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for all you final fantasy fans out there


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I dont know if anyone posted this yet bu back at E3 Square wnix released a final fantast Tech Demo to do two things.


1. show off the new graphics engine thire devloping for the ps4

2. show off the new grittier style final fantasy 15 will be going in.







so what do you huys think. do you like the more grounded gritty style or not?

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I like the engine, it looks great. A lot like the Fox Engine actually which I freaking loved in the MGS: Ground Zeroes trailer. I just hope that isn't what FFXV ends up being storywise. I like the guns vs magic thing, even if guns are usually useless in FF games, but then it turns into "girl runs away with super magical thing that everyone wants to get" and I just lose all interest. I hate plots that are all about magical stuff and young girls thrown into situations way over their head and all that. Just bores me.


Plus I'm gonna be really skeptical of any FF game after the garbage that is the Lightning "Saga".


Thanks for posting though, I hadn't seen this yet b^_^

Edited by Cyhort
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frpm what i understand she isent a actual character the tech demo was just to give people a feel of the tone and the world but not the actual story. now she may come into play at some point but shes not the main character.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It looks interesting enough. I like how realistic this take on FF looks. Although, I have to say... as much as I like this idea, I don't want the series to turn into another stupid shooter / FPS. There can only be so many shooting games on a system before you get bored of them, you know?

Edited by Branflakes1413
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I never ever want to see Lightning ever again. Having said that, as a die hard FF fan I'll probably still play XIII-2 :/


AND I LOVE THIS NEW DEMO. See the thing about FF is even though they tell good stories in a good way (sometimes), it all ends up being sanitised for the kids. They seem to have skipped that in this one :)


(sorry kids!)

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  • 1 month later...

It's my humble opinion that the series started going to hell some time ago. I disliked 11 with a vengeance. 12 was okay but not great and I didn't feel as involved as earlier games due to the game being kind of spread out with HUGE gaps in the gameplay without storyline progression. I won't even discuss my hatred of "Lightning".

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It's my humble opinion that the series started going to hell some time ago. I disliked 11 with a vengeance. 12 was okay but not great and I didn't feel as involved as earlier games due to the game being kind of spread out with HUGE gaps in the gameplay without storyline progression. I won't even discuss my hatred of "Lightning".


If you're not into MMOs, then don't count in FFXI.

FFXI is a game that I have many fond memories of playing - and has in my opinion the best storyline of -all- FF-games.


FFXII was fun - it was fun to run around in Ivalice, although playing with more of the races (and not just the Humans and the Viera) would have been fun.


FFXIII I couldn't really get into. The whole game style was choppy and it was hard to not be able to controll all your characters.

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I've noticed a trend with Final Fantasy (like most games and movies too). As graphics improves...storyline declines. They wow us with graphics teasers that have us go OOOOOOOOOOH. But after a few hours of sucky gameplay we don't care about HD graphics anymore. FFXI best story? :| Like most MMOs it is open ended by choice so they can keep adding new stuff...which is unfocussed and...lame.


I have yet to see a SINGLE SquareEnix game of recent years that can live up to the storyline of their earlier work (like say ChronoTrigger). Back then with 32 bit graphics (lol) they HAD to have substance to their 2D games to keep us hooked. I spent more time on ChronoTrigger than on any recent FF game.

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I've noticed a trend with Final Fantasy (like most games and movies too). As graphics improves...storyline declines. They wow us with graphics teasers that have us go OOOOOOOOOOH. But after a few hours of sucky gameplay we don't care about HD graphics anymore.


THANK YOU! It's so freaking hard to get SE fanboys to admit this. But lets be honest, FF games have never had the best storylines. They've all suffered from Japanese storytelling with cliched "I wanna destroy the world, rawwwr!" Saturday morning cartoon bad guys and characters built around one character trait and halfway through the game totally losing the plot and going off on stupid, philosphical rants. People just have good memories of earlier FF games because they did all that before it was overdone. Like FF7, that thing is probably the most cliched story with one of the stupidest motivations for a villian ever ("I just found out my mommy was an alien, so I wanna destroy the world now for some reason") and yet that game and Sephiroth are on every "best of" list ever.


