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Pet Peeves


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I guess there is a theme to my Pet Peeves...That human beings have absolutely no respect for anyone or anything other than themselves. Society is rapidly coming apart at the seams and when the fabric of civility is broken, total anarchory will enslave the Earth.


It may just mean parents stop teach their children of good habits.... The TXTing in car part.... I see younger folks do that a lot, even in classroom. Parents probably didn't pay attention to their kids enough to tell them that's disrespectful to teachers, and teachers usually just give up.... It's clearly written in course syllabus that no cell phone is allowed in classroom, but kids just don't care.


And a pet peeve I recently discovered.... People use the word "ironic" incorrectly. It drives me nuts!!! That word was often misused by many people back when I was in high school, and now it's just getting 100x worse.... It's like nobody knows what that word means anymore. If something that pisses them off, they say it's "ironic." Or use "irony" when they really mean "sarcasm." WTF!?! I blame it on Urbandictionary....




Speaker A: I just HEART McDonald's, with all that grease and hormone beef, YUMMY!

Speaker B: Are you kidding? (and then goes on to explain the health hazard and food safety, and general downturn of civilization due to McDonald's mega corporation culture)

Speaker C: Don't get defensive. He was just being ironic.




Another one.... It's from some other forum I go, some people would call everyone troll if the person disagreed with their opinion. There is absolutely no tolerance of differences in values/opinions, or they'd be labeled a troll.... I don't even think the people who abuse that word (and people) know what that word mean. Probably s/he has been called that (and rightly so) so s/he just called everyone that....

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Tangled telephone cords. My last visit to my Mum's I had to turn the hand thing 20 times to unravel it. And when I'm in other people's homes I have to physically restrain myself from doing the same :o

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I got a pet peeve that bothers the shit out of me. It seems that for my height my pants belt loops, or sometimes my pants pockets are just the right distance off the floor so that when I walk through a doorway sometimes, I get snagged in the little metal plate that surrounds the hole the door latch fits into and "rip", I loose my belt loop or "rip", I get a big tear in my pocket. I mean, this is ridiculous! How does this happen? It just does. It's not like I raise my arms over my head and scoot over, sticking my hips out so I playing rumba with the doorway. F, sometime the enter door knob is grabbed by my pocket and I am immediately pulled backwards wondering what the F is going on. F F F


Just the other day, I had these new cargo shorts on and I walked by (not fast mind you) a open lower kitchen cabinet and the handle of the cabinet somehow got in the folds of one of the lower pockets of the pants and rippppp ... a big hole ... my F'n glasses case fell out of my pocket!! What? Are you F'n kidding???

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People who let their animals loose to do their business everywhere but at home. I have a fenced in yard with a small dog. There is nothing like coming out in the morning to find this golden retriever from down the block doing his business on my concrete driveway after he jumped the four foot fence. His owners have a six foot fence and a dog run but they never close the gates or put him in the run. The dog yesterday took a dump in one of the small wading pools that the woman across the street just bought for her baby. Leash the dog and clean up after it. :angry:

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After today, I'm adding cyclists who flat out ignore road traffic rules.


A cyclist almost ran some guy over after cycling through a red stop light at 35 mph, a cyclist almost ran me over after going through a side entrance that was marked no entry, and another cyclist almost got smushed by a car after ignoring a no left turn sign; it was no left turn for a bloody good reason - to stop stupid cyclists from getting smushed.


And you wanna know the really crazy thing? Under the law, none of these cyclists did anything wrong.

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I hate it when I'm driving 70 miles per hour in the slow lane of a 55-mph road, and people go around me, meaning they've got to be going at least 80 to 85. I mean, seriously?

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I don't think nothing will go wrong, because it often does- but I do think in the end things work themselves out, and you wind up where you were supposed to be. Life has a way of throwing some major curveballs at you that eventually turn out to be something you really needed.

Edited by methodwriter85
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in the end things work themselves out, and you wind up where you were supposed to be.

You really believe that sunshine?


I hope you never have to find out what it's like to be helpless and in the power of your enemies.

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You really believe that sunshine?


I hope you never have to find out what it's like to be helpless and in the power of your enemies.


Oh, please.... One of my pet peeves is a cat who doesn't spit his fur ball in the kitty litter. j/k.... Would it help if your enemies are kind of nice looking? Okay, just kidding..., just kidding.... (*backing off slowly, but still maintaining eye-contact*)


But seriously though, sometimes we need to find a silverlining in everything. Not like we're trying to be a sunshine, but at least it helps..., to ease some unhappiness, or at least to forget. Forgive those who trespass against you..., especially those who are kind of cute. Sorry.... Kidding again....

