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3 minutes ago, mollyhousemouse said:

hello Sirs and friends, 
dinner has been served, eaten and cleared. it was a good day today, how about y'all?

hello molly I’m glad you had a good day. 

myself I have been helping my brother, who is getting much better, I’m  also working with my family so we all share in his recovery. my brother and I share a house together so my sister is coming in for Friday and Saturday so they want me to take a small vacation away from the house. not looking to get away but they   and I know we all need a break. taking care of him is not hard. it also gives my sister the chance to help in his recovery. so I’m making plans to get our town planning on seeing a movie / dinner and going to the local state fair in Columbus. love getting out and people watch. everyone needs some “me” time. also looking to get some fair food (in moderation) but who doesn’t love a hot buttered sweet corn dripping in butter or a large sweat ice tea and finally a hot dog covered in sauce and onions. my cheat day is coming early. I’m glad I have eaten or I would looking for something to eat. 

So does anyone else have any plans? 

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4 minutes ago, rickproehl said:

hello molly I’m glad you had a good day. 

thanks Rick


5 minutes ago, rickproehl said:

myself I have been helping my brother, who is getting much better, I’m  also working with my family so we all share in his recovery. my brother and I share a house together so my sister is coming in for Friday and Saturday so they want me to take a small vacation away from the house. not looking to get away but they   and I know we all need a break. taking care of him is not hard. it also gives my sister the chance to help in his recovery. so I’m making plans to get our town planning on seeing a movie / dinner and going to the local state fair in Columbus. love getting out and people watch. everyone needs some “me” time. also looking to get some fair food (in moderation) but who doesn’t love a hot buttered sweet corn dripping in butter or a large sweat ice tea and finally a hot dog covered in sauce and onions. my cheat day is coming early. I’m glad I have eaten or I would looking for something to eat. 

this is very important, and it is an important gift for you to accept from your sister. it is NOT one of my strong suits, but i'm always learning


6 minutes ago, rickproehl said:

So does anyone else have any plans? 

right now, it's just to get thru to Friday night
Saturday will be the Farmer's Market, and it's Phil's haircut weekend (he goes every 3 weeks) beyond that, i know not 

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8 hours ago, Brayon said:

Thanks everyone.

Yeah, these research papers are something. Here is an example of what I've been doing, from my ENG 100 class.

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The Benefits of Space Exploration


Tonight, walk outside and look upon the night sky. With the naked eye, on a clear night with minimal light pollution, one would see thousands upon thousands of stars. Does it invoke a sense of wonder, or inspire to create poetry or prose? For the United States of America, it was a call to further humanity’s knowledge and condition through a governmental program known as NASA. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) took up the challenge of space exploration, but what other sort of endeavors has NASA carried out? What technology has NASA developed for space exploration that is a benefit to humanity? What does the future hold for the United States of America space program? The answer to these questions follows a path through the history of NASA. Over the sixty years of its existence, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has had historical leaps in achievements in the human condition, which has shown benefits to humanity in the form of transfer-technologies, and a public-private initiative for finding resources on other planets and asteroids for colonization.




Historical events in space exploration have inspired generations to investigate careers in science and technology fields. On July 29, 1958, President Eisenhower signed into law the first National Aeronautics and Space Act (Riddle, 2018). Since then, in 2010 President Obama signed into law an updated version on the National Aeronautics and Space Act that now includes commercial space flight besides government-sponsored space exploration (“NASA,” 2018). These acts set the foundation of a successful organization that has had many milestones, such as the Apollo Space Program and the Apollo 11 mission to the moon where humans first stepped foot on Earth’s closest celestial neighbor. Millions of people around the world watched the live feed of Neil Armstrong’s and Buzz Aldrin’s moon landing, and the famous words of Neil Armstrong as the first human to step on the moon, “One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind” (NASA Apollo 11, 2018, Par 2).