But there are a lot of really good JRPG's out there, some even made by SE, that actually put effort into the story. It's just sad that most JRPG developers don't even try anymore and just shove fan service and overused plots down our throats.

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THANK YOU! It's so freaking hard to get SE fanboys to admit this. But lets be honest, FF games have never had the best storylines. They've all suffered from Japanese storytelling with cliched "I wanna destroy the world, rawwwr!" Saturday morning cartoon bad guys and characters built around one character trait and halfway through the game totally losing the plot and going off on stupid, philosphical rants. People just have good memories of earlier FF games because they did all that before it was overdone. Like FF7, that thing is probably the most cliched story with one of the stupidest motivations for a villian ever ("I just found out my mommy was an alien, so I wanna destroy the world now for some reason") and yet that game and Sephiroth are on every "best of" list ever.


But there are a lot of really good JRPG's out there, some even made by SE, that actually put effort into the story. It's just sad that most JRPG developers don't even try anymore and just shove fan service and overused plots down our throats.


You my friend are so freaking right! I have a friend who is obsessed with FF7 and when we dissected the storyline and I asked him to explain it because I sure didn't see Seph's point...he said that I was too stupid to understand it. When I had finished hitting him upside the head all he could say was much musta got lost in the translation. Grrrrrrr. It's a Japanese thing. Some of their anime...god...same thing.

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I've noticed a trend with Final Fantasy (like most games and movies too). As graphics improves...storyline declines. They wow us with graphics teasers that have us go OOOOOOOOOOH. But after a few hours of sucky gameplay we don't care about HD graphics anymore. FFXI best story? :| Like most MMOs it is open ended by choice so they can keep adding new stuff...which is unfocussed and...lame.


I have yet to see a SINGLE SquareEnix game of recent years that can live up to the storyline of their earlier work (like say ChronoTrigger). Back then with 32 bit graphics (lol) they HAD to have substance to their 2D games to keep us hooked. I spent more time on ChronoTrigger than on any recent FF game.


You are exactly right, and it's not just Square Enix, Bethseda is guilty of it as are probably most video game companies...

as is the idea of creating MMO's is the way of the future, i for one don't like having to co-op with a bunch of other players to beat normal monsters much less a boss (ie Lineage 2) or competing with other players for things either.

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I've noticed a trend with Final Fantasy (like most games and movies too). As graphics improves...storyline declines. They wow us with graphics teasers that have us go OOOOOOOOOOH. But after a few hours of sucky gameplay we don't care about HD graphics anymore. FFXI best story? :| Like most MMOs it is open ended by choice so they can keep adding new stuff...which is unfocussed and...lame.



Please tell me that you've at least played FFXI - followed the storyline and played it through with some friends of yours.

If not - then just don't even bother commenting about FFXI's storyline.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd just like to point out that this is not Final Fantasy XV.  This is called Agni's Philosophy and it's just a tech demo to show what they're capable of on next gen consoles.  There has been no announcement or teaser at Final Fantasy XV.  Don't expect one until after Lightning Returns and Vesus XIII are released, since they're taking the bulk of the production time right now (that and the re-release of XIV.)


Personally I'm excited for Versus XIII, and I was excited for Lightning Returns until I saw the trailer.

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THANK YOU! It's so freaking hard to get SE fanboys to admit this. But lets be honest, FF games have never had the best storylines. They've all suffered from Japanese storytelling with cliched "I wanna destroy the world, rawwwr!" Saturday morning cartoon bad guys and characters built around one character trait and halfway through the game totally losing the plot and going off on stupid, philosphical rants. People just have good memories of earlier FF games because they did all that before it was overdone. Like FF7, that thing is probably the most cliched story with one of the stupidest motivations for a villian ever ("I just found out my mommy was an alien, so I wanna destroy the world now for some reason") and yet that game and Sephiroth are on every "best of" list ever.


But there are a lot of really good JRPG's out there, some even made by SE, that actually put effort into the story. It's just sad that most JRPG developers don't even try anymore and just shove fan service and overused plots down our throats.


Just to argue the point here, but in FFVI, the main villian was -- and the point of him was -- being the 'I wanna destroy the world because it's there' types.  Kefka was insane, and deliberately so.  He made good storytelling precisely because he violated -- ingeniously -- the law that everyone believes themselves good.  Kefka is the villian everyone loves to hate -- and that's why he made it into the list of 'top villians' ever.


Final Fantasy VII, on the other hand...  Sephiroth was never the point of the story.  Aeris, Cloud, Tifa, and the rest, they are the story.  I don't think Sephiroth ever made 'top villian' -- his insanity (and that's what it is, btw; he discovered the truth about his mother and his mind just snapped...  he thinks that by calling meteor down, he's saving the planet and bringing back the Ancients) just isn't that compelling.


JRPGs in general have a very nasty 'save the world' trope going on, true.  The best of them start with something smaller and work their way up, but... they still have this horrid idea that if it isn't planet-destroying, it isn't worth fighting.  Look past that if you want to see the fun.

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Just to argue the point here, but in FFVI, the main villian was -- and the point of him was -- being the 'I wanna destroy the world because it's there' types.  Kefka was insane, and deliberately so.  He made good storytelling precisely because he violated -- ingeniously -- the law that everyone believes themselves good.  Kefka is the villian everyone loves to hate -- and that's why he made it into the list of 'top villians' ever.


Final Fantasy VII, on the other hand...  Sephiroth was never the point of the story.  Aeris, Cloud, Tifa, and the rest, they are the story.  I don't think Sephiroth ever made 'top villian' -- his insanity (and that's what it is, btw; he discovered the truth about his mother and his mind just snapped...  he thinks that by calling meteor down, he's saving the planet and bringing back the Ancients) just isn't that compelling.


JRPGs in general have a very nasty 'save the world' trope going on, true.  The best of them start with something smaller and work their way up, but... they still have this horrid idea that if it isn't planet-destroying, it isn't worth fighting.  Look past that if you want to see the fun.


I never said anything about Kefka. I've never played FF6 so I can't comment on him, but from what I've heard nothing but good things about him as a villian. I disagree about FF7 though, Sephiroth might not have been the main point of the story, but neither were only Cloud, Aeris and Tifa. The main point was the main character party saving the world from SHINRA, and then later on Sephiroth. The whole thing with Cloud and Zach and Aeris and Tifa was just part of that, and honestly not that interesting and just unnecessarily confusing. But as far as villians go, the whole "insane villian" is lazy IMO, and if someone's gonna do it then they need to put a LOT of effort into making it interesting, and JRPG's rarely go out of their way to make an interesting character when a cliche will do.


As for looking past the "save the world thing", it's kinda hard when it's the main point of the game. If I have to look past the whole point of a game to have fun with it, then it's a bad game and a bad story. It's like saying "Star Wars is great if you ignore all the stuff about the Empire".

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I lost interest in Final Fantasy when they got rid of the rustic sorta style and turned everything high tech and made all the characters look j-pop.


They recently released Final Fantasy Dimensions for us die-hard old-school fans for Android and iPhone devices. I haven't progressed far yet, but it's quite awesome... 

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  • 1 month later...

The trailer looks okay but, for me, the recent Final Fantasy games have either lived or died by their mechanics.  FFX was amazing with the sphere grid and aeon system; FFXII was terrible all around;  after watching the trailer for FFXIII I thought it was going to be amazing but the game machanics were just too simplistic and the story couldn't make up for it.  Just my opinion.

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