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Messaging Shorthand

Jack Scribe

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I found this in the latest issue of GQ (I know, it's so gay to read that magazine). For some who aren't familiar with some of the acronyms used in these forums (me included), I thought it might be helpful to pass on. A few are obvious:


OMG - Oh my God

IMHO - In my humble opinion

LOL - Laughing out loud

ROTFL - Rolling on the floor laughing

ROTFLOL - Rolling on the floor laughing out loud

WWJD - What would Jesus do?

FU - too obvious


I apologize to all the Gen X and Gen Y troops for taking up this space :worship: ...some of us Baby Boomers need an assist once in a while.


Jack B)

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I've had to look up ROTFLOL. In general though, I think our forum guidelines discourage such abbreviations. Right? At least, that is how I read this excerpt from the FAQ:

Write in English, not netspeak (e.g., you not u, before not b4). None of us is perfect and no one wants to be the grammar police, but it is hard to read posts with no capitalization, punctuation or words written out. ALL CAPS IS AKIN TO SHOUTING. Don't do it.
Of course, I've never abbreviated or shouted. 0:)0:) (Yeah, right :devil::devil: )
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Geez, you'd think people wouldn't want certain things spelled out:


ESAD - Eat Sh** and Die

Fubar - F***ed up beyond all recognition (or repair) depending on what happened.



IRYW - I'm right, you're wrong


Man, this forum is FUBAR, so you can just ESAD. What, you disagree? Well IRYW and IAGSESAD.


I'ts a bad day...what else can I say?

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I apologize to all the Gen X and Gen Y troops for taking up this space :worship: ...some of us Baby Boomers need an assist once in a while.


Don't worry, at some stage everyone (including us younguns) has to look this stuff up.


For a more expansive list, see Wikipedia:


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Some that I grew up with.


IRDGAS - I really don't give a sh**.

IRDGAF - (I think you can figure this one out on your own).


There was also,


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My favourite comes from the early days of Unix:


RTFM -- Read the Manual (I'll leave it as an exercise for the student to work out what the 'F' stands for).


I knew of a technical writing company at one time that was called 'RTFM'. They had an official explanation of the acronym, but they also got lots of smiles from those in the know....

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I have a whole slew most of you won't have heard of (and probably DGAS about :P ) from my rook and spade days.


"boat p" anyone?


lol it means "Bid over anytime, partner". This is said at the beginning of the game to ensure that you're not one of those stodgy, bidhog people who gets ticked if your partner raises you if they think they have a better hand ;)


Then there's GGA (good game all) or just GG (good game), which is of course a staple in every online gaming community (card playing ones at least)


Another "normal" one I think should be on the list:


IDK = I don't know. It took me awhile to work that one out when I first saw it.


I love LOL, I don't even read it as "laughing out loud" anymore I read it as a laugh. It's a pitty you can't just say "LOL" in RL. :P:boy:


TCAHAADA (Take care and have an awesome day all)



P.S. can I just go ahead an make that my personal one? :P:boy:

Edited by AFriendlyFace
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I love LOL, I don't even read it as "laughing out loud" anymore I read it as a laugh. It's a pitty you can't just say "LOL" in RL. :P:boy:


You can't?! Damn, that's why people look at me weird.

Edited by Jacen
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Hehe, my friends don't even laugh anymore. Why should we, when we have LOL, and LMAO.


I need a life...




Welcome to GA! I noticed you joined yesterday, already have 2 posts and proclaim yourself as a "writer in training." :great: If any of us can help in your avocation or career choice, please raise the flag. You've got a good support team at this site.


Jack B)

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My favourite comes from the early days of Unix:


RTFM -- Read the Manual (I'll leave it as an exercise for the student to work out what the 'F' stands for).


I knew of a technical writing company at one time that was called 'RTFM'. They had an official explanation of the acronym, but they also got lots of smiles from those in the know....



Dude, I always thought Boat P meant "Bend Over Any Time Partner" :lmao:

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I love LOL, I don't even read it as "laughing out loud" anymore I read it as a laugh. It's a pitty you can't just say "LOL" in RL.


I do that on accident all the time! It is so funny, but so embarrassing. :blush: :P


In my humble opinion? I always took it as "In my honest opinion" lol


I always took it as 'in my honest opinion' too. :P


Kurt :D

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I always took it as 'in my honest opinion' too. :P


Kurt :D


I always though it was "In My Holy Opinion". That's how I used it, too. I mean, my opinion is quite holy, after all. That's mostly because IAG so ESAD.

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OMG, IMHO 'IMHO' means 'in my honest opinion.' But, maybe we should ask WWJD? He may just say it is FUBAR, and he would probably add IAGSESAD, IRYW, Then again, he could answer with IRDGAF.


IMHO we should RTFM so we will all know for sure. :P




:sheep: IDK.



Kurt :D

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RTFM -- Read the Manual (I'll leave it as an exercise for the student to work out what the 'F' stands for).


One of my favorites too....brings to mind another pair we used when I did tech support for Gateway. "Eye dee ten tee" and PEBKAC.


The first you pronounce that way so the callers can't understand you - "This is an eye dee ten tee call." Written out, you get I D 10 (ten) T or ID10T.


PEBKAC = Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair.


"Man, this eye-dee-ten-tee keeps calling, and every time there's a PEBKAC."



I love LOL, I don't even read it as "laughing out loud" anymore I read it as a laugh. It's a pitty you can't just say "LOL" in RL. :P:boy:


Some of us huge geeks actually DO sometimes say "lol" on occasion. That's typically how I read it now, it's not "el oh el", it's just "lol" :P



A few others that can be fun....



ROFLMCLA - Rolling on the floor laughing my cute little ass off.

ROFLMGDSLA - Rolling on the floor laughing my "gosh darn" ( ;) ) sweet little ass off

OTS - Off The Subject

OTOH - On the other hand

IIRC - If I recall correctly

Edited by jalaki
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