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Pet Peeves


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I absolutely hate when people write "must/should/could (etc.) of". I cannot see how it is not obvious that an "of" does not make any sense in that context. Ugh!


Also I'm not the most patient person on the planet, so it is of great annoyance to me when people don't drive the speed limit. I can see why you don't in for example cities, but when you are on a highway there is not reason whatsoever not to drive the speed limit.


And when I see people throw trash on the street even though there's a garbage bin two feet away.

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  • 4 weeks later...

1: Call centers. I pay to have them blocked from calling me but I STILL have people trying to sell me stuff I dont need. I get that they are jsut doing their job calling me, but when the same company has called so many times I actualyl freaking remember the names of the employees it just pisses me off. If I feel cruel I'll actually keep the conversation going for as long as possible before declining. They keep wasting my time so I dont feel bad about returning the favour.


Seriously why do I have to CALL the callcenters, bully my way up the foodchain to somebody with authority and DEMAND they stop calling me! Not to mention those freaks call late int he evening and on freaking sundays...*raaaaage*


2: Oh and those people camped out in strategic spots to try to talk you into buying phones, saving poor innocent animals or some other random crap. I freaking ahte when they ambush you in the line to the ATM, or some other place where you cant escape. I really dont like being rude as I know they are jsut doing their job..but GOD!!!! If the same guy is camped at the grocery store for 2 full weeks and I've been saying no to his god damn Greenpeace donation twice a day (yes they ask when you go in and when you come out -.-) you'd think he'd start remembering my face!


3: Jehovas Witness's. Really now guys STOP. KNOCKING. ON. MY. DOOR. I firmly believe this missionary (get your minds out of the gutter) crap should be illegal, if I was interested in your church I'd freaking come find you for crying out loud!

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  • 1 month later...

Time for another peeve Posted Image Just filled up my car, carefully squeezing the trigger to get the price counter to stop at whole pounds (£37) and NO PENNIES (it's another OCD thing Posted Image) then, releasing the trigger, gently withdraw the nozzle, shake off the last few drops with eyes glued to the display to confirm still showing whole pounds and NO PENNIES. Which it is. Pump stopped. Happy smile. Feeling good. Then carefully replace the nozzle/trigger thing into its "holster" while looking back at the display .... to see it suddenly FLIP to £37.01



Edited by Zombie
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This video is incredibly apropos to this thread.



I get really annoyed when people post about how much they love God on Facebook.


I'm totally guilty of posting pictures of food.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yet again reviving a dead topic, but I have just read quite a well written story, in fact a very well written story, except - and this is my peeve - "PROLLY" once or twice to help add to a character, ok, but every single time any character in any scene would have otherwise said probably? No, grating, annoying.very bloody annoying. and why?

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Getting on the Motorway/Highway and finding someone sitting in the middle lane going slower than the speed limit with nothing in the outside lane. Like hell, if you want to go slow I can live with that, but do it in the right lane!


People driving at night a half a mile behind you with their lights on full beam. Crumbs use your dip already!


And I really get irritated when you get a call from a marketing company and they ask you to identify yourself. Data protection my foot. You don't need my date of birth, post code and mothers maiden name to tell me I haven't used my account for six months, would I like to buy something.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I didn't realize how much it bothered me until I read it being used in a story A LOT, but "effin" and "f'cking" being written in place of the actual word. I mean, really?

Edited by methodwriter85
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Heh. Never realized how many pet peeves I had until I read this thread.


Mine is people who hijack an interesting story to say "Oh, I know! The exact same thing happened to me and..." and then proceed to tell you a story that's nowhere near as interesting as the one you were listening to in the first place.

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Ha ha ha - i have a few friends who do that! Nothing more irritating!


My current pet-peeve is passive-agressiveness. I currently have a housemate who writes us notes rather than bringing things up with us directly. She sent me a text once to ask me to do something for her (which honestly she could have done in about 5 seconds) and decided that obviously the best way to start it off would be to write "while you're sitting there" ... URGH.... Made me so angry.

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And then there's the person that seems unable to figure out that when I'm working from home, I'm working, and therefore not at her beck and call to run every errand for her, pop by to have lunch with her, drive her to meet her friends, etc.


But let's not start talking about mothers, because that just triggers a whole new subset of pet peeves for me. Posted Image

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One that I hate the most is when I am nice enough to ask someone over for dinner, and they begin to tell me what them and their spouse like and dislike.


Another one that really makes me angry is to see someone staring or pointing at a handicapped person, totally oblivious of the fact that the person they are staring at is very much aware of what is going on, and is embarassed by the unwanted attention.

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Just two. People who complain. A LOT. And people who feel they're God's gift to Earth. I shouldn't have to reach a standard to be able to talk to you.


I totally agree with you VictoryPanda
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My pet peeves are (1) People who complain about their job(s). If you don't like what your doing...then do something else.


(2) People who suffer from what I call the "Self-Importance" attitude...I mean really....someone told them long time ago they were special and it went straight to their head.


(3) People who brag about their kids every minute of the day...NEWS FLASH....when it comes right down to it... no one really cares.

(4) People who walk around oblivious to anyone or anything around them.

(5) People who either forget their manners and never say excuse me, sorry or thank you

Edited by harcallard
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Why do people hang toilet paper against the wall so you have to scrabble for it Posted Image when it's obvious it's gotta hang towards you so you can grab it Posted Image *adds this to growing collection of OCDs Posted Image*

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I despise it when I hold the door open for someone else and they enter without any acknowledgement o the good deed then they proceed to conduct their business ahead of me! People have no since of civility or respect of anyone other than themselves. That lack of civility or respect for others is, without a doubt, my biggest pet peeve.

Edited by Forsaken One
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I really cannot stand when I have to repeat myself. Like if someone asks me what my schedule is like and I tell them...then a week later they ask me again even though I expressly told them that my days off do not change. It makes me feel like they weren't listening in the first place, and that's upsetting.

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My pet peeve is people who take up two parking spots whether it be because they just don't know how to park or because they think their car is so much more important than everyone elses.

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People who drive while texting, reading, talking on their cell phones and eating. When you are driving, just drive. Maintain a bit of situational awareness and, for God sake, respect other drivers.


Today, as I was driving into my office (I have a 40 minute commute each way) I was cut off or otherwise had to alter my course because of another Inattentive driver. The ironic point to this is that I am ADHD-Inattentive Type and I was being very focused on my driving while others were not.


So, whenever people are driving, they should just DRIVE! That is all.

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One more...


People who do not put merchandise back where it belongs in retail stores. They pick it up, carry with them around the store, then deside they don't want it or can't afford it or they just find something else. However, rather than being nice and/or respectful (towards other customers and to the store's employees) by returning the unwanted merchandise to its proper location, they simply set it in a random spot on a shelf or, even worse they drop it onto the floor where it may become soiled or damaged.


I guess there is a theme to my Pet Peeves...That human beings have absolutely no respect for anyone or anything other than themselves. Society is rapidly coming apart at the seams and when the fabric of civility is broken, total anarchory will enslave the Earth.

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