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Clementi trial starts today


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Does any one really believe him?



In the lack of contradictory evidence, I believe him. His interview backs up my basic assertion that this was less a hate crime and more him being a 'dumb kid' fresh off the leading strings.


Two of his words obnoxious n insignificant ... i think he belittles it ... they didn't get to introduce JustUsBoys forum messages where tyler is talking about ravi because defense was against it ... oh yeah there is profound affect ... ravi does search the web about tyler online life. He know tyler online name. So he knows more than the interviewer did his homework.

This has no relevence to anything under discussion. He was never, and should never, be tried regarding Clementi's suicide.

pity no other leads to tyler death .. i guess its a cold case

He jumped off a bridge. Suicide. Case closed, no need to dig deeper.

its a pitty he didn't take the stand ... it would have made some difference

one would think if u not going to take the plea ... then at least set the record straight

He was probably just listening to his counsel's advice.

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Thats bad legal advice ... u saw clip of interview ... so wouldn't such a testimony given change what the jurior think

it could have brought down the sentence to just like the plea deal


but they didn't establish its a harmless prank ... but even if they did they got him on tampering, IOP,

but the jury hung him ... and no one has commented if the judge is a softy or hard nose


so we dont know the sentence ... we don't know if ravi will be the symbol of don't do anti-gay things

also learn to be good roommates ... but u see ravi got zealous on his repuation ...

but that should have been brought across to the jury and judge

they didn;'t ... they just used words to describe ... but no proof

the proof is let ravi take the stand ... when ppl can read his sincerity

even if prosescuter rips him to shreds ... jury can tell from cheap shots

I listen for the truth of the matter ... I;ve been on a jury ...

I certainly need the truth, the evidence, and the ability to get my question answered

and every thing discuss ... that voting ballot is confusing


the defense team was a joke taking cheap shots ... they didn't get their money worth

they over paid ...


when u come from a strict india family ... there is no room to do these kind of silly pranks

and really this isn't a prank . since it violates laws


a prank isn't suppose to hurt some one ... a pranks is also to be done without injury

tyler pointed out injury ... by making complaint .. so thats the end of ravi immature days


the unsung law ... don't get caught pulling a prank ... social media pranks are very risky


how ravi grown up ... well he has to prove that to a lot of ppl ...

including a pesonal visit to the clementi family and appologize .. in the india tradition

the india community does realize the american dream isn't an entitlement

its a slap to the face about how bad they raise their children


gosh there is a lot of evidence of unfair and immaturity

that stems from an entitlement attitude and lack of appreciation

in the younger gen ... as ravi is the first olive branch to be sacrificed


thats the question we give the judge and we has to wait


lol I wonder when the uni is going to be hit with lawsuit?

for not providing a safe educational environment

at the prices they charge for college


its a joke .... like a prank ... like some one died ...



In the lack of contradictory evidence, I believe him. His interview backs up my basic assertion that this was less a hate crime and more him being a 'dumb kid' fresh off the leading strings.


He was probably just listening to his counsel's advice.


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Any one watch the Ravi Interview?


Well the synopsis of the events gives you the idea of what happen. But it lacks a lot of specifics.

They said the case cover three major areas invasion, bias, tampering.


The issue is the look, smell, feels, and sounds like. So it looks like duck ... then is must be a duck. Ravi fail to see from a different POV that his actions can be interpreted different from outside of his peers. Thus the world wind of the media.


His defense fail to convey all this. They fail to show what really happens in Ravi world and the way teens communicate because they spent only a couple of days on it while the prosecution spent like two weeks on their case. Now we all see this on an interview. How will this affect the judges decision. Will he keep the blinders on? Perhaps he is reviewing the appeal before the sentence? The judge seems to look intelligent but he is bounded by the testimony and evidence.


Its a mess with millions people with a POV and one person's quest to let people know the sense of the truth.


Does the world make an example of Ravi no matter what he's done?

Does the world need an example made in order to set a precedence about bullying and hate crimes?


