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Name of older story


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Hi, I am trying to find the name of a story I read a long time ago that I can't seem to find now.

It was about 2 boys that evolve their relationship into more than friendship. One of the boys has a learning disability, but is a math genius. They both get into computer programming and they end up making a company for computer chips and programs. That is where the updates stopped. I believe the story took place in Texas, maybe San Antonio. It was a really special story for me, and I would like to read it again. Thanks for all your help!

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Been wondering  about an old nifty story recently too; it's about a boy, who grows up through the story. It starts off very racy and nifty-esque like every other story you'd find there, but it evolves into a more mature and touching story about life, love, and people we care about. At the end of the story, when the guy dies, he meets all the people that shaped his life, including old love.


I think 1-2 chapters was equivalent to one year in his life.


This story left an imprint on me, when I was reading it years ago, because the plot and the concept was original to me. This is before the "Time Travelers' Wife" or even me reading DK's "Do-Over" the first time around. The entire plot as whole made a complete story in every sense, literal, figurative, and existential.


Anyone know this story?

Edited by W_L
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High school or young friends at first, since the guy was just a kid to start.


It's a long story as well.


Also, I have tried using search and boolean terms to find it again on google, but haven't had luck. 

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Been wondering  about an old nifty story recently too; it's about a boy, who grows up through the story. It starts off very racy and nifty-esque like every other story you'd find there


Oh dearie me, that old canard again. This simply isn't true. First, you'll find "no-sex" stories there. Second there are GA stories with far more explicit and frequent sex than some Nifty stories. Third, you've obviously never read the outstandingly excellent gay-amateur-detective "Two Distinct Divisions" mystery stories by Horatio Nimier




Anyone know this story?




David's Initiation - from high school to old age



Now say thank you :P




Edited by Zombie
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Oh dearie me, that old canard again. This simply isn't true. First, you'll find "no-sex" stories there. Second there are GA stories with far more explicit and frequent sex than some Nifty stories. Third, you've obviously never read the outstandingly excellent gay-amateur-detective "Two Distinct Divisions" mystery stories by Horatio Nimier







David's Initiation - from high school to old age



Now say thank you :P





Thanks, do you want a pickled ham sandwich? :P


As for the amount of sex on nifty versus GA: let's not start an old fashioned flame war (they never work or end well and I don't feel like defending either Nifty or GA on sex content :P It's one of those touchy subjects and outside the forums rules).


So I will just point out that "erotic" is defined as: of, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire Synonym: Sexy and steamy :D


Not an old Canard just a mission statement that has been kept by the site for years and is a good selling point. 


As for quality stories, I did start out on Nifty, not GA, so I know there is quality in Nifty or else I wouldn't be searching for an old story there.


As for your story Zombie, eh.....not my cup of tea. :o

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No flames on my part. My issue simply concerned your choice of description "every". If you'd said "a lot" on Nifty then I'd have had no problem at all :P

Sorry it was the wrong story but it did match every one of your criteria, specifically
- it starts off about a boy,
- he grows up through the story
- it does indeed start off very racy and nifty-esque
- it does evolve into a more mature and touching story about life, love, and people we care about
- and, the clincher, at the end of the story, when the guy dies, he meets all the people that shaped his life, including old love

In fact it's the only gay story I've read that takes the story's protagonists all the way from childhood through adulthood to old age - and then death. That was a bit of a shock when I read it years ago which is why I remembered it. Readers often complain they want more - "what happened next?" Well in this story the author closed that one off with finality :lol:

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I meant two divisions is not my cup of tea, zombie won this round.


It was David's initiation but AD gets bonus points for finding a story I can read as new :P


My choice in words were abstract i agree, though you understood the real meaning zombie as "a lot" vs. "Every".

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Regarding "David's Initiation", regardless of where it was published (it is also on Crvboy). I think it's one of the best gay stories ever written, from a storytelling perspective. Anyone who hasn't experienced the pleasure should absolutely indulge themselves. I cried like a baby at the end of this saga, both because of the loss of those beautiful characters, but also because of the beauty of the story itself. I think good storytelling should be explored and encouraged. Therefore, treat yourself (in between the excellent material here on GA), and go to crvboy.org, find the authors page, and go to Draginacht. All three "books" of this masterpiece await you.

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