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I'm an iPerson

Hayden L

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T-Mobile is offering the iPhone on April 12th and got rid of its contracts if anyone is interested. I work with T-Mobile, so I think it's awesome! We're doing a deal, you'll put down $99 dollars on the iPhone 5, then 20 dollars every month for the next 24 months. With the new unlimited plans, that would be about 80 dollars, before taxes for the plan AND the phone AND NO CONTRACT. 


It's something to look into if anyone is interested in the iPhone. :) 

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I actually plan on getting that Lacey. What is ATT's policy on returning phones? Notably, the iPhone with the contractless plan and the monthly payment? Because if it's on 6.1.3 I don't want it so if I can't return it i'll pick up a different phone...maybe the HTC One.

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phone plans have a cancellation fee to get back whats left when you quit the plan perhaps thats paying back for the phone

T-Mobile => 99 + 24x80 => 2019 - 649 => 57.08 plus taxes plan \ 27.04 plus taxes phone

ATT => 199+24x(70+80) +36 AF + => 3835 - 649 => 132.75 \ 27.04

ATT seems expensive since they separate talk, message, data, video ... so is TMobile bundle all that ?


ATT charges like your leasing a small car


if u have a phone already




I actually plan on getting that Lacey. What is ATT's policy on returning phones? Notably, the iPhone with the contractless plan and the monthly payment? Because if it's on 6.1.3 I don't want it so if I can't return it i'll pick up a different phone...maybe the HTC One.

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Apple showed up in a Shanghai court on Wednesday on the receiving end of a patent suit, with a Chinese company alleging that the Siri digital assistant featured in iPhones and iPads is based on software that infringes its patents.

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phone plans have a cancellation fee to get back whats left when you quit the plan perhaps thats paying back for the phone



Yeah, T-mobile officially doesn't have contracts since you're essentially buying the phone for full price, even if it is broken into small payments. In exchange for that, no contracts + cheap plan. So if you left t-mobile, there wouldn't be a cancellation fee, you would just have to pay off the phone, but you could continue to make the increment payments on it. But most of the time, people get stuck with cancellation fees even when they "paid" for their discounted phone because they make changes to their plans that would renew their two year contract. It's an infinite loop. I'm glad we got rid of it. 

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so that means ppl can own an iphone5 and use T-Mobile as like a pay as you go

ie: one year use 3 mns, another use 6mns, another year use one month

after 24mns of payment they own the iphone

I get that right?


I wonder if they do that for the ipad?

Yeah, T-mobile officially doesn't have contracts since you're essentially buying the phone for full price, even if it is broken into small payments. In exchange for that, no contracts + cheap plan. So if you left t-mobile, there wouldn't be a cancellation fee, you would just have to pay off the phone, but you could continue to make the increment payments on it. But most of the time, people get stuck with cancellation fees even when they "paid" for their discounted phone because they make changes to their plans that would renew their two year contract. It's an infinite loop. I'm glad we got rid of it. 

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Imagine someone stealing your iphone6 and chopping your finger off

iPhone 6 rumor rollup for the week ending March 29


iPhone 5S won't have fingerprint detection, so don't worry about thieves chopping off your fingers to access your phone

In his post, Lee says that Munster claims that the fingerprint sensing technology will be introduced not on iPhone 5S in 2013 but on iPhone 6, in Q1, 2014.

"Fingerprint security sounds like a pretty solid way of securing your devices, although after watching countless movies, thieves may not only steal our phone, but could end up chopping off one of our digits as well," Lee writes. "Pretty scary stuff, right?"
Perhaps that's why he's a bit skeptical. "We're not sure what the fingerprint sensor could do, or if it is even needed, but we guess it could give Apple an advantage in the enterprise and government sector if they could offer not just more secure software, but hardware as well," Lee writes.
Of course the absence of fingers would make it more difficult for enterprise and government sector workers to actually hold the iPhone 6, let alone use it.


iPhone 6 will run AppleBerry Messenger

iPhone 6 will "innovate" cloud services ... somehow

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ready for iRadio?


ready for stealth iPhone6 or is it an iphone5 with an invisibility cloak?

do u really wanna see whats behind your iphone?


