little sister running towards the non-existing stage and right towards me. I was holding birch twigs in both hands and she ripped the ones in my left hand from me and squeezed in between me and birch tree no. 2. Then, until the end of the play, she repeated fragments of every line that anyone on the stage said. Loud and clear for the audience to hear.


I was sweating buckets and so was my mother. And that incident sure as heck did not improve my popularity level one bit....:nuke:

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I would definitely consider myself gay, but there was this girl who was just absolutely striking to look at. I was heading from the train to the bus terminal when I spotted her and my head kept following her as my feet kept moving forward. I walk into a telephone pole. Not wanting to come across as a complete goof, I pretend it didn't happen, but my head was still turned to look at the girl and I kept walking. I walk into another telephone pole.


The people at the bus stop just gawked at me.



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Haha errrm, alot to think about here, ALOT, haha

Erm probably when i was coming out of a 12 hour rehearsal, was knackered beyond belief and was getting a ride home from my friend, and i got my stuff,

went to the car,

got in and sit down,

And it wasnt her car.


THANKFULLY the woman whos car it WAS had a sence of humour and laughed it off or that could have been really bad...

my friend spent 10 solid minutes laughing before she was able to drive..


hehe =P

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  • 2 months later...

wait... probably the one in the school library.

I was listening to music in my phone and I forgot that I was using ear buds.

When my favorite song came, I sang my heart out. Loudly.

I didn't notice the people staring at me and the librarian hushing to me.


I swore I turned red after realizing what happened. hahaha

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh this is easy. Me and the BF were home alone and taking care of business (orally) in my bedroom. So naturally I didn't have the door locked. Well, my younger brother had come back from his friend's place and wanted to borrow one of my CD's. Like a doofus, he didn't knock and walked right in on us.


I still remember his only comment, "eeewww", and he covered his eyes with his hand. Good thing he already knew I was gay, or I would have been totally busted.


It didn't bother me one bit that he saw me naked, as we have seen each other dozens of times. But the BF was not too happy about it.

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When my bf and I forst started going out, we fell asleep, naked in my bed, on a school night. It was warm so we weren't covered. I remember being woken up by a knock on the door and opening my eyes to see my mom opening the door. She had this look on her face, basically like O_O


She turned around and closed the door. I realized that she had gotten full frontal view of my bf a moment later. That was awkward.


When he left, she looked at me and was like "nice".


Lmao, I'm lying about the last part :P I avoided her for a while lol.

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I was in a gym class at school, and the teacher had us run from one side of the gymnasium to the other as a warm-up, touching the wall until she blew her whistle, when we'd run back to the other wall, and so on and so forth. One wall had a crash-mat leaning against it.


After about five runs, on a return journey, the crash-mat fell to the ground. About five of us were running directly towards it. The four kids either side of me all jumped at the same time, and continued running on top of the crash mat.


I jumped a bit late, caught my foot on the edge of the crash mat, and knocked myself out by hitting my forehead against the airbrick wall. >.<


I was only out for a couple of seconds, but in that couple of seconds my forehead came up in the most massive lump you've ever seen in your life. It really did look like someone had stuck a raw beef burger to my forehead. xD I've still got a funny scar where the impact was to this day, and this was well over 10 years ago.




When he left, she looked at me and was like "nice".

Haha! Oh, how I wished that was true. Posted Image Edited by Syniq
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