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Pet Peeves


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When I sit on the bus and other people enter and have to sit right next to me even though the whole bus is still empty. XD


That's as bad as when you park in an empty parking lot, run into the store and come back out and some has parked not just next to my car but over the freaking line! Really?? Entire parking lot and they have park 2 inches from my car? :pissed:

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Speaking of parking, it also drives me nuts when someone parks so that they are taking up TWO spaces. And they always do it when the parking lot is crowded. I remember when I worked at B&N and it was the last Saturday before Christmas and someone parked with their car right in the middle of two parking spaces. I had been in the parking lot for at least five minutes looking for a spot and I totally lost my head and started screaming at the person who parked there (even though he/she was obviously--and luckily--not there to hear me). If I wasn't running late, I would have keyed them. Posted Image

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First day here and I'll jump right in with the pet peeves, haha!


I live- and drive- in an area with a lot of pedestrian tourists. I hate when they stop in crosswalks just to consult a map or get their bearings. It's like, "No, please, I wasn't trying to drive directly where you're standing. I'm not waiting for you. There's not a sidewalk right there where you could do that safely. Take your time."


Really, really pushy solicitors irk me. I don't care what the cause is, if you're in my personal space and refuse to take no for an answer, I'm peeved. I'll save the narwhals another day, but right now I desperately need to get into the market for my toothpaste.


I think that's all I have for now, haha, but I do agree with a lot already posted here.

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Pet peeve ?


People who bend corners on my books even when I give them a book mark ( evil and must die )

Snuggle bunny not hanging his towel up after taking a shower !

People expecting me to be civil before I've had my first cup of coffee in the morning.

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Pet Peeve: Multi-billion dollar insurance conglomerates that advertise using folk music like they a bunch of hippies sitting in a drum circle.


Posted Image < the truth


Posted Image < the lie

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Present tense narratives. Don't know is this is a peeve because I just refuse to read them. I suppose the "peeve" is that at the back of my mind is the thought that it might be a really good story I'll never get to read because of my dislike. Sorry if this upsets any writers here :)

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Well I'm a slightly OCD neat freak...but let's not go there.


Instead - I hate it when people say they won't judge you, or ask you to not judge them! How is that even possible?? Yes, you're going to say things, and I'll just turn of my brain till you're done...and not think about what you just told me. At all. EVER.

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I got a brand new one, people who correct you when you use a word wrong but have no idea what word you were supposed to use. If you're gonna waste time correcting me, do it all the way dammit! Don't just pop in and say "ha! WRONG!" then twirl away without telling me what I should have said! Grrrr!

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People who chew gum with their mouths open! I don't understand the idea of chewing gum at ALL (what are you- a cow? If you're hungry- eat something! Bored? find something else to do! Like the flavour? EAT something with the flavour!) but i can cope when you do it with your mouth shut. WIth your mouth open making all those wet noises right next to my ear on the tube or the bus and i'm trying really really hard not to turn around and scream!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My biggest pet peeve is listing to girls talk, but not just any kind of girl, but the really annoying super happy always smiling glitter and sparkles kind of girls. I mean it's cute when you 8 or 9, but when your 17-18 years old its just sad and really annoying!

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Slow appliances e.g. my digital radio and microchipped vacuum cleaner.  The radio takes about 2 secs to start up and the vac about 5 seconds (my Mum's old old trannie and Hoover are instant!).  Here's what happens:

Me: switch on evil vac

Evil vac: what was that? Oh yeah switch-on time, Activate launch sequence ...

- microchip on? Check

- software initialized? Check

- no tangled bits of fluff / rotting food in motorised suction nozzle thing? Check

Me: *experiencing extreme time-dilation-effect* kicks evil vac and screams lots of bad words

Evil vac *still playing dead*:

- software booted up? Check

- no reason to abort launch sequence? Check

- suction nozzle motor spinning up? Check

That's 5 seconds. Every time!  As I switch the thing on/off at least 12 times going around the house that's a whole minute gone from my life. I'll never get it back.  Wasted - what can you usefully do in 5 secs? Pick your nose, scratch your bum. That's about it.  In the lifetime of this wretched appliance it will have sucked up hours of my life.  I hate it.

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Water on the bathroom floor.

HOW LONG does it honestly take to mop up after you have a shower and not leave PUDDLES on the floor which i'm then going to step in which wearing socks?!? UGH!!!

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Hearing a song on the radio and by the time you get home you can only half remember one line so it's impossible to search for it even though the damn melody is stuck in your head. Dammit, it's 2012, I should be able to search "that song I heard in the car before" and have the song pop up! >_<

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1) People who eat food meant to be eaten with utensils with their hands............... and then proceed to wipe them on their pants. There are forks and spoons and napkins right in front of your face, use them!


