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2024 Anthology Entries Due Tue October 1 ×

Where Does A Young Adult Meet People?


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Okay, I'm at an awkward place in my life... After being in various relationships for two and a half years, Im now single, and devoting my spare time into work and school, I've realized I have isolated myself from all of my old friends. Although we sometimes might talk via Facebook or text we never hang out anymore, most have married or moved on with their own lives. Now I'm stuck spending too many nights alone and I don't remember the last time I went to coffee with a friend.


I want to know what success you have found at making friends as an adult. I don't have access to school or work to make friends, so what else do you have for me? Keep in mind, I'm sick of online apps, I want face to face interaction, I despise night clubs, bars are great, but not to meet someone new and I'm looking for friends, not a boyfriend.

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You could join a club. Anything would do a book club, an exercise class.


Or you could get a volunteer job. even just a few hours a week means you'd meet new people.


Just ideas. Hope it helps a bit :)

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I made use of a website called MeetUp.com. I am actually an organizer of one of the Gay MeetUps here in San Diego. 

When I first came out recently I was totally alone and an outsider in the Gay Community. I had no gay friends still with me so I was quite alone and isolated.
So, a coworker of mine introduced me to MeetUp.com where people can get together to plan 'MeetUps' with people of similar interests. For him it was a French Language MeetUp. For others it's a sports or activity MeetUp. For me, it was a Gay Singles MeetUp. From this web site I have made many friends and two possibilities for a relationship. 
For socializing one's self it is perhaps the most powerful tool I have ever encountered. It is NOT a Match.com or a Grindr, it is merely a place where folks of like interest can plan face to face Meetups.
Also, for friendships, do not limit yourself to just 'Young Adults'. If we lived closer I'd be your companion for shopping, movies, games, concerts, etc. I'm actually a lot of fun for a middle aged person and I'm surprisingly well versed in current youth culture. I keep up with things, best I can. So don't limit yourself age wise.
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Oh I'm definitely not going to limit myself. I enjoyed the company of a lady in her mid fourties for a couple years in college. We would do coffee, dinner and fashion/art shows on the regular! Just I personally am a young adult so what can I do to meet people... MeetUp looks interesting, I'll look into it more, I don't want to do anything that feels too much like a date or hook up sight, so that one is intriguing.


Cazpedroso, I've thought about a club, but I am having a hard time finding any. Workout classes or some sort of class seems fun, and I've always wanted to volunteer. I have to find what's right for me...

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If you're in college or university, check out some of the campus clubs that are bound to be available. There's something for almost anyone, and if not then it shouldn't be too hard to create the club on your own, and the school will help you make it happen.

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Find an animal rescue/adoption group and help with their adoption fairs. You'll meet a lot of people from all walks of life, with at least one shared interest, animals.


Beyond that, I'm doing the same thing trying to rebuild the friend network. I made the effort to talk to and make friends with one person in one of my classes. Our schedules rarely match, but we get together once a month.

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I second Meetup.com - most of the friends I have now, I met through them.


I just got done drinking Martinis and eating French food with some of the friends I made there tonight.

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