Apple Inc. (AAPL)’s iRadio Is Coming & Pandora Media Inc (P) Is Scared
Transparent iPhone 6 confirmed by Apple Inc.

"We've come to understand through this process that because of our poor communication, some have come to feel that Apple's attitude is arrogant and that we don't care about or value feedback from the consumer," Cook's Chinese statement said, as translated by The Associated Press. "For the concerns and misunderstandings passed on to the consumer, we express our sincere apologies."


In the past two weeks, we have received a lot of feedback about Apple in China repair and warranty policy. We are not only a profound reflection on these views, together with relevant departments to carefully study the “Three Guarantees”, and also look at our maintenance policy communication and combing our management specifications of Apple Authorized Service Provider. We are aware that, due to the lack of external communication in this process and lead to the speculation that Apple arrogance, do not care or do not attach importance to consumer feedback. We express our sincere apologies for any concerns or misunderstandings this gives consumers.


Does Tim Cook know how to apologize to Asian customers?

lol, unlike the Apple Maps apology?

   Sorry, Tim Cook, apology not accepted - http://betanews.com/2012/09/28/sorry-tim-cook-apology-not-accepted/

   lol, customers really felt misdirected with iPhone5



perhaps he's lucky he did not piss off the japanese, they have a different idea of what is an apology is


Does anyone feel cook's apology or still feel like he should not be trusted?

or is it because of the asian gov't smear campaign?


cook seems to not know how to drive Apple with customer centricity ...

new product deployment ... foreign customer respect n trust ... establishing a new market ... labor contracts


it feels like he's a bean counter ... than a visionary \ entrepreneur


Will cook keep his job or will someone replace him?


the stock is still headed to 2011 prices (405) ... today closed at 428.91



Cook can afford the best market advisors as well as the best cultural advisors

Why doesn't he make use of those resources?


is it "Apple arrogance" or "Cook arrogance"?


Yes, I understand that dealing with china isn't easy ...

so will cook learn that his china market failure is inevitable? 

I wonder if Jobs can do a better job than captain cook in China?

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HH5, I don't know where you got that second quote, but I wouldn't consider it a reliable source.  The grammar is bad enough that any decent editor would have rejected it.

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do u read the news ... its being translated from cook chinese letter 

so far there is no release of his letter in english 

he's not apologizing to u ... go reject yourself ... 

and find the english version rather than be a back seat driver

you want it in english find it and share it with us (not the translated version)

gosh just like u didn't believe in a iPad 128gb ...

u never check the news to find out u don't have the latest apple gadget

HH5, I don't know where you got that second quote, but I wouldn't consider it a reliable source.  The grammar is bad enough that any decent editor would have rejected it.

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Gosh it feels like an economic cold war ... china too big to play nice in the global economy ... American businesses can't be fair to foreign consumers ABCNews got it right in another way ... china out to steal by cyber espionage, cheap labor, etc ... they are making their own calls to being an economic power


ABCNews says Cook was predictable ... I still wonder how jobs would have handle things instead of Cook


I think if Cook was fair in the first place as well as try to be next to brilliant as Jobs ... there be nothing to apologize

no time wasted ... deliver products and show that apple can be a leader in tech


but cook is just being like JR Ewing picking fights and descension ... ie: getting oracle to sue android and suing samsung ... and getting sued back for patent infringements ....  


lol, samsung seems to know that they have apple on the ropes ... its going to be an interesting years to come to see if capitalistic competition .. brings out great products .. and shows us the true colors of business entities 



Yet consumers and analysts say the complaints hardly justify Beijing's campaign of vilification. Such nationalist outbursts are not uncommon, although previous campaigns against foreign companies have often been tied to perceived national slights, as often befalls Japanese firms in China. Beijing accused Google of being an arm of American "information imperialism" after the company announced in March 2010 that it would cease censoring its search responses inside mainland China and instead send visitors to its uncensored search engine in Hong Kong.
Beijing is also angry over Washington's efforts to exclude Chinese high-tech firms Huawei Technologies Ltd. and ZTE Corp. from the U.S. market, amid worries over security. A spending bill signed by President Barack Obama two weeks ago includes a clause barring NASA, the National Science Foundation and the Justice and Commerce Departments from contracting with firms tied to the Chinese government.
Washington and Beijing have also sparred over more recent hacking attacks, including a forensically detailed report by cybersecurity firm Mandiant that tied Chinese hacking to a unit of the People's Liberation Army based in Shanghai.
Apple, however, may have been singled out simply because it is "the biggest open target," said Jim McGregor, senior counselor at consultancy APCO Worldwide.
Duncan Clark, managing director of BDA China Ltd., a Beijing research firm, said the assault probably stems from a combination of factors, including the failure of Chinese companies to make breakthroughs in high-end consumer electronics.
"There's a general sense of frustration that China can't move further up the value chain," Clark said.


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Wow this is interesting but I bet we all knew jobs left a legacy ... its just up to cook to not captain cook coo it up

Jobs has a great knack for timing ... whereas gates had infantile silver spoon jealousy (movie quote) "I want it!"

lol, the self-kill switch technology ... it quite indicative that making this tech has forethought that the police would not be so cooperative in retrieving stolen property ... so yes we need the Mission Impossible self-kill technology ... its design to keep peoples private information from falling into the wrong hands ... 


but of course as of this article ... such technology is not suppose to be shared with the public ... lol, now cyber hackers will one day look to trigger the technology on your future iphone or ipad or imac... and perhaps turn this apple godsend ... into a curse


one other purpose is to kill illegal jailbreaker phones ... gosh It be interesting if or when courts would have a case about this future practice



Next two iPhones may have been designed under Steve Jobs


During discussions about phone theft with an Apple liaison, San Francisco's district attorney says he was told the next two generations have already been designed and that "they preceded Tim Cook."
The Steve Jobs era may not quite be over at Apple.
However, whatever special communications skill Gascón suspects Foulkes of mastering, the Apple liaison may have accidentally said too much about closely guarded company secrets. In discussions about kill-switch technology for lost or stolen devices, Foulkes allegedly revealed that the next two generations of iPhone had already been developed and that he was told: "They preceded Tim Cook."



its also interesting if it has to deal with itunes accounts



I would only like to see something like this on criminals who were out to steal personal information

but I bet there are people who hate their own phones to show this picture if they didn't do anything wrong

(any one see the movie The Net)


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do u read the news ... its being translated from cook chinese letter 

so far there is no release of his letter in english 

he's not apologizing to u ... go reject yourself ... 

and find the english version rather than be a back seat driver

you want it in english find it and share it with us (not the translated version)

gosh just like u didn't believe in a iPad 128gb ...

u never check the news to find out u don't have the latest apple gadget


Yes, I read the news.  Do I read the same news as you?  Obviously not, even ignoring the fact that there is a language barrier involved.  Most of what I read is tech focused, from Arstechnica.com and similar -- properly researched, scholarly articles.  Sometimes they lag a bit behind other news sites, but that would be because they actually bother with this thing called 'fact checking'.


If you're providing something that's translated, it might be helpful to mention that -- along with linking to the original, which should always be automatic.  Telling me to go find it is neither helpful, nor appropriate.  It's your responsibility to provide links to information you include in your posts, and your responsibility to ensure that your communications are readable in the language of the forum you've chosen to participate in.  A simple line of 'translated from article XYZ' would have sufficed.


Clearly you've chosen to take my comment as a personal attack, and chosen to respond in kind.  If I gave the impression it was an attack, I apologize.  It was exactly what it was stated as: that source doesn't sound reliable simply because the grammar was beyond atrocious.  It was intended as a subtle hint that you should have included a link to the original, but as I should have recalled, my version of subtlety is often lost on others.

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I don't need to baby u about the news piece ... u can google the text n get some hits

u say u read the news but u don't know cooks apology was in chinese

lame excuse ... surf ... don't blame lag ... one place is all the facts is lame

so share something of the news with us ... the thread is about sharing


so let us guess ...

u hate to share or show u have any humanity


don't blame someones language ... u been doing it for a long time on me

your the one making it personal ...  u took a quote and made it to be my language

u know this is about u being inappropriate ... this is not the land of rilbur


u didn't do your fact checking ... even though its in the box called quote

it means I didn't say it ... in most cases


this is also an informal forum ... nothing here is too scholarly

so chill out ... stop bringing home the work into the forum


people tend to not want to check out links so it gets tirings posting them


notice you're still not sharing something apple


u still don't notice ... u don't share your thoughts about cook

like cook doesn't see good business ... which means less apologies ... earn customer loyalty


he doesn't deserve his 2012 n 2013 bonus ... more like a pay cut ...

the apple stock has hit bottom


I wonder how soda man ceo lost his job ... it seems oosting jobs and then soda man ... it was a loose loose


no one here seems too excited about iwatch, iradio, iTV ... well maybe later

jobs knew when to break the news


share something apple that comes from Rilbur has found out that we didn't know



Yes, I read the news.  Do I read the same news as you?  Obviously not, even ignoring the fact that there is a language barrier involved.  Most of what I read is tech focused, from Arstechnica.com and similar -- properly researched, scholarly articles.  Sometimes they lag a bit behind other news sites, but that would be because they actually bother with this thing called 'fact checking'.


If you're providing something that's translated, it might be helpful to mention that -- along with linking to the original, which should always be automatic.  Telling me to go find it is neither helpful, nor appropriate.  It's your responsibility to provide links to information you include in your posts, and your responsibility to ensure that your communications are readable in the language of the forum you've chosen to participate in.  A simple line of 'translated from article XYZ' would have sufficed.


Clearly you've chosen to take my comment as a personal attack, and chosen to respond in kind.  If I gave the impression it was an attack, I apologize.  It was exactly what it was stated as: that source doesn't sound reliable simply because the grammar was beyond atrocious.  It was intended as a subtle hint that you should have included a link to the original, but as I should have recalled, my version of subtlety is often lost on others.

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Looks like China officials are happy that APPL bend to make its customers happy
Not sure what kind of market foothold it regained ... its still has to work with china mobile providers
As described before of what china become and wishes to be "NOT APPLE'S FIGHT TO WIN"
Apple doesn't have market influence in china to tell its mobile market what to do
thus this is part of china complain of Apple Arrogance ... it worked in the usa but not in china
(I have not followed the Europe but we all know MSFT has had issues with EU)
China arrogance at foreign companies ... its own freemarket ... isn't so free there for foreign companies to compete
They are protecting their domestic market to have its own domestic development
but with the cyber war they wage its really when china is able to steal higher forms of technology
so for the moment foreign companies are stonewalled
For the moment APPL apology is a reactive stance ... we will see if they take a proactive stance in china
its rumoured that they are trying to stabilize and perhaps move manufacturing somewhere else


"The company's apology letter has eased the situation, softening the tense relationship between Apple and the Chinese market ... Its reaction is worth respect compared with other American companies," wrote popular tabloid the Global Times, published by Communist Party mouthpiece the People's Daily.
The Foreign Ministry praised Apple for "conscientiously" responding to consumers' demands.
"We approve of what Apple said," spokesman Hong Lei told a daily news briefing on Tuesday.
Only last week, the People's Daily issued a scathing editorial on Apple's return policy saying the popular smartphone maker was filled with "unparalleled arrogance".
Although popular opinion on the Internet swayed in Apple's favor, against state media and the reported threats of penalties from China's State Administration for Industry and Commerce as well as its quality and inspection bureau, it was not Apple's fight to win, experts said.
Other foreign companies targeted by CCTV, such as fast food chain operator Yum Brands Inc, have also apologized and faced scrutiny from government agencies. Last December CCTV reported that two of Yum's suppliers purchased chickens from farmers who used excessive levels of antibiotics in their animals. The report and subsequent investigations hurt sales at Yum's KFC chain.
But Apple's situation is somewhat different because CCTV's claim was not completely new. Last July, a Chinese consumer rights group also slammed Apple for its after-sales policies. That time, however, Apple held its ground.
With the apology and warranty change, Apple's mea culpa is significant not just because it comes from a tech firm that rarely apologizes, but also because Apple may be realizing that in China, it needs to be proactive.
"They're out of the woods and into the weeds. Things will rarely be smooth for Apple in China - even if consumers love it there will always be factions in and out of government that are trying to take it down," said Michael Clendenin, managing director of technology consultancy RedTech Advisors.
"Apple made it easy this time, but they have learned to be more proactive. The next time they stumble, it will be easier to recover," he said.


More iphone news



Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s next iPhone may have a new display format
Future Apple Inc. (AAPL) iPhone’s to Have New Chip, No Thanks to Samsung
The fact that Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) has relied on Samsung as a supplier is no surprise to most. However, this relationship is just about coming to an end. For this reason, it is being reported that all future chips, including those to be used in the new iPhone 6, to be released in 2014, will be manufactured by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.



Vendor China Smartphone Market Share 2012
Samsung 17.7%
Lenovo 13.2%
Apple 11%
Huawei 9.9%
Coolpad 9.7%
Growth Rate Of Android And Windows Phone Could Jeopardize Apple Inc. Owned iOS !!
Growth of Windows Phone Platform Could Be A Threat For Apple Inc. owned iOS
Who Will Pay Off For Android And Windows Phone Growth?
It’s clear from the latest stats that Microsoft’s Windows Phone platform is currently the fastest-growing mobile phone platform in the world. On the other side, the growth rate of Android doesn’t seem to slow down in coming two or three years. Then who will sacrifice for Android and Windows Phone? At present, Nokia’s Symbian and BlackBerry’s Mobile OS are sacrificing, but there’s also a possibility of decline of Apple Inc.’s iOS smartphone market share in coming years.


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since someone didn't want to share about apple apology


here is a translated version from appleinsider

(its seems to be the same translation as the other articles have in their possession)

clearly APPL didn't want to share with US what they really said in china so all we get is a translation and commentary



Its really a damaged control response



regardless of the quality of the translation ... you really have to look at the nature of the chinese language

there are articles out there criticizing cooks use of the chinese language


perhaps the only reason for china positive response is because of appl concessions

not the cookenese language ... he's never been authentic in any interview given

even on 60minutes


the market controls appl not appl controls the market


somewhere ... the nature of Appl setting the standard where few companies can deliver

that shining beacon was not delivered in china ...

if it did then there be no reason for an entire country to complain

there be no reason to apologize

the full, translated letter from Cook is included below:


To our Chinese consumers:


In the past two weeks, we have received a lot of feedback about Apple in China repair and warranty policy. We are not only a profound reflection on these views, together with relevant departments to carefully study the "Three Guarantees", and also look at our maintenance policy communication and combing our management specifications of Apple Authorized Service Provider. We are aware that, due to the lack of external communication in this process and lead to the speculation that Apple arrogance, do not care or do not attach importance to consumer feedback. We express our sincere apologies for any concerns or misunderstandings this gives consumers.


