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the other day i had a nightmare that a gay designer for some wedding wanted to dress me up in a pink tuxedo... for some relative of mine's wedding, like pink felt some or other, because i too was gay. and i woke up pissed off, didn't help that my sister in law was talking about me being rude for not eating my mothers "tenderly" cooked food, when i got up. >_>


Anyway i have this like deep rooted dislike for anything that's steriotypicaly gay, wearing pink, etc so forth... perhaps Scyhological...patheological....

anyone else?

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I like hot pink but only in touches. Other than that, and purple of course, I like any colour as long as it's black


The dream was certainly erm... interesting. Pink felt tux eh? I'd sit next to you at the wedding but I'd laugh at you the whole time.


As for rejecting stereotypes... I'm all for that unless, of course, you like them.

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I'm with Nephy on this one all black for me too, though a certain someone is trying to change that LOL (good luck to him on that one) Posted Image

And I'd certainly laugh my head off if I was at that wedding.

I think stereotypes fit if you want them and dont if you dont. I'm as straight acting as they get, but as gay as a pink sequined frock on Strictly Come Dancing. LOL

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Haha....like they say, different strokes. I don't think there's anything wrong with being stereotypically gay 'cause trust me, I know a few guys who are more gay than it can get. They are great guys and can't help the way they are. They like to dress up very loud.(and it's not just the colour 'pink' that differentiates a gay guy from a straight one. It's the way you carry it). Even a very pink tux worn by someone who can carry it in a masculine way can look masculine. That doesn't mean I don't find pink tuxedos over the top. :P

But seriously, there are straight people who are effeminate and love to dress up in off-beat ways who are automatically categorised as gay which is wrong. Not all gays are effeminate and not all straights are macho.

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*shrugs* You sound like a person who doesn't want to be perceived or stereotyped based on one aspect of your character, namely who you find attractive. Fancy that :P Whyever not? Because who we like in our beds should dictate our clothing choices, speech pattern, or way we walk, of course! Posted Image


Honestly, I think the 'stereotype' is just ridiculous. Those are mannerisms and color preferences that have squat to do with sexuality. They've been lumped together for so long though, people can't get away from it. That you want to is just fine imo.

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Yeah i do not like being perceived or steriotyped at all, i personally don't like being grouped in any sort of way nor do i especially like being predictable.


I personally never did like pink even before i knew i was gay, but that is my color prefference, I like greens, blues, and orange (last one not in combination with the first two) I don't know if i'd laugh at the person wearing pink felt or whatever it was tuxedo, I might be imbarressed if it wasn't his idea.... I haven't been to a wedding since i was a preteen, and i didn't even get to go to my brothers wedding, because i wasn't invited and no one was, and i doubt my sister will invite me if she even marries. Pink burns my eyes...at least, Neon pink and really powerful pinks.

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I'm actually a big fan of pink, I look very nice in it. I wouldn't be caught dead in a pink tux though, and dang sure not felt...that stuff would be itchy and hot lol. A pink Polo is about as far as I'll venture, or my pink and blue button up.


I dislike any kind of stereotype, not just gay ones. I'm a big guy (not height wise, there I'm average) couple that with the beard I keep and the fact that I have a love for flannel and denim shirts and I get people thinking I'm some violent, ignorant, redneck bigot, (somestimes all those or only a few in combination). And when people find out I enjoy woring with kids I get suspicion of being a pedo or a molester (you might think I'm joking but I've actually lost babysitting gigs in the past for that very reason).


People I meet in person first actually have a hard time getting to know me because the see me and make snap judgements. Those I meet online or indirectly are actually surprised by my appearance. I've been told on numerous occasions that from speaking to me I come off as a shy and diminuative kind of guy, not a bearded, thick, 5'9 bear cub lol.


The only real gay stereotype I have ever encountered is that I should have a fashion sense and enjoy shoe and clothes shopping, I hate both. Personally I have no fashion sense, (see my statement about flannel shirts lol). Oh that and the one where people think that I sleep with any guy I can...which is SOOOOO not true lol.

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When I was a kid, like three or so, my favorite color was pink. My parents even bought my a bright pink umbrella that I loved the hell out of and I'm pretty sure we still have it shoved in the back of a closet somewhere. (and no that's not a metaphor for anything, lol) Then I got a bit older and realized that pink was a "girl color" and stopped liking it so much. But I switched to turquoise/aqua/cyan so that wasn't really a step up in the manliness department. :P


Gay stereotypes don't really bother me all that much, most of them anyway, it's the straight stereotypes that get under my skin. The whole "butch, manly man" thing always annoyed me, even during my "I'm almost completely straight" days. There's just something about guys that love sports and drink and talk about all the girls they've screwed and have tear ducts that they haven't used since they were four that just gets to me. It seems so forced and fake. I like people, gay, straight, girl, boy, whatever, to have some.....softness about them I guess. Something that lets you know they're a real person and not just a series of signals they wanna send out to people. And I know I'm judging them without knowing them and it might even be totally unfair but that's just how I see things. *shrugs*

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Personally I don't think that gender normativity has anything to do with sexual orientation.


On the one hand this means not all queer guys are fem / queer girls are butch... but on the other hand, why should we attack people who are?



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I liked orange as a kid then changed it to blue, then to green, though i still like orange. I really hate it when a strait woman after they find out especially someone the age of my younger sister, "cool we can go shopping now...." and i tell them "only if it's a book store...." And no i don't think i have a fashion sense...

People whom are feminine/butch are, and those whom aren't aren't, it's personal taste nothing more. you can be as feminine or butch as you want, just don't try to make me that way or seem that way, and that is i think what the nightmare was about something trying to make me fit a stereotype because they wanted it that way.

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