After this event, NASA continued its mission of space exploration by sending probes to other astrological bodies; the Space Shuttle program, which carried into orbit a variety of different payloads, such as satellites, and the Hubble Space Telescope; and the International Space Station (ISS), where Astronauts from around the world do various research projects (“NASA,” 2018). Using different degrees in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), NASA created a variety of technology for space exploration. NASA has changed the course of the future of humanity.




Technology that NASA uses for space exploration has a practical commercial use. NASA coined the term “spinoffs” to describe these transfer-technologies. NASA defines spinoffs as “… spinoffs are technologies, products, and processes that have been derived from NASA development and expertise” (“NASA,” 2018). The NASA (2018) website has a section devoted to news articles highlighting these spin-offs in everyday use. Innovations in working in small environments, like the International Space Station (ISS), have shown first responders how to be safer in ambulances; Space Imaging software developed by NASA is being used to predict crop yields and agricultural water use; and the brain behind self-driving cars was a bi-product of the Mars Rover missions (“NASA,” 2018). With these advances in technology and the 2010 Legislative Act, NASA has entered partnerships with commercial operations to further space exploration.




With advances in technology, humans will soon be able to harvest resources from the astral bodies in the solar system. One partnership that NASA has is with the SpaceX Corporation founded by Elon Musk (“SpaceX,” 2017). Anderson (2014) quotes Elon Musk saying:


We’ll go to the moons of Jupiter, at least some of the outer ones for sure, and probably Titan on Saturn, and the asteroids. Once we have that forcing function, and an Earth-to-Mars economy, we’ll cover the whole Solar System. But the key is that we have to make the Mars thing work. If we’re going to have any chance of sending stuff to other star systems, we need to be laser-focused on becoming a multi-planet civilization. That’s the next step.


(Anderson, 2014, para 60)


With this grand colonizing effort that SpaceX and NASA are both working on, commercial and governmental programs can then use the resources in our solar system to build these colonies. Mining asteroids for minerals and metals for buildings, and electronics. Finding water on planets, such as the ice sheets on Mars, or the Saturn moon of Io, can further support life. These are just a minor fraction of what is soon possible with space exploration.






As humanity continues to study and explore outer space, the changes to the human condition will continue. With public/private partnerships, humanity will see the colonization of our solar system, and back on Earth, humanity will receive help from spin-off technologies to enhance daily life. The continued operation of NASA would not only be in the interest of the United States of America but the Earth’s global population. With each new achievement, NASA adds a new milestone on its path through history.




Crosby, N. B. (2012, January-June). Effects and benefits of space exploration: Past, present, and future.  International Journal of Space Technology Management and Innovation, 2(1), 49-62. ProQuest Illustrata Doi:10.4018/ijstmi.2012010104.


Riddle, B. (2018, October). Milestones in space exploration. Science Scope, 42(3), 86-89. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.contentproxy.phoenix.edu/docview/2113235585?accountid=35812


SpaceX(2017). Retrieved from https://www.spacex.com/about


NASA(2018). Retrieved from https://www.nasa.gov/


NASA Apollo 11(2018). Retrieved from https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/apollo/missions/apollo11.html 


Andersen, R. (2014) Aeon. Retrieved from https://aeon.co/essays/elon-musk-puts-his-case-for-a-multi-planet-civilisation


That was less than 1000 words, but shows the APA format we are required to use. Two of the research papers, are basically glorified book reports, because in addition to the two textbooks, we were required to read The Outsiders, and Lord of the Flies, and report on the socialization of the characters.



I'm having flashbacks to grad school.   my social policy research  class had a paper that  ended up being 42 pages before the citations.  It took the better part of 3 weeks to write. 



**I actually think I might still have   this paper lol I kept some of the better/longer ones**

Edited by Starrynight22
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41 minutes ago, mollyhousemouse said:

@Thorn Wilde staying in a cottage that is so rustic are the summers of my childhood! i wish i had embraced it more fully, i hope you are having a wonderful time

hello Sirs and friends, 
dinner has been served, eaten and cleared. it was a good day today, how about y'all?

Doing well.  Trying to convince myself I do NOT need to go get a cheeseburger.  Lol. 

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13 minutes ago, rickproehl said:


So does anyone else have any plans? 

Going to do,school supply shopping as it's going to be tax free weekend in ohio.  Not that I need much as the only child attending school now is in pre-k. But I figure I'll stock up some for next year and get some to give to my local elementary for less fortunate kids.   After all, 14 years ago I was essentially homeless - couch surfing with my kindergartener and most of what we had was from other people's generosity. 

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6 minutes ago, Starrynight22 said:

I'm having flashbacks to grad school.   my social policy research  class had a paper that  ended up being 42 pages before the citations.  It took the better part of 3 weeks to write. 

i haven't done the grad school dance, but my senior project in "TV Production" i had to create a 5 minute video (VHS) plotting camera moves, timing, angles and stage design. that puppy took me about that same amount of time to get right

6 minutes ago, Starrynight22 said:

Doing well.  Trying to convince myself I do NOT need to go get a cheeseburger.  Lol. 

sometimes, we need to feed the soul, as well as the body


a cheeseburger would be heaven! 


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1 minute ago, Starrynight22 said:

Going to do,school supply shopping as it's going to be tax free weekend in ohio.  Not that I need much as the only child attending school now is in pre-k. But I figure I'll stock up some for next year and get some to give to my local elementary for less fortunate kids.   After all, 14 years ago I was essentially homeless - couch surfing with my kindergartener and most of what we had was from other people's generosity. 

Yes another Ohioan on here - I try and hit the office max / staples sale in the past they have had paper - pencils - notebooks cheap. The local. United way is having a “stuff the bus” with school supplies this week end. So every bit helps

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Just now, mollyhousemouse said:

i haven't done the grad school dance, but my senior project in "TV Production" i had to create a 5 minute video (VHS) plotting camera moves, timing, angles and stage design. that puppy took me about that same amount of time to get right



Oooh I have zero skills in that field.  Kudos to you.   That sounds so cool! 

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8 minutes ago, Starrynight22 said:

Doing well.  Trying to convince myself I do NOT need to go get a cheeseburger.  Lol. 

If you go for the cheeseburger don’t eat the bun and get the small one.

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18 minutes ago, rickproehl said:

So does anyone else have any plans? 

I’m gearing up for another trip to the cottage next week with extended family. They’ll be 9 of us plus a 55 lb Labradoodle, so it should be interesting...

Enjoy the fair, rick. :) 

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Just now, Reader1810 said:

55 lb Labradoodle, so it should be interesting...

Enjoy the fair, rick. :) 

Labradoodles are such sweet dogs we have a goldendoodle but she is all white and a lover. 

I plan on enjoying the fair.

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34 minutes ago, rickproehl said:

Labradoodles are such sweet dogs we have a goldendoodle but she is all white and a lover. 

I plan on enjoying the fair.

Luna is all back - hence, the name - and she is really sweet, too. 

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4 minutes ago, Starrynight22 said:

I went to the ohio state fair about 7 years ago and had a red velvet funnel cake. I also milked a cow.   


Both were amazing lol 

Yes they both are good 

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Good morning, everyone. I woke up way too early with my brain utterly convinced that I was about to be sick so I couldn't get back to sleep again. Stupid brain was wrong, of course. :rolleyes: Hope you all have a great day!

8 hours ago, mollyhousemouse said:

@Thorn Wilde staying in a cottage that is so rustic are the summers of my childhood! i wish i had embraced it more fully, i hope you are having a wonderful time

I love it here. We're in the forest, with just a five minute walk to the beach. The cottages on our lot are oooold, like from the 1800s. Thanks to classic Scandinavian logging techniques, though, they were disassembled, moved, and reassembled here in the 60s. It is rustic. We have electricity now, but just a tap outside with municipal water, so no plumbing. We do, however, have a lovely sauna, so we get to wash and things. It's my favourite place in the world. This is where I go when I close my eyes and breathe and go to my safe place, lol.

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