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New Members Welcome-Introduce Yourself!

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Hi everyone! I've been reading almost all of the stories here for the past few months, but just stumbled on the forums today actually.


Just felt like saying hi to all the authors who have made me late to work almost everyday (because I get too engrossed in the stories and slept waaaay late hehe!). It's not the authors' fault tho, so keep up the great work guys! And don't worry, I won't get fired. Yet. lol!

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Hi everyone! I've been reading almost all of the stories here for the past few months, but just stumbled on the forums today actually.


Just felt like saying hi to all the authors who have made me late to work almost everyday (because I get too engrossed in the stories and slept waaaay late hehe!). It's not the authors' fault tho, so keep up the great work guys! And don't worry, I won't get fired. Yet. lol!

Glad to have you aboard here :) And i'm sure that all of us have been up late because of a story or two (I know I have).


Take Care! :2thumbs:


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Just finished reading ASP, C5 and O5 (in about 12 days) and started poking around the forums...and was astonished to find that I've actually been a member since 8/05! That was a quick 3 years... Anyway...I'm enjoying myself immensely reading the stories--keep up the good works!

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Just finished reading ASP, C5 and O5 (in about 12 days) and started poking around the forums...and was astonished to find that I've actually been a member since 8/05! That was a quick 3 years... Anyway...I'm enjoying myself immensely reading the stories--keep up the good works!

It's great to have you back :) Remember to have some fun in the forums and don't be afraid to discuss the stories you've read :)


Eric :great:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I joined a long time ago, but I forgot my password and only just got around to retrieving it. So...hi! My name is Josh (Not Kade, I just like the way it sounds) I joined the site because a friend of mine told me it was a good place to get quality feedback and learn from other writers. I came, I saw, and was suitably terrified out of ever posting anything I've written ever. Crazy talent to be found here and I am a coward.


I love what I've read so far and this site's been monopolizing pretty much all of my free time. It's amazing and hopefully I'll grow a pair one day and contribute something as well.


As of right now, I look forward to talking all of your ears off!





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Hi everyone!


Thanks for a great site with such talented authors sharing their wonderful stories and best of all it's totally free - you guys definitely rock!




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  • Site Administrator

Hi everyone!


Thanks for a great site with such talented authors sharing their wonderful stories and best of all it's totally free - you guys definitely rock!




G'day, Huh? :D


Welcome and I hope you're enjoying the start of Summer. It's a good time to relax and read ;) If you've got any questions or queries, please don't hesitate to ask.


While on the subject of reading, the next GA anthology will be due out soon. Keep an eye out for it ;)



GA Anthology Coordinator

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I'm Jamie(James Mina F.R.) all around reader and one novel writer.

I joined a few days ago(the second exams ended and I finished NaNo)...and I already following(stalking) some hosted authors(awesome)!!!

I adore the smelly goat and Dom.... :worship:

Brilliant people I have meet here and I'm very happy!


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Hello, um, I just joined. Well, I was looking for gay themed novels and typed in gay authors in the search engine and bumped into this site. Before reading the contents of the novels hosted in here, I would like to search for recommendations. HEEHEE...! Anyways, I'm glad to be here. Looking forward to post some of my own writing and edit other people's stuff. Well, not right now. I'm still a freshman in college and I want to provide good service, y'know? So, yeah. There it is--my intro.

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Hello, um, I just joined. I would like to search for recommendations. HEEHEE...!

Hey foxy!!!

Dom Luka, you must read and read.....the Dom is a god with words(DD, TLW and so on) also the goat..Cjames(the cliffy lover) has some great stuff:)

Actually all the authors are very good!

Sit back and enjoy!

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Hello, um, I just joined. Well, I was looking for gay themed novels and typed in gay authors in the search engine and bumped into this site. Before reading the contents of the novels hosted in here, I would like to search for recommendations. HEEHEE...! Anyways, I'm glad to be here. Looking forward to post some of my own writing and edit other people's stuff. Well, not right now. I'm still a freshman in college and I want to provide good service, y'know? So, yeah. There it is--my intro.

Welcome to ga :)


and others who have also just joined.

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  • Site Administrator

*Pssst I soo know you from somewhere else..AD?*

Yep, that's me :) But don't worry, I don't bite... often. :D

Hello, um, I just joined. Well, I was looking for gay themed novels and typed in gay authors in the search engine and bumped into this site. Before reading the contents of the novels hosted in here, I would like to search for recommendations. HEEHEE...! Anyways, I'm glad to be here. Looking forward to post some of my own writing and edit other people's stuff. Well, not right now. I'm still a freshman in college and I want to provide good service, y'know? So, yeah. There it is--my intro.

Welcome, foxytroxy!


Well, pretty well any of the hosted or promised authors here are worth reading. And there's a ton of material in the eFiction and archive areas. Of course, I can't go past without mentioning the quarterly anthologies, too. 0:)


Seriously, though, there's a range of material in a variety of genres. Let us know what sorts of stories you like to read and we'll be able to give more accurate recommendations :)





GA Anthology Coordinator :wizard:

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*waves shyly*


Hiya :) .


I'm a dedicated ninja stalker of corvus :ph34r: , so I kinda followed him onto GA to read more of his works ^^'.


That was, uh, a few months ago. I figured today I could as well join the forums, since you all seem nice here (ignoring the fact that the major population seems to be male! >:3 Thank god this is a gay site...) and there's a lot of helpful resources for writers. And it's all super duper LGBT stamped, yay.


I'm probably just a kiddo compared to most of the members - me is seventeen, sirs and ladies - since on most rainbow forums I'm on, people are all like... "Hahaha you're too young to know your orientation lolz", but uhm... I'm not really sure why I'm mentioning this, or what else to write here XD;. Introductions were never my strong point.


But yeah. What do people write when they're introducing themselves? Hi I'm a girl I'm seventeen I killed my cactus? I wear socks that look like little penguins and I sleep under four blankets because I'm afraid of dark?


Or perhaps... I'm Zenny! My English not gut but I comes from Slovenia (that be country in Europe). Me likes to write... And in proper English, ew. I like to sing but I sing worse than your grandma (or your grandpa, if your grandma is a good singer...), watch historical movies and read fantasy books. And I have about ten hundred novels in progress but I'm too lazy to finish them. Or begin them, for that matter.


Oh yeah. And I tend to speak too much and still say nothing smart or useful. Oh well.


I'll just, you know... Disappear with a POP! now before I embarass myself any more.


*POP!... and she's gone.*


@_@ What a nerd.

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  • Site Administrator

LOL -- welcome to GA, Zenny!


There are a lot of other teenagers here, though I'll admit that most of them are male. However, we have a significant number of female members, so please don't feel that you're not going to fit in.


You're probably going to be in more trouble for killing your cactus than for being a female teen :P Personally, I don't mind. Cacti and I don't seem to get along too well.... :D


If you've got any questions, please don't hesitate to ask myself or one of the other moderators. We're here to help ;)

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