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1 hour ago, mollyhousemouse said:

morning Sirs, morning everyone

hope your night was restful, & your Tuesday is good.

see y'all later.

Morning, molly. Tuesday going all right here, so far. Hope you're well! :) 

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31 minutes ago, Thorn Wilde said:

Morning, molly. Tuesday going all right here, so far. Hope you're well! :) 

hi Thorn!

slept well, & the coffee is hot. there are severe storms (rain, wind, possible hail) so we'll see how today unfolds.

how was D&D?

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22 minutes ago, mollyhousemouse said:

hi Thorn!

slept well, & the coffee is hot. there are severe storms (rain, wind, possible hail) so we'll see how today unfolds.

how was D&D?

It was good. We had planned to go to the Elemental Plane of Fire, to look for a magical item we need, but then we decided to make a stop on the way that the DM had in no way prepared for and suddenly found ourselves in the middle of a conflict between the evil empire and rebel freedom fighters. lol So now we feel like we have to help out the rebels first. And I'll probably have to play two characters next week, as this is where my old character lives (she left the party to go help the rebels).

We're lucky to have a DM who, instead of getting annoyed when we go off somewhere different than planned, thinks it's awesome and exciting and a fun challenge. :D 

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2 hours ago, Thorn Wilde said:

It was good. We had planned to go to the Elemental Plane of Fire, to look for a magical item we need, but then we decided to make a stop on the way that the DM had in no way prepared for and suddenly found ourselves in the middle of a conflict between the evil empire and rebel freedom fighters. lol So now we feel like we have to help out the rebels first. And I'll probably have to play two characters next week, as this is where my old character lives (she left the party to go help the rebels).

We're lucky to have a DM who, instead of getting annoyed when we go off somewhere different than planned, thinks it's awesome and exciting and a fun challenge. :D 

OMG, I know exactly what he's dealing with.

Years back when I was DMing, I spent months designing an adventure. It was an epic journey, or ... it would have been.

Along the way to getting started (they were all just second level), they were attacked by this bard. The party defeated the desperate bandit, and had tied him up. The paladin, on a lark ... detected evil on him. Me in my infinite wisdom decided "Nah, he's just desperate."

"He's not evil."
Party Rogue: "What? Well ... why'd he attack us?"
Me: "Do you ask him?"
Party: "Yes."

I had to just invent a reason on the spot. "Oh ... uh, his daughter was kidnapped, and he has to come up with five hundred gold or he'll never see her again."

The players all straighten in their chairs, and I could immediately tell I made a grave error.

Party Paladin: "We cannot allow this!" *unties the bard* "I heal our new friend. "Tell us more of this bastard who has taken your daughter from you!"

Me: "Ah ... you think you should take time to do this? Maybe you can just give the bard some money?"

Party Paladin: "No! If this kidnapper will do this once, he will do it again. We will end this threat."

Me: *inward groan of pain. I put aside the carefully crafted adventure I had spend months slaving over* "We're taking a five minute break."

While the players get up for drinks, snacks, and to talk, I slap together a haphazard collection of encounters, motivations, and characters.

That campaign grew into one that took characters to 17th level, and encompassed two years of our gaming life. It was a lot of fun.

And ... I never did get to use the one I designed. lol

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4 minutes ago, Wayne Gray said:

OMG, I know exactly what he's dealing with.

Years back when I was DMing, I spent months designing an adventure. It was an epic journey, or ... it would have been.

Along the way to getting started (they were all just second level), they were attacked by this bard. The party defeated the desperate bandit, and had tied him up. The paladin, on a lark ... detected evil on him. Me in my infinite wisdom decided "Nah, he's just desperate."

"He's not evil."
Party Rogue: "What? Well ... why'd he attack us?"
Me: "Do you ask him?"
Party: "Yes."

I had to just invent a reason on the spot. "Oh ... uh, his daughter was kidnapped, and he has to come up with five hundred gold or he'll never see her again."

The players all straighten in their chairs, and I could immediately tell I made a grave error.

Party Paladin: "We cannot allow this!" *unties the bard* "I heal our new friend. "Tell us more of this bastard who has taken your daughter from you!"

Me: "Ah ... you think you should take time to do this? Maybe you can just give the bard some money?"

Party Paladin: "No! If this kidnapper will do this once, he will do it again. We will end this threat."

Me: *inward groan of pain. I put aside the carefully crafted adventure I had spend months slaving over* "We're taking a five minute break."

While the players get up for drinks, snacks, and to talk, I slap together a haphazard collection of encounters, motivations, and characters.

That campaign grew into one that took characters to 17th level, and encompassed two years of our gaming life. It was a lot of fun.

