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In need of some advice


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Got any advice?

Hey, not so easy to answer from the facts you gave.

Here in Europ, they are a lot of marks (principaly german and swedish) which are still useful even after 15 years. For instance my son drives a VW Golf year 1992 and is proud of it (it is allready an "oldie").

I only hope that somebody else could give you a more practical advice.

Good luck :blink:

Old bob

Edited by old bob
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I am pretty good with cars, and from what you have told me you I can tell what might be the issue. 1. The gas tank has corrded and is putting metal into your carborator. So, that means the fuel line from the tank to the carborator either needs to be cleaned out if aluminum or replaces. 2nd. The fuel gage does not work because on the older model cars the fuel tank level is determined by a fuel tank "Bobber." That is like if you see something floating in a lake or something, it bobs up and down with the water but floats on top. So, I am guessing that the corrