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It may seem odd, but the one I have the most sympathy for at the end of the chapter is JJ. Not for what he did, but for what’s coming. Will, for all that he has suffered, is getting some distance and control. JJ, however, is just growing more tightly bound to Jeanine. With Will gone, her inability to control or relate to her negative emotions and impulses will have one less outlet. What can no longer land on Will’s plate will have to land on someone else’s. I don’t think JJ is equipped for that.

I don't think JJ is equpped to handle his own emotions, let alone the negative emotions of a crazed mother. He's coming apart here, I think.


I don't think a total breakdown will happen, though. At least not until JJ watches Evan Lysacek take the gold medal at the '10 Olympics(and likely his last chance at them as being 28 at the 2014 ones would be pushing it), and realizes that he traded in his entire childhood and adolescence on something that never panned out.


JJ rages, but generally falls into line. He's not like Will, who loves to lead a revolution for a just cause.

I agree with that, for the most part, but I think that if JJ REALLY believes wholeheartedly in something, and it's important to him, he'll be really, really stubborn on it. But he's not going to make a big mess about something if it's not something deep down in his gut that he believes in.


I think for the most part, JJ would avoid being a rebel, because figure skater rebels don't exactly get rewarded in this sport. It seems very much like being good little boys and girls who do what they're told and say what they're supposed to say. I think that's a big part of why Johnny Weir never got gold, because he wouldn't do what he was expected to do.


JJ is a prema donna, yes, he may be a diva - but just recognize it and do some interventions with the counselor to keep Will and JJ from destroying each other. Let's recognize that they each have needs and perhaps the counselor can help them to recognize that together they can be each be stronger by helping one another.

I honestly can see them being close brothers in adulthood that Skype regularly- who live either on opposite coasts with Will in L.A. and JJ in NYC, or even countries- maybe JJ winds up living in Paris or London. I think it'd be good for JJ to be in an environment where he can't blame the fact that he doesn't have friends on Will hogging up all the attention- maybe at Tisch School of the Arts? (If and when he decides to drop skating and go to college.)


You've got two brothers, so opposite in so many ways, who've essentially been raised as Irish twins. It can be so tension-filled and explosive in those teen years; that I can really see them getting closer if they don't live in the same area, because then JJ will have to make his own friends without riding on his brother's coattails, and come to some realizations about why he's not as popular as they are.

Edited by methodwriter85
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“No, I don’t. And I’m not asking you to be. But I’m proposing an alternate course of action for you. If you were able to work things out with your mother, you might actually be able to help her get better, and to do better with JJ and Maddy, and to get along with everyone else. You may be able to help her heal her wounds.” Claire talking to Will in the last chapter....


I don't think Claire is asking Will to fix Jeanine or his relationship with her. What Claire is saying is that if Will can get to place that he and Jeanine can get along, then that might help Jeanine be in a better place not just with Will but with everyone else. I really don't understand Jeanine totally turning on her biological child and just writing him off, while focusing solely on JJ; what about Maddie??? Do we know how Jeanine is with her? I think Claire is at least partially right, you know how does Jeanine feel that her biological son has never listened to her or even really needed her, even when he was younger. Brad has always allowed Will to marginalize Jeanine's place in his life, that maybe part of the root of her issues with him. Now, having said that, I don't agree with any of Jeanine's recent behaviour and she obviously has significant issues; that being said, she can get better with therapy and the right drug combinations.


I have started to pull away from JJ, I do like him because I was always somewhat of a diva growing up as well and I had a brother that always seemed to overshadow me in certain ways. In every generation, Mark has killed off a person that is either a part of the family or in a significant relationship with someone in the family. I am starting to feel that JJ just might be that person for his generation. Even if we lump the group just older and include Matt, Wade, and Gathan; there just isn't that many choices at this point choose from. I can't see Will, Matt, or Wade being killed off and even Gathan doesn't really have the position to be an impact death on the family as a whole. Claire's kids just haven't been involved enough in the story to make an impact either. This really only leave Darius and JJ, I guess we could throw in Alejandro but we really haven't seen or heard from him in sometime. I guess Darius could be killed after 9/11 either in the service or as a result of the trauma resulting from that day but that just doesn't feel right yet. I could really see JJ and maybe even Jeanine and Tiffany dying on one of the planes that crash that day. They could be on the East coast and coming home on a whim and not wanting to wait for one of the families planes to pick them up. I have said ever since 9/11 was brought up that no one had to die to make it relevant to the story and I still agree with that but JJ's death on that day or in some other way would explain his not reaching the heights he seems destined to with his talent and would create issues in the family that would give Mark so much drama to work with in creating this masterpiece of his...