2) People on public transport who smell really bad. Some can help the way they smell, and others cannot (the homeless), but either way it's offensive to me and I'm not sitting through a thirty minute skytrain ride holding my breath to appear polite. I walk away and switch spots every time.


3) Strangers with no regard for personal space, such as ladies who reach into their purse and elbow you a billion times, and especially guys who spread their legs 180 degrees and extend their knees into your seat. I always feel an urge to falcon punch their crotch.

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3) Yeah, but if it was a hot sexy muscley rugby player walking wet-dream kinda guy maybe I'd just sit back and enjoy the frottage thrills ... Posted Image

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  • 2 weeks later...

Two more peeves driving home on Sunday:


The driver who was trundling along at 40 in a 60 speed limit, with a long crocodile of angry motorists behind, veins throbbing dangerously on their temples as they attempted increasing dangerous overtaking manoeuvres, and who continued at 40 when the speed limit dropped to 30 Posted Image


Another driver who refused to make room for a passing motorbike to pull in front of him. Why? The driver was not gonna be held up, the bike was soon outa sight. Personally, I encourage bikers to pull in front of me. What's not to like about having a tightly leather-clab biker atop his throbbing mount right in front of you? Posted Image

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I swear if I see another old lady driving around with one of those little yippy dogs, not just on their lap but standing on their lap furry creature watching out the window while she's trying to drive...I'm gonna snatch the dog and bit it's legs off! I might beat her with the little doggy stumps too!

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I've Got a Little list


As some days may happen

That a victim must be found

I've got a little list

I've got a little list

Of society offenders

Who might well be underground

And who never would be missed

They never would be missed

There's weightlifters and bodybuilders

People of that sort

Bank robbers who retire to Spain

The minute they get caught

Bishops who don't believe in God

Chief constables who do

All people who host chat shows

And the guests what's on them too

And customs men who fumbling through your underwear insist

I don't think they'd be missed

I'm sure they'd not be missed

He's got them on the list

He's got them on the list

And they’d none of them be missed

They’d none of them be missed

There's the people with pretentious names

Like Justin, Trish, and Rolf

And the gynecologist

I've got him on the list

All muggers, joggers, buggers, floggers

People who play golf

They never would be missed

They never would be missed

All waitresses who make you wait

Accountants of all kinds

And actresses who kiss and tell

And wiggle their behinds

And pouncy little singers who to entertain us try

By dressing up like women and by singing far too high

And who on close observance must be either stoned or pissed

I don't think they'd be missed

I'm sure they not be missed

He's got them on the list

He's got them on the list

And they’d none of them be missed

And none of them be missed

There's the beggars who write letters

From the inland revenue

And the gossip columnist

I've got him on the list

All critics and comedians and opera singers too

They’d none of them be missed

They’d none of them be missed

All traffic wardens, bankers,

Men who sell Venetian blinds

All advertising chappies

And Australians of all kinds

And nasty little editors whose papers are the pits

Who fill their rags with gossip

And with huge and floppy... ritz.

And girls who sell the stories

Of the Tories they have kissed

But you must have got the gist

'Cause none of them be missed

You may put them on the list

You may put them on the list

And they’d none of them be missed

They’d none of them be missed

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Those animal shelter commercials where they play some sad sentimental music to pictures of sad looking cats and dogs. I get it, I get there are lotza pets out there that need lovin, but those commercials are so goddamn annoying. 1) I don't need a buzz kill when watching tv 2) I don't get the impulsive decision to run out to the pound to adopt every dog there like those commercials are trying to get me to do 3) and yes I do think it's distasteful to use cheap sentiment to collect money donations, half of which I believe don't go to where they're claimed to be going to.

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I've Got a Little list




And Australians of all kinds..................


I was going to "Like" this until I got to this line :-)

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People who says they can't do something but doesn't try first.


It's happening a lot where I work, and it's driving me nuts. They gonna call with a question, disrupting me while I work, and when you ask them if they look in the book, they say no. I mean, come on. It's not really hard to look it up yourself. I can understand if you didn't found it, but at least you don't call me for nothing...

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The way motorists are screwed for money. I recently dropped off my brother at the local airport.  They've changed the layout - to get to the terminal drop-off you now have to pay just to stop the car for five seconds for a passenger to hop out (he had no luggage). That's legalized robbery.  These airport guys are extorting money just for the privilege of allowing their customers to be delivered!! And motorists queue up patiently at the payment barrier and just give 'em the money!!  Personally I'd have these airport guys strapped down and have deeply unpleasant things done to them ...


So back to my brother.  Yeah, that's right, I did a U-turn and dropped him off half a mile away and let him walk! Posted Image

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