Everyone knows enough is enough. The anti-bullying campaign from the act is being implemented in schools. That I found in google. The question will it be effective. But be aware this issue is over 100 years old.


It addresses everything for the next 50 years. But it doesn't heal the wounds of the millions that are affected. Our society is by fare still insensitive and barbaric.


There are millions of different hopes for this case. Perhaps the judge does understand what the hate crime laws are about. He has gone to a judges seminar.


Now, even thou Ravi is working on standing up for his case. The question is can he see beyond just trying to avoiding the worst judgement in his life.

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Think of the demands placed on the jury in Ravi’s case. Jurors were instructed to disregard whatever they may have read or heard about the circumstances leading to the case. Jurors were informed that Clementi had committed suicide, but instructed to disregard that fact in deliberating Ravi’s guilt. Jurors were instructed not to draw any negative inference from the fact that the defendant did not testify. Jurors were further instructed, pursuant to a tortuous and eccentric provision of New Jersey law, that how Ravi’s actions were perceived by Clementi was relevant to establishing Ravi’s guilty state of mind. Post-conviction interviews of the jurors showed that they were bothered by the suicide, that they were troubled by the defendant’s failure to testify and that the bias crime charge was confusing.


Well after reading the above article ... it is indeed hard to be on the jury ... sometimes you need someone to help the jury ... its been a long time since I've been on one but its always seems that the judge makes it confusing to the jury. I did appreciate the free lunch.


I did find an article where the clementi parents did what the Sheppard parents did, show mercy.

Is there any reason why sentencing take two months? Is it to see how the public reacts?

Can we hope the verdict ballot was a test to see which way the jury favored that's assuming the judge is very educated.


Its funny we worry about the case in terms of future cases.



Under that provision and the state’s sentencing law, a first-time offender such as Ravi would instead face probation. A judge also could order community service, anger management or counseling. Or less than a year in county jail.


Perhaps this has to work in ravi favor, since it worked for molly. In the interview, he shown that he's not violent. Even ravi says he knows he has to serve some time but not 10 years.


I guess for those who believe in the harsher sentence ... we need to bring to court the ones that deserve it. We need to see the difference between the harsh and lighter sentences. We can all hope the judge passes a good sentence and not a bad and unjust one. Its been done before.


well, I search if the parents were going to sue the uni or not. There is no news and they did attend a uni seminar last year. The schools are all supporting the anti-bullying act. Its costly at 3,000 per school to purchase the kit so they can educate the teaching population. But its a start in the direction of the next 50 years. We can hope it will be better for the next generation.

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I don't think Tyler Clementi killed himself because Ravi outed him formally on campus. I think Tyler killed himself because he was afraid his born again mother would not accept him because he was gay. They went to a pretty conservative church in NJ that was not supportive of gays.

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I don't think Tyler Clementi killed himself because Ravi outed him formally on campus. I think Tyler killed himself because he was afraid his born again mother would not accept him because he was gay. They went to a pretty conservative church in NJ that was not supportive of gays.


I actually think Tyler killed himself because he was not all the way out of the closet, he was uncomfortable in coming out. And I'm sure the sniggers and stares he got freaked him out to a point he could not face it anymore. That is my take on his he was very insecure about his sexuality and wanted it private, given time he may have come to terms with it. But forced into the limelight he panicked an ran away, if true about his mother, may she forgive herself later.

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  • 1 month later...

Former Rutgers student Dharun Ravi was sentenced to 30 days in jail by a New Jersey judge today for spying on his roommate's gay tryst. Ravi's freshman roommate Tyler Clementi committed suicide days later.

"I do not believe he hated Tyler Clementi," Judge Glenn Berman told the court. "He had no reason to, but I do believe he acted out of colossal insensitivity."

Ravi must report to Middlesex Adult Correctional Center on May 31 at 9 a.m. for his probationary sentence.

"I heard this jury say, 'guilty' 288 times--24 questions, 12 jurors. That's the multiplication," Berman said. "I haven't heard you apologize once."