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I have started to pull away from JJ, I do like him because I was always somewhat of a diva growing up as well and I had a brother that always seemed to overshadow me in certain ways. In every generation, Mark has killed off a person that is either a part of the family or in a significant relationship with someone in the family. I am starting to feel that JJ just might be that person for his generation. Even if we lump the group just older and include Matt, Wade, and Gathan; there just isn't that many choices at this point choose from. I can't see Will, Matt, or Wade being killed off and even Gathan doesn't really have the position to be an impact death on the family as a whole. Claire's kids just haven't been involved enough in the story to make an impact either. This really only leave Darius and JJ, I guess we could throw in Alejandro but we really haven't seen or heard from him in sometime. I guess Darius could be killed after 9/11 either in the service or as a result of the trauma resulting from that day but that just doesn't feel right yet. I could really see JJ and maybe even Jeanine and Tiffany dying on one of the planes that crash that day. They could be on the East coast and coming home on a whim and not wanting to wait for one of the families planes to pick them up. I have said ever since 9/11 was brought up that no one had to die to make it relevant to the story and I still agree with that but JJ's death on that day or in some other way would explain his not reaching the heights he seems destined to with his talent and would create issues in the family that would give Mark so much drama to work with in creating this masterpiece of his...


Your speculation is interesting and thoughtful. (Which means Mark probably has something else entirely and certainly more devious in mind.)


I actually had previously thought that Tiffany may be the one to die as that would impact Wade and really thrust him into the role as father. Your scenario would even be more devastating.

Edited by Daddydavek
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I don't think JJ has to die, though, in order to explain why he doesn't get the Olympic Gold medal. From what I understand about 2006, nobody but Evengei Plushenko was going to get the gold medal. And in 2010, Johnny Weir was the odds-on-favorite, and Evan Lysacek got the gold medal instead. There are so many variables that happen in the world of sports that it's completely believeable that someone with massive talent doesn't reach the heights they should have reached.


Although if JJ does die at 9/11, he'd be 15 years old, same as Billy's age when he died. That would really freak Brad out, I think.


But if we're going for likelihood, JJ would be in either Bulgaria for the first Junior Grand Prix of the 2001-2002 season, or he'd be at home.


I hope its that little hussy Kirsten!

I think if Kristin was named Christian and looked like this, you'd be all over that character.


Posted Image

Edited by methodwriter85
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I can't help but wonder if Michael will be the next Brian when it comes to being pathologically inclined to do whatever damage possible to the family, regardless of any consequences coming for himself. Honestly though, I was expecting it to be JJ who sent the pics.


I'd also be willing to bet that Jeanine will exit, stage left, before Will ever spends a day in Paly/Menlo.

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I hope Jeannie and JJ drive off a cliff in Malibu..... both are just annoying....


I think we shift back to Wade now for a couple of chapters...... one has to wonder what has happened to the seed that Wade planted with his sister.

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I can't help but wonder if Michael will be the next Brian when it comes to being pathologically inclined to do whatever damage possible to the family, regardless of any consequences coming for himself. Honestly though, I was expecting it to be JJ who sent the pics.


I'd also be willing to bet that Jeanine will exit, stage left, before Will ever spends a day in Paly/Menlo.


I'll probably surprise you a time or two before this is over. Posted Image


I hope Jeannie and JJ drive off a cliff in Malibu..... both are just annoying....


I think we shift back to Wade now for a couple of chapters...... one has to wonder what has happened to the seed that Wade planted with his sister.


We shift to Wade for one chapter (53), then have a couple with Will (54 and 55), then a couple with Wade (56 and 57)

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The biggest take-away I got from Ch. 52 is that Brad is learning he has to deal with Will as an individual who is not a child and won't be treated as one. And Will, bless his heart, isn't afraid to throw Brad's own life experiences back at his dad when he thinks they are warranted as he did about Brad and his relationship with his mom. I don't see Will bothering to waste any time on Jeanine, nor cutting anyone in his family any slack if they think they can impose her on him.


