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2 hours ago, Thorn Wilde said:

...I’ve had a very good time with people who were totally understanding and accepting of my gender identity...


That's very nice to hear. Wish everyone can be like that too..


Morning everyone! Have a great Sunday! Been a boring one here, did nothing but studying all day. Head feels like it's gonna explode.. Hope yours will be better than mine :hug:

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I'm hoooome! So tired. Boyfriend had veggie lasagne ready for me, so that was really nice. Gonna upload the next chapter of Storms now, I think. I left the laptop with boyfriend and only brought my iPad, and it's hell to copy-paste the text from the chapters on as it doesn't preserve formatting at all. Didn't think of that until it was too late... Oh well. Hope you're all having a lovely Sunday! :heart: 

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38 minutes ago, Thorn Wilde said:

I'm hoooome! So tired. Boyfriend had veggie lasagne ready for me, so that was really nice. Gonna upload the next chapter of Storms now, I think. I left the laptop with boyfriend and only brought my iPad, and it's hell to copy-paste the text from the chapters on as it doesn't preserve formatting at all. Didn't think of that until it was too late... Oh well. Hope you're all having a lovely Sunday! :heart: 

that's a very nice welcome home indeed!

so glad it was a good trip for you

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2 minutes ago, Thorn Wilde said:

Thanks. It was. :) How's your Sunday going?

it's going very well thanks!
groceries picked up, bed linens changed, dinner for tonight about ready to go into the oven, another dinner almost ready for the slow cooker, breakfast oatmeals prepped for the week

i had a short nap, and will start folding the laundry very soon!


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7 minutes ago, mollyhousemouse said:

it's going very well thanks!
groceries picked up, bed linens changed, dinner for tonight about ready to go into the oven, another dinner almost ready for the slow cooker, breakfast oatmeals prepped for the week

i had a short nap, and will start folding the laundry very soon!


Sounds like a very productive day. Well done! :hug: 

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4 minutes ago, Defiance19 said:

I saw advertised, a new machine that would fold your clothing, department store style, straight from the dryer.. Coming soon...

Naturally, I sent out an email to the family as a possible Christmas gift.. I can’t print the responses, but ‘Hell No’ was the general consensus.. 😐🙃

i saw that too!

i thought the$900+ price tag was quite reasonable! :gikkle: lol!

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