And ... I never did get to use the one I designed. lol

I mean, we'll get to the Fire Plane eventually. We have to, we need that item to defeat the big bad, so this is just a detour. Chances were we were gonna end up back in Altendon at some point, so the DM's been keeping what's happening there in the back of his head, especially as Miriwen went there to help the rebels. He just wasn't expecting it to be now. lol

I'm curious as to what's happened to the Bard's College... I'll probably find out at some point during the week, as the DM and I are gonna have to talk about what's been going on there since Miriwen went back, if I'm gonna be her a little bit. I'm not relishing the task of having to talk to myself... lol

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7 minutes ago, Brayon said:

"Yes" and "Yes, but" should always be in a DM's toolkit.

Oh, it is. But whenever possible I like to allow the players to really choose their way. I could have steered things back to the adventure I had designed ... but, sometimes, the players end up creating something together that I never could alone. This was one of those. I'm glad I let it happen.

Edited by Wayne Gray
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Just now, Wayne Gray said:

Oh, it is. But whenever possible I like to allow the players to really choose their way. I could have steered things back to the adventure I had designed ... but, sometimes, the players end up creating something together than I never could alone. This was one of those. I'm glad I let it happen.

That's what our DM always says; that we create the adventure together. He basically gave us these super detailed background 'surveys', almost, where we answered questions and came up with NPCs and stuff from our characters' past, so he could incorporate them into his adventure and come up with personal quests for us.

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2 minutes ago, Wayne Gray said:

Oh, it is. But whenever possible I like to allow the players to really choose their way. I could have steered things back to the adventure I had designed ... but, sometimes, the players end up creating something together than I never could alone. This was one of those. I'm glad I let it happen.

A couple of years ago I did a Topic Tuesday, one of many, that talked about Character Agency. Totally agree man.


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10 minutes ago, rickproehl said:

excuse me please Good Sirs, and DiC Friends i just wanted to check in DiC and wish everyone a Good Evening.

so how has your day been?

Good evening, rick. Today was rainy and foggy. I hope your day was a good one. 

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31 minutes ago, rickproehl said:

excuse me please Good Sirs, and DiC Friends i just wanted to check in DiC and wish everyone a good Afternoon.

How is your day going

Better now rick

this morning started with horrible thunderstorms & flooded roads

it's still dark and windy, but as there were no leftovers last night, i had a peanut butter & jelly sandwich with some yogurt for lunch & now i'm having a cup of my orange & cinnamon spice tea with a cookie

how are you?

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1 hour ago, mollyhousemouse said:

Better now rick

this morning started with horrible thunderstorms & flooded roads

it's still dark and windy, but as there were no leftovers last night, i had a peanut butter & jelly sandwich with some yogurt for lunch & now i'm having a cup of my orange & cinnamon spice tea with a cookie

how are you?

molly -

my day has been busy but it is over. Your lunch sounds good and  healthy. I had a couple of grilled hamburgers patties - no buns and water.

we have been lucky weather wise we are getting 50 f and sunny. So making homemade pizza for supper. 
everyone else i hope you have a good evening

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4 minutes ago, Fae Briona said:

long week, and it's only half over

oh it seems we have this in common, although it's been long because it's busy our local sales rep has been busy
sorry to hear it's been a long one for  you, will you be able to rest over spring break?  Daughter's is next week

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5 minutes ago, Wayne Gray said:

I hear you, Fae.

I got to work, sat down, and ripped the crotch of my pants open. So ... you know, that's a good start to the day.

oh Wayne!
that's really hard to recover from 
it did get better, didn't it?

Edited by mollyhousemouse
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Hey all. 


Sorry to see we have mostly all had a long week so far. But a problem shared is a problem halved.  


Hope everyone is doing ok. 


Today at work we did our pandemic planning exercise.  Given that COVID-19 is just showing that for most folk it's fairly minor, but for the elderly the mortality rate is hovering between 10-15%, my work is understandably preparing for the worst case what if. (for contrast, influenza mortality hovers around 1%) 


One of things we discussed is if there is a local case (ohio has zero so far, though one person is under watch still. Not near us. ) we will bar any visitors to the nursing pavilion.   

Hopefully it won't come to that. That's a harsh rule. 

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49 minutes ago, mollyhousemouse said:

oh Wayne!
that's really hard to recover from 
it did get better, didn't it?

Yeah. Luckily? one could only tell I wasn't decent if I sat across from them. So after I explained my problem to my giggling boss, I walked over to a second-hand store, miraculously found a pair of pants that fit, and changed into/purchased them.

They're better than the ones I lost ... so, yeah. Overall a win. 😄

Edited by Wayne Gray
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