Looking forward to the catch-up chapter on Wade and 'lil Riley and hot Matt. Posted Image

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The biggest take-away I got from Ch. 52 is that Brad is learning he has to deal with Will as an individual who is not a child and won't be treated as one. And Will, bless his heart, isn't afraid to throw Brad's own life experiences back at his dad when he thinks they are warranted as he did about Brad and his relationship with his mom. I don't see Will bothering to waste any time on Jeanine, nor cutting anyone in his family any slack if they think they can impose her on him.


Looking forward to the catch-up chapter on Wade and 'lil Riley and hot Matt. Posted Image


I think that pretty much sums Will up. And of course everyone understands that, and they'll treat him accordingly. Posted Image

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You pay for your own upraising... and isn't Brad starting to really learn this... For those not from Texas that means that whatever you were like as a child, you get much more of the same from your own children...


Well, I am so glad to be getting rid of Micheal, really can't believe it took this long for him to do something stupid enough to get fired for. I do think this will be another blow to JJ, his support system is sliding away rapidly. I do have to say that while I think Will is more in the right than wrong on his actions, JJ does have a point to his argument. The problem is with JJ and his presentation of his side of the issue. He just comes off as so bitchy that it is hard to take him seriously.


I really like how Will handled the situation with Shane and the officials. I would think that Brad would have been more interested in what Will said if he really thought there was more to what Will said than bluffing but that is another story.


I think the next few chapters with Will are going to be interesting. Will is going to have to deal with Jeanine whether he likes it or not and I don't really think Will is the kind of person that will just take any of the situation laying down.


Menlo school here we come?!?!

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See...that's what gets me about the possibility of Will transferring to Menlo, it feels too much like just bolting to get away from Jeanine, which in turn feels too much like just taking that situation, laying down. :/

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You know, I know 9/11 is just around the corner but we have not had a family member die a horrible and painful death since Millenium. Not suggesting people need to die... Just saying. Posted Image


And for a guard, Michael is not all that bright...



Using his own handwriting?





And who hired him in the first place? Brad or Robbie? Either way, I'd question their good judgment over this too!

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You know, I know 9/11 is just around the corner but we have not had a family member die a horrible and painful death since Millenium. Not suggesting people need to die... Just saying. Posted Image


And for a guard, Michael is not all that bright...



Using his own handwriting?





And who hired him in the first place? Brad or Robbie? Either way, I'd question their good judgment over this too!


I'll bet Will questions their judgment too. Posted Image

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Well, I had a few good chapters penned about that, but Jeremy says that people are sick of Will and his drama. (smile)


Jeremy lied. Bad Jeremy. Now JJ is going to fall in the long program.Posted Image

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Well, the new chapter of Paternity is up and what a doozy... We come back to Wade and find his life is just as drama filled as Will's. I really liked how Wade and Matt interacted in this chapter, you can just feel the connection between the two; all it takes is a look for them to understand each other.


I think Carl has big balls of brass to bring his brother to Wade and expect him to help. That being said, once Wade realized that the Jason was really innocent; it became a no brainer for him. It is really amazing how some people can fall in love and just not even really know the other person at all, Jason has learned his lesson the hard way.


I can't wait to see how this plays out and how it effects the election; is this the start to the downfall of Senator Danfield. If he loses because of this it will really be Elizabeth's fault but somehow I don't think she will few it as such...


Great chapter Mark, can't wait to see where you lead us on this merry ride...

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Once again, given that this is 2000, Senator Danfield is a shoo-in. He could be convicted of raping and murdering his mother and still win the election. It's that conservative mentality.

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Once again, given that this is 2000, Senator Danfield is a shoo-in. He could be convicted of raping and murdering his mother and still win the election. It's that conservative mentality.


Actually, in 2000, the Republicans lost ground in the Senate, and that made the 2000 Presidential election results even more important. As it ended up, Dick "Satan's Spawn" Cheney ended up casting the tie vote in a divided Senate, giving the GOP control.

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I think...in Carl's case, it's less about having "big balls of brass", and more about quite simply wanting to help his brother out at all costs, and seeing basically no other way to do so, than to do what he did here.


And anyways...what's this talk about, "if Danfield loses the election"? I thought we voted on that a couple weeks back here in the forum...and Danfield was a clear winner. :P:D

Edited by MJ85
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I think...in Carl's case, it's less about having "big balls of brass", and more about quite simply wanting to help his brother out at all costs, and seeing basically no other way to do so, than to do what he did here.


I agree. I just don't think Carl deserves any noble accolades for it. He's merely being an opportunist, IMHO.

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