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What's a "hug"?


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Okay, first I just want to say that I love giving hugs in person, and online. I really like to give Luc hugs online. He is my online hug buddy. :P


This is my 'hug:' I open my arms, and wrap them around the person. Sometimes I will squeeze hard, when I am really really excited to see the person. Most of the time though, I will wrap my arms around the person, and just hold them, for as long as I can. I do not squeeze hard or anything, I just hold them, like I would never have to let go. If the person is about the same hight as me or taller, I will rest my head on there shoulder, or if they are shorter, I will rest my chin on there shoulder.


Wjen I am really excited to see some people (and they are small enough do to so) I will big the person up and spin in circles.


I really do love hugs. They mean a lot to me. (If I hug you, it means that I really like you, even if it is an online person.) Hugs are amazing!


I really like this topic Luc. :hug:


Kurt :D

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I have to start out by saying I have to be one of the most ... not touchy people out there. I'm not good with physical contact. I think the last time I hugged/was hugged by someone was before Christmas at school, everyone stopped and looked at me funny, they were all like "Oh my god, you hugged someone?".


The people I hung out with were quite the touchy feely bunch and gave up on me years ago. I kind of wish they hadn't, maybe if they had kept at it I wouldn't be so freaked out about being touched at all, let alone hugged.

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Well I have a lot of hugging styles for different moods as well... lol.


To hug the brats I have to get on my knee so that I'm down on their level then I leg them hug me before I hug them.


I'm 6'4 and that's tall for a girl.. lol. So I can't really be the "excited girl" that hugs around the neck of people that are taller than me, because people taller than me are rare here.


Anyway so when I meet someone I've known for years I wrap my arms around them and I kiss them on the cheek. This is if I just don't kiss them on the cheek.. lol. I'd rather kiss than hug someone I believe.


If it's a family member I just do the friendly arm around the shoulders hug. That's only because we're not that closely bound of a family.


To say goodbye to someone that I know I'm not going to see for a long time I squeeze them a bit harder, but it's pretty my the same hug with me.



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Like Krista, my hugs depend on the familiarity with the person, but in general -


Arms around the shoulders with a double-pat on the back. Short, sweet, and to the point :2thumbs:


With the ex-bf, our hugs are longer, with us both resting our heads on the other's shoulder, then almost a little slow dance swaying back and forth ever so slightly...*sigh*, I miss those.



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I have to start out by saying I have to be one of the most ... not touchy people out there. I'm not good with physical contact. I think the last time I hugged/was hugged by someone was before Christmas at school, everyone stopped and looked at me funny, they were all like "Oh my god, you hugged someone?".


The people I hung out with were quite the touchy feely bunch and gave up on me years ago. I kind of wish they hadn't, maybe if they had kept at it I wouldn't be so freaked out about being touched at all, let alone hugged.



I would have to agree, In. Physical contact and me doesn't mix well. Oil & Water type situations. It might happen, but very briefly if ever.


I don't know why, Maybe it stems from no physical contact as a child. Whatever, I really can't recall a time in my life I have been comfortable giving or getting a hug. I do ocassionally have to give one or take one, Such as when I leave for months at a time my Mom always needs a hug from me when I go and when I get back. It is irritating, but it is easier than getting the hurt look from her(That happened the first time I went to texas, I didn't hug her before I got on the bus and the look she had was just too much to see again) And my grandma always hugs me whenever I go to see her.


I would have to say the most awkward hugs Ive ever had to take(Ones where the initial response was to push the other person away, But pulled back from doing it at the last possible moment) was when I was in Oregon for my Great Grandpa Gene's funeral in April. Luckily, I wasn't very talkative and I would say 45% of the relatives there didn't even know who I was, Or they would have been all over me too.


I do give some online hugs, but only with people I know from GA. I guess I'm just more comfortable around the great people here(or maybe its the lack of actually being touched) and that makes it easier. I don't know for sure, And I'm not gonna try to annalyze any further because that can lead to bad things.






Edit: PS And i know the reaction of other people just stopping and looking at you, In disbelief because they see you hugging someone. It happened to me at Lindseys wedding in June. I hugged Lindsey a few times throughout the day and I made people stop and stare. It was almost worth it just for that reaction! :D

Edited by Tim the Slut
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:) i like this one offline i don't hug people unless i am close to them actually feel uncomfortable when i get hugged by just friends, my boss hugged me when i left and i just sort of stood there arms hanging at the side lol


but with Brian and Jay both ex boyfriends and both good friends still I am comfortable hugging them and my hugs depends on the kind of relationship i have with that person really, with Jay we have been best friends for years and our hugs have alway sbeen intimate with us hugging eachother tight our head on eachothers shoulder and we do the rock thing vic mentioned and we just stay like that for a long time. With Brian he is smaller than me and i always feel protective around him so I guess that is why the hug is different he tends to snuggle up to me and i hold him tight in my arms whilst his head rests on my shoulder my head gently resting on his head, or rather we used to lol but yeah different to different people and i guess in different moods.