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The head teacher at my school constantly says 'think' instead of 'thing' and it drives me mental! Constantly have to remind my students of the right way to say it.


Also, as much as I love the poms, why do people in london constantly ask if I'm okay or alright, but then not expect an answer? I'm great can we skip it please!

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Also, as much as I love the poms, why do people in london constantly ask if I'm okay or alright, but then not expect an answer? I'm great can we skip it please!


Hahah, that's just a greeting to which you're expected to reply "yeah good, and you?" - the last thing the other guy / girl wants is a detailed list of your ailments and troublesome bowel movements :D

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Stepping in a puddle of water with socks on. Do it every time I am wearing socks in my house. My dogs don't clean up after themselves when they play outside in the rain or drink water out of their dishes.

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Hahah, that's just a greeting to which you're expected to reply "yeah good, and you?" - the last thing the other guy / girl wants is a detailed list of your ailments and troublesome bowel movements Posted Image


I always feel horribly retarded when someone greets me. I always respond wrong and then over-analyze it after it happens while wondering if the other person thinks I'm as much of an idiot as I think I am. For example, if I go buy food and the person tells me "Thank you for coming to our establishment" or something along those lines, I will respond with "Yeah, you too."


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Also, as much as I love the poms, why do people in London constantly ask if I'm okay or alright, but then not expect an answer? I'm great can we skip it please!


I HATE that also! If I said anything other than great, then they gave me a stinky leave me alone face. People just don't really care. So it's not just London.


I always feel horribly retarded when someone greets me. I always respond wrong and then over-analyze it after it happens while wondering if the other person thinks I'm as much of an idiot as I think I am. For example, if I go buy food and the person tells me "Thank you for coming to our establishment" or something along those lines, I will respond with "Yeah, you too."


Posted Image


LOL! I was in retail for too long, I keep thanking people, even when I am the customer. I even straighten the clothes rack and fold some clothes sometimes....


And yesterday, another person was trying to get a shopping car at Ross, and I was somehow in the way. She asked me if I wanted to get that cart. I said, "No, no, no." Then she took the cart. I almost thanked her out of habit, but instead I said, "Just kidding." That must have confused the heck out of her.... Of course, I ran out of the store as quickly as I could. F*ck my life moment.

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My latest pet peeve is people cutting in front of me when I'm driving.. When I'm doing 80kms, you don't have to pull out 10m in front of me and make me slam on my brakes on a busy road with some other idiot tailgating me AND I'm quite clearly a learner with 2 L's on the front and back of the car.

its happened 6 times in the last month and people keep cutting in front of me or coming too close behind me and I just want to throw a brick at them.

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people keep cutting in front of me or coming too close behind me and I just want to throw a brick at them.


Hahah, I know what you mean :) Best not to reach for the brick during your driving test though ... :D

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My latest pet peeve is people cutting in front of me when I'm driving.. When I'm doing 80kms, you don't have to pull out 10m in front of me and make me slam on my brakes on a busy road with some other idiot tailgating me AND I'm quite clearly a learner with 2 L's on the front and back of the car.

its happened 6 times in the last month and people keep cutting in front of me or coming too close behind me and I just want to throw a brick at them.


Yeah, well that is going to happen. You have to deal with it. What I mean is not get so upset about that. I think that is hard to do especially if you are a young driver. The correct mind set (I am talking from experience here) when you are driving is to let the stupid stuff go and stick to the main objective we all should have when we are out on the road. That is ... TO GET TO YOUR DESTINATION WITHOUT HITTING ANYTHING! SAFELY! That means, driving is not a race with some other jerk that just has to get infront of you in traffic. What the f is that? So you get there a little later. Big sh*t.


If you see someone approaching you from the rear, just get over to the slow lane if possible. Avoid touchy situations before they could possiblity cause an accident.


I really dislike these old farts (Hey, I'm an old fart and I don't do this!) that drive in the fast lane going the speed limit. I know they are thinking " I'm going the speed limit so you ass*oles behind me should just slow down and I'm going to make you slow down. That is just wrong. Unfortunately there are some drivers that are not aware that they are on the road with anyone else. They are out there and they are so clueless (because of their age) that they shouldn't be driving.

Edited by TommyZ
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Pet peeve: when you're having a nice conversation with someone and they text or answer a phone call without saying 'excuse me' or anything to you... is politeness no longer human nature? i guess it is learned and certain people didn't attend class for it -.-

Edited by Shax_Panda
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