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Tv Shows With Mysteries That Go Unresolved


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There are many shows with mysteries left with their abrupt cancellation, which show mystery still holds your interest even today?



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The Glades 


Cancelled at the end of Season 4 (damn you A & E!!) leaving Jim lying shot (by an unknown assailant, naturally) on the kitchen floor of the dream home he secretly purchased for his soon to be bride. I say soon to be because this happened on their wedding day, again, naturally.


Way to add to the suspense only to leave fans hanging for all eternity.  Grrr...

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The Glades 


Cancelled at the end of Season 4 (damn you A & E!!) leaving Jim lying shot (by an unknown assailant, naturally) on the kitchen floor of the dream home he secretly purchased for his soon to be bride. I say soon to be because this happened on their wedding day, again, naturally.


Way to add to the suspense only to leave fans hanging for all eternity.  Grrr...

I agree... I loved The Glades... and that pissed me off!!!

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Series being canceled with major unresolved plots happens so frequently with science fiction that I quit watching.


The networks writing is crap anyway.


Space Above & Beyond




V and the remake of V even after they promised to finish it...


The garbage the Sci-fried network puts on the air isn't worth pooping on. Sorry Triumph.

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Series being canceled with major unresolved plots happens so frequently with science fiction that I quit watching.


The networks writing is crap anyway.


Space Above & Beyond




V and the remake of V even after they promised to finish it...


The garbage the Sci-fried network puts on the air isn't worth pooping on. Sorry Triumph.


Well, just be glad they didn't go Chris Carter's route with the X-Files:


1. End the show by killing or possibly killing (cigarette smoking man) from helicopter attack, FBI agents get hauled off, Mulder and scully on the run, and the X-Files locked away.


2. Then rehash it with a Monster of the Week movie that alienated most of your fan base in 2008. X-Files: I want to believe made me not want to watch.


3. Then, redo a short lived "zero answer" series on Fox in 2015


Basically, some shows deserve to die without real answers if what we get in trying to answer them is garbage.


Some shows had really good ideas that were too ambitious for their own time, like Battlestar Galactica, which got a revamp in 2000's with Ron Moore of Star Trek, actually giving fans an ending (we're all actually Cylons it turns out, by your command). Or for those that remember 90's TV, Alien nation was an awesome series featuring alien culture in contemporary America with the Aliens being multi-sexual and openly displaying homosexuality (probably was too out there for 1990's senses as protest fired against Fox, but hey I'd do a reboot now)


Other shows had great writing and high concept, but in the end they got bounced by some exec looking for more after the initial ratings, like Firefly. Joss Whedon could have done so much with that show. Or, a more recent show, Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles was a great show with promise, but again got killed. Lastly, The 4400, was shot down with s many open questions, who were the uture factions manipulating our present with superpowered humans, what's going to happen to Maya, did the guy teleport downtown (for non-geeks The 4400 preceded Heroes, so Hiro actually was not the first live action teleporter).


Scifi shows on my list that got ended too soon:


Original Battlestar Galactica

Alien Nation


Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles

The 4400


Non-Sci fi shows also possess interesting mysteries too that never got resolved.


My favorite 1990's show with a sinister mystery plot was the Pretender, great show and ended with a runaway train of unanswered questions:


Who is Jarod?

Who Killed Miss Parker's Mother?

Is Mr Parker hiding a deeper secret?

Why did he shoot Raines?

How many more pretenders are there?

Why is the Triumvirate an African illuminati-esque figure?

How many more paternity, fraternity, or whatever you call it plot can they keep up?

Were they entering Sci-fi territory by introducing psi abilities?


The followup movies just made it worse and added yet another layer of story with a Raider of Lost Ark storyline that made me wonder if Jarod is even really supposed to be something else entirely.


Fan's of that old series have speculated for years on those and other mysteries from the show.


Personally, I rationalized the answer simply as Jarod is actually the reincarnation of a certain carpenter, teacher, savior guy I am not naming due to religious context. It makes sense with why he seeks to help people, his inhuman intellect, and the mysterious prophecy that is protected by Monks about him.

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One more old favorite show that some of you might remember:


2000-2001 Witchblade


A show with a great myth/fantasy premise, super powered female hero, and was LGBT friendly for its time. I still wish to know what happened to Sara and the mysterious witchblade, the weapon that has descended through the ages from female heroine to female heroine. Joan D'arc is a famous weilder.

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