I love hugging online though lol and probably do it wayyyyyy tooooo much :hug: sorry but i like hugging here i feel comfortable lol



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  • 2 weeks later...

I think hugs are good but there are so many different kinds of them that is in real life and the occasion and the relationship you have with the person you are hugging dictates which one to use .This is something a good few people tend to struggle with striking the appropriate balance as from first hand experiance have had some somewhat uncomfortable ones although well intentioned they leave you wondering !!!

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Mmmm, yes, can't leave this topic alone, definitely enjoy hugs far too much, hehe.


As many have already stated, there are usually different hugs for different occasions. However, in general I'm that crushing-hug guy everyone else here seems to not want to be *laugh* Generally those are only reserved for family (we're a pretty close family :P ) or good friends, but if I hug you in the first place I have to consider you a fairly decent friend so....prepare for crushing :D With that, I'll just grab ya, pull ya close, and try to squeeze some love into you, hehe


On the romantic side, however.....well, even a boyfriend wouldn't be safe, haha, although depending on the situation he might get a much more gentle and loving type...in which case, arms over shoulders and wrapped around the back of his neck, or arms up his sides with my hands on his shoulderblades. Mmm, yeah, that can be nice, hehehe.


So there's mine, take 'em or leave 'em :D

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Hmmm...I really love hugs. But they are pretty rare for me. My family was never one to hug one another and it's only been in the last few years since my nephew has been born that we've all started hugging each other when we all get together (my family is somewhat far from me). In general I'm very uncomfortable with strangers hugging me. It creaps me out, I get tense, and whoopie now I have another headache. :angry: But once I get to know someone and trust them I'm all for hugs, it just takes a while. My absolute favorite hugs are bear hugs. I'm on the short side and I have to say I love being swallowed up in someones arms and just held. Because I know how uncomfortable I am with hugs, before I give one I always ask if the person wants one. lol Once permission has been granted, with someone the same height or taller than me, I step in close, wrap both arms around the other persons chest and hold them to me firmly with my head resting either on their shoulder leaning against their head or against their chest. Not a sqeezing death grip, just a firm bear hug. With someone shorter than me my left arm goes over their right shoulder and my right arm wraps around their waste...repeat as above. But my absolute favorite is for someone to just hold me. If I'm comfortable with the person, I can stay hugging for a long time, very relaxing and I like the feeling of safety. And yes...I love online hugs. ;) Sue me. They're sweet. :D:wub:


I hope everyone's having a decent week so far...and if you're not...





- Kaiten 0:)

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As much I long to be hugged, I'm actually scared of them too. Especially if it's completely unexpected, and from someone I barely know. I freeze completely then, and feel physically sick, and wonder sometimes if the 'hugger' is trying to 'take advantage of me'. Guess it's related to my experiences as a child, making me mot such a physical and 'touchy' person.


I guess the most common hug I give and receive would be the

"pat on the back quick tag-and-go"
, to and from friends. I haven't hugged anyone for a long, long time, until last week when I attended the wedding of a good friend who I've not seen for two years. It felt a little awkward, since he and I had an intimate something together back in uni, and a part of me read more into it than what it really was: pat on the back tag-and-go.


My favourite hug, like with everyone else's I guess, is with a boyfriend. It's subtle and gradual, you know it's going to happen, but there's a sort of 'foreplay' involved before the actuall hug itself. Stand close to each other, look deeply into one another's eyes, feel each other's breath on the cheeks, then slowly, slowly our bodies inch closer and closer as the arms go around each other, sliding and exploring each other's bodies, chest, arms, before locking around the waists.


A number of combinations could happen after that: either we stand there, forehead to forehead, staring into one another's eyes for a few moments, and enjoy the embrace and warmth of our bodies together...or we kiss. :wub: Or our faces brush against one another, heads resting on each other's shoulder, as soft words are whispered into the ears. All the while, the hands slide up and down each other's backs, exploring, maybe even digging underneath the clothes, and brushing against the skin.


Last time that happened was...more than two years ago. :(

Oh...I need a hug~

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Hugs are incredible. They are my favourite things, ever. :D Luc, I would like to hug people the way you do (plus wrap the arms around them), but they would get a little freaked out if I did. What I usually do is open my arms, smile, and sort of

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