The prosecution, which sought a significant prison term, indicated it will appeal the judge's sentence.

Before the judge's sentencing, Ravi's mother delievered an emotional plea for leniancy during which she and her son both broke into tears. At the end of her plea, Ravi's mother threw herself on her son, sobbing and hugging him.



Ravi, could face deportation to India where he was born and remains as a citizen. The judge says he added a notation to his judgement recommending that Ravi not be deported.

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Considering the Judge's harsh and critical comments, I'm surprised by his lenient verdict. Is this adding insult to injury?

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The man was found guilty, but not of murder. I think the judge actually did a good job of explaining the sentence and his reasons for it. I read an article earlier from an LGBT organization expressing hope that the sentence wouldn't be too severe as he worried about a backlash.

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Ravi confuses me. I read his IM's with his friends and he didn't seem like a homophobe at all. He seemed almost completely indifferent about Tyler being gay. Even his friend suggested that Tyler would try stuff on him and he responded back with "Why would it be awkward" and stuff. But then he wants to record him and goes on about how his roommate is gay and stuff.


=\ \=

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Actually, I think he got off lightly considering he was not remorseful nor apologetic for his actions. However, I think this will follow him for the rest of his life, that may be justice enough. I imagine he can not go anywhere without being pointed out, or have to look behind his back everywhere he goes. This will haunt him.

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The public will haunt him but not the ghost of Tyler. Everyone will forget about Ravi in a couple of years.

Only the foundation will keep the memory of Tyler alive while Ravi and Molly carry on with their lives.

There is no evidence that the india community or the parents of Ravi even cared about anything but just Ravi.

Its like they erected a wall of inhumanity with respect to living in the USA. Used our country for their benefits.

But not truly act as part of our diversity as one nation.

In Ravi interview he states that he doesn't know what to say to the Tyler's Parents but the unspeakable is where this wall resides.

Perhaps this is because his parents n community tells him to stay away rather than follow their heart as human beings.

No one is really breaking this line of demarcation. Perhaps now that the trial moment is over. The thoughts of the fight is over.

Maybe something might happen in a year where both communities will either come together or just ignore each other.

Go back to tolerating each other.

Does any one got a diff view point? Am I missing something?

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Its not just 30-days but the rest of the sentence from the plea bargain as well

plus probation plus counseling plus fine


Lite sentence for a 30 day trial

perhaps this is in good balance to ravi side that ppl ignore to hear

it could have been worst

just hope no one appeals


Berman said he did not believe Ravi was motivated by anti-gay hatred. "But I do believe he acted out of colossal insensitivity," he said.


He ordered Ravi to report in 10 days to begin serving his time. Ravi must perform 300 hours of community service and pay a $10,000 fine that will go to help victims of bias crimes. He faces three years' probation and must undergo counseling about cyber-bullying.

Interesting article discussing the division among gay activist groups over the sentence at the LATimes:




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But back in 1965, there wasn’t a push to try kids as adults in local, state and federal courts. There wasn’t equal justice for citizens who had to face a jury of their peers. We didn’t talk about hate crimes. And there wasn’t an awareness or dialogue around the links between race, class and conviction rates in America.


Times have changed. Now we have a man running for President who ‘made mistakes’ as a kid.

  • Right around the age of 17, Mitt Romney rounded up a posse of heterosexual boys who pinned a boy down and cut his hair.
  • The victim was perceived by his classmates to be a homosexual — and even though the word gay was probably never used, witnesses to the event recall certain euphemisms being used to describe the boy.
We have real-life examples of other kids being held accountable for bullying kids who are not openly gay. Dharun Ravi is a former Rutgers student who was just convicted of intimidating his roommate. The roommate committed suicide after learning his gay encounter was seen on a webcam planted by Dharun.


Knowing what you know about accountability and bullying, would you hire Dharun to work at your company? When this awful incident happened, both Rutgers boys were barely older than Mitt Romney was during the aforementioned haircut incident.



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