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2024 Anthology Entries Due Tue October 1 ×

Honoring The Victims


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  • Site Administrator

Cole Matthews suggested in the "Thoughts on Orlando" blog post that maybe GA could do something special to honor the victims of the Pulse shooting.  Northie suggested starting a thread to discuss it, so I was wondering what others' thoughts were.  


My idea was to compile 102 poems/short prose - one for each victim.  What other ideas do people have? 

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  • Site Administrator

Someone I know looked into putting together a compilation for publication, with the proceeds going to the families of the victims, but the legalities and mechanics proved to be too difficult. I think it's a great idea, but it proved too difficult to implement. There's also the complication that most authors wouldn't be able to write something of quality in a short enough period of time to make it worthwhile.


A tribute page may be an option, with links to 'donated' stories/poems, but while it will make us feel better, I'm not sure how useful that would be. If I'm going to do something, I'd prefer to do something concrete that helps. At the moment, that would be making a direct donation, rather than anything indirect.

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  • Site Administrator

*nods* Honestly, there is just too much legally associated with that to create that sort of event on GA. There are many different events like this out there, though, for people who cannot donate money or volunteer for things like a blood drive. For instance, Dreamspinner (my current publisher) is sponsoring a short story anthology due in July and one In September for a one year "contract" with authors donating stories between 3.5 and 10k. Site staff will do the editing/eBook creation as a donation of their time/graphic work, and then all proceeds will be donated to area LGBT communities. That's the one I'm participating in because I've met most of the company's staff in person and have a good working relationship for a few years with them, so I trust that the donations will go where they say they are going.


Search out those sorts of opportunities, definitely, but make sure you know all the ins and outs of the event.

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I guess my idea was a little more long term and more artistically based.  I wasn't thinking about raising money for anyone.  I think my model was the original intent of the AIDS quilt.  When it was first conceived, it was to honor the victims of the disease.  People worked on creating panels which spoke to their lives, not their deaths.  When I mentioned it, I was thinking of the idea behind that and not the eventual NAMES Project.  


We don't need to consider it through Gayauthors if that's a problem.  


I had a little idea this afternoon.  It may be ridiculous, but it's a seed that may sprout a weed as insubstantial as a dandelion, or a dahlia, proud, big as a dinner plate.   Here's the essence.


What if we wrote a series of poems about the lives of the victims.  These could be the songs of their lives.   To get this right, we'd need to do some ground work.  We could contact the families and friends in a few months and tell them how we want to honor their loved one.  This would be an act of love toward another human being like us who had a life and dreams and loved.  We could compile these for the victims.  


We are gay or gay-friendly.  We are artists.  We are deeply affected and moved by the death and injury of these people.  We could celebrate those lives cut so short.  


Again, it seems many others are doing things surrounding this horrific tragedy.  That's fantastic and I applaud them.  What always struck me with the AIDS quilt was the intent was to express their lives, make it personal, and it was only for the loved ones.  While it did make a great impact as it grew into something bigger, the beginnings were quite intimate.  


So, this is something for incubating.  It's not to grind out something in the next six months or even a year.  Perhaps, it's not even necessary.  But, I'll give you this last little personal tidbit.  I have lost many, many friends and an ex to AIDS.  It was too early and they had too much life yet to live.  When I look at the pictures and the too brief descriptions of these victims, I think of them.  I'm reliving their losses and what it means to me.  The loves ones of the Orlando victims will live with their deaths for the rest of their lives.  I guess I know what they're facing. Touching Mark and Dean and Stony's quilt panels gave me great solace, even years later.  


Please consider ruminating on it.  This isn't something immediate.  This is for the rest of their loved ones lives.


Sorry.  I can be a bit emotional at times.  





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I think we need to connect organizations and groups together in order to do it. As I said in the blog post, we need to reach out to some of the bigger publication guys, who can support a community project:


Magazines and online publishers like Advocate or GALA  (they support LGBT in their mission statement and have strong LGBT literary ties), or aim for something bigger like Lambda Literary Foundation, if you want to get heavyweight support and make something with substance and credibility for publication that can be used as a fundraising tool and memorial for victims.


It's a good idea, I just don't know who around here has the contacts or even knowledge of these groups and their editors to make a dent or propose a joint venture. Maybe, other LGBT writers and sites could pool resources together and we can do a compilation of eminent writers and creative arts.


In either case, I don't think GA alone can do it without seeking a partner or multiple partners for both the logistic portion of publication and fundraising, nor enough authors and artists of representative work. It's a community project just like the AIDS fundraisers. Someone has to start somewhere, make a few calls, and check out with other site admins.

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I've no "likes" currently but what Cole suggests touched me. I am at best a nascent poet but would be willing to try. My only concern is would the families think us intrusive in what is such a private thing?

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I can only ever look on from the outside for this subject as I'm not a writer. 


I respect Cole's wish for personalised tributes but I think this will be difficult to achieve. Relatives of the dead may not want to give the details necessary; the living may not want to be that directly involved and trying to match authors with people would I think, be very tricky. Having 102 pieces written about the tragedy as a whole or focussing on particular aspects would be more possible.


Would it be a virtual collection or would it have a physical component? Anything involving an actual print run is going to involve a substantial financial commitment and as W_L comments, sponsors would have to be found. Or, crowdfunding might be a possibility?


It would be a fitting tribute, perhaps to appear on the first anniversary? But this sort of project needs someone (or a small group) to take ownership and push it forward.

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Another thing I am planning on doing and maybe some others will too,


Is anyone thinking of going down to Orlando and paying their respects by visiting Pulse, maybe laying some flowers or cards?

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