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Homophobia in music oh no

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There's a lot of 'hate' lyrics within that particular music genre, violence, labelling women as 'meat' hating gays etc. Now I'm not saying all rap artists are like that, but it seems that to earn respect & become successful within the rap industry, that's the kind of thing you have to rap about. Sad thing is that at the moment that genre is one of the most popular styles for teens today to listen to. Therefore finding their rolemodels in such people and thinking that such thoughts is normal and acceptable.

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Milo: You think you're so f**kin' cool, don't you? You think you're so f**kin' cool. Well just once, I would like to hear you scream, in pain.

Joe Hallenbeck: Play some rap music.



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This is basically about mainstream hiphop/rap, which for the most part, isn't justifiably labelled hiphop/rap. But I guess there's a point there? or something.


I guess it doesn't matter if they are true hiphop/rap or not if the majority of people that listen to their songs thinks they are. The consumers' perception is what matters.

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No one really cares about the small guys, except the people who actually know something about the genre, and don't just accept what is force fed them by mainstream media channels lol. And the people who CONTROL the genre, are the record labels, especially considering like 95% of mainstream rappers these days have their music written for them. But how is that different from any other genre? Acquire Sales, disregard everything else.

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Is anybody really surprised to find homophobia, or any type of hatred, in any corner of existence? There's always gonna be someone who doesn't like blond hair, or green eyes, or tall people, or death metal, or swiss cheese.


Rap doesn't like me? I don't like rap.


Control? Recorded music's always gonna be controlled.

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I can't get too upset about this because music will change as people change.


I'm a big fan of Loudon Wainwright III, having seen him many times in concert. I recently got some of his vinyl records from the 1970s and '80s and imagine my surprise when I heard many homophobic songs, or at least songs where gay stereotypes were played for laughs. He has an effeminate character in one song that you can almost hear swish as he passes and there is a joke song about breast feeding called "Rufus Is A Tit Man". I'm sorry, Loudo, but in the long run, Rufus did not turn out to be a tit man.


If you hear LW III talk about his children in concert, he has nothing but the nicest things to say about both Rufus and Martha. He is obviously both supportive and proud of them as people and artists. All these rap artists need is to have a gay child and things will change overnight.

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