In order to further improve the level of service, we are implementing the following four major adjustment:


Improved iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S repair policy

Provide a concise and clear on the website of the official Apple repair and warranty policy statement

Increase the intensity of the supervision and training of Apple Authorized Service Provider

Related issues to ensure that consumers can easily contact Apple Feedback Service

At the same time, we also realize that operating in China, and communicate much we need to learn the place. Here, we assure you, Apple for the commitment and enthusiasm indistinguishable from other countries. Bring the best user experience for consumers and satisfactory service is our ideals, our commitment, and it has been deeply rooted in Apple's corporate culture. We will make unremitting efforts to achieve this goal.


iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S repair policy improvements are as follows:

So far, iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S repair this in one of three ways: as from the purchase date of 15 days found the problem, we will be entitled to a refund or replacement for consumers recalculated 1 year warranty period iPhone; 15 days after discovery problem, Apple will replace the part depending, such as camera modules or batteries; replacement parts also can not quickly repaired the iPhone, Apple will provide consumers with a part reassembled new parts, retaining only the consumers existing iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S back cover.


Nearly 90% of customers expressed satisfaction with our repair services, and consumer satisfaction is the most important criterion for Apple to measure its own success.


But others suggested that part of the re-assembly of repair almost replace the machine, so the direct replacement of a device will be more beneficial to consumers. Therefore, since April 2013, Apple iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S service pack upgrade for all 1-year warranty on new equipment replacement parts and replacement date recalculated.


Consumer iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S Apple or an Apple Authorized Service Provider has been part of the re-assembly kit maintenance, we will replace them as whole and for maintenance after the iPhone recalculated from the date of repair year warranty. Apple's warranty system has been updated for the information and, therefore, affected consumers do not need to take any additional action.


Now, all consumers can see on our site clear and comprehensive maintenance and warranty policy terms and conditions.

We are pleased to provide consumers with information who wish to learn more about the after-sales service. For example, we have been to provide 2 year warranty for the MacBook Air and Mac computer motherboards and other major components. Likewise, the the iPad main components has been entitled to a 2-year warranty period, and other components for 1 year warranty.


We realize that our site before this is not clearly stated policy. Hope the following will answer all the questions about Apple provides services.


Apple is to make greater efforts to ensure that Apple Authorized Service Provider to follow our policies, and make every effort to provide consumers with the highest quality service.

Week since March 18, 2013, we made a new training materials for all Apple Authorized Service Provider to ensure that each staff provide services for Apple products is not only familiar with our policies, but also to grasp three guarantees "provisions and related policies. The same time, we have taken the initiative through face-to-face meetings and other forms of verification and to ensure that each Apple Authorized Service Provider have opened training courses to update the knowledge of the staff for the maintenance and warranty policies. We will make unremitting efforts and continuous monitoring of the performance of the Apple Authorized Service Provider to ensure that consumers can get the highest quality service.


Now, the feedback service-related issues is also very convenient.

As the consumers of the services provided by any Apple Store retail store or an Apple authorized service provider doubt, to Welcome www.apple.com.cn/support/service/feedback/ directly get in touch with us. Our goal is to consumers where to buy Apple products or receive services, users can enjoy world-class experience.


Heartfelt thank you to give us valuable feedback, we always harbor immense respect to China, the Chinese consumer is always the top priority of our hearts.


Tim Cook

Apple CEO

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Speaking of English-language articles, look what was posted right after I finished my morning reading of the news yesterday:




As far as the rest of your comments HH5...  I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be able to reply to them.  Between your increasing belligerence and their sheer unreadability, it's just not worth it.

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you're late in sharing the cook apology

you're not sharing your views about cook or apple

that post was available 24hrs ago and you didn't comment about the latest event you read about

(except for editorial comments) 


how about sharing something new or old about apple


of course its your choice ..

but if u share something that is not directed at someone in belligerence 

then there be less hard feelings created


be constructive ... offer other looks at something that someone missed ... a new look at solutions

ie: you dismissed the mini-android pc but you don't offer a different look at the issue of tablets in schools

if you noticed ... I looked at it ... and the idea to keep a cloud base usage with open devices may be a possible solution

its constructive ... AMP are new ... and will find many different usages 


the nature to debate tactics ... it doesn't bring out the best in sharing n making friends

did you make a lot of friends in the other schools you debated with

sure some made friends and some don't or really mostly don't because of the competitive structure the school made

ie: do we see rival HS football teams have fun at a party together ... no because its about beating each other in the next game or having a fight at the party ... they loose perspective of good sportsmanship and the love of the game



thats the point you're missing here ... go ahead and share a new Appl discussion n view

people will amaze you when they share their view

I still get amazed even if they are not very technical



Speaking of English-language articles, look what was posted right after I finished my morning reading of the news yesterday:




As far as the rest of your comments HH5...  I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be able to reply to them.  Between your increasing belligerence and their sheer unreadability, it's just not worth it.

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yeah the news was right awhile back when Apple denied it

the cheaper iphones

will they break when drop them?

are the high end models water proof?

Bieber had underwater iphones in his music video



Apple Inc. (AAPL) To Start Production Of Refreshed iPhone In Q2 [REPORT]
Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is planning to start the production of the latest model of its iPhone in the second quarter this year. The company aims to launch the device as early as summer, according to report from Wall Street Journal citing information from sources who said the refreshed iPhone will sport a similar size and shape.
According to the sources, Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is also continuing its discussions with its manufacturing partners in Asia regarding the production of a cheaper iPhone in the second half of 2013. They cited that the cheaper device will likely use a different casing from the higher-end iPhone, and the company is considering different colors but the plan is still hazy.
Misek also emphasized that a less expensive iPhone may not be cheap enough for emerging markets where there is an incremental growth for smartphones. According to him, people in the incremental markets have lower income. There is a strong white box competition in China and India and less ecosystem stickiness outside the United States.


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The prices show here seems to be reasonable ... my dumb phone that was smarter than the nokia phone

costed like 80 dollars ... a free basic iphone would be considered heaven


they say android phones are much cheaper but by how much?

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Android phones are cheaper because just like with iPhones, when new devices are rolled out the older devices get a price reduction. And Android pumps out a lot of new products very quickly - so you can still get high-end devices at a low price point.


But ALL major flagship phones (iPhone, Galaxy S3 and S4, HTC One, etc) are 600 w/o contract and 200 w/ contract. Only exception I know of was the Google Nexus which could be bought directly for 350. 


Of course you do have to get a contract for the cheaper price point of the phones, which is a cost in and of itself. Especially in the US, where I found out monthly costs are astronomically higher compared to most European countries. I pay 90 for the bare minimum and I talked to someone who gets twice as much as me for 30 euros. 

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did i read that right ... for 40dollars in euros ... your friend can make calls on an iphone and surf?


let me guess if u had his phone here and made phone calls ... it be a wopper of roaming charge right? lol


so two models back are free with contract? and they get yaa back n make a profit?

with the exception of T-Mobile where u can get the latest phone and pay for it in payments and can subscribe for a period of time whenever u want ... just the matter of buying a calling card?


sounds like its best to make calls via wifi?

Android phones are cheaper because just like with iPhones, when new devices are rolled out the older devices get a price reduction. And Android pumps out a lot of new products very quickly - so you can still get high-end devices at a low price point.


But ALL major flagship phones (iPhone, Galaxy S3 and S4, HTC One, etc) are 600 w/o contract and 200 w/ contract. Only exception I know of was the Google Nexus which could be bought directly for 350. 


Of course you do have to get a contract for the cheaper price point of the phones, which is a cost in and of itself. Especially in the US, where I found out monthly costs are astronomically higher compared to most European countries. I pay 90 for the bare minimum and I talked to someone who gets twice as much as me for 30 euros. 


Its clearance time again ... ipad3 on sale lol ... maybe this will compete with samsung note?

Best Buy, MacMall drop prices on iPad and iPad mini, 3rd-gen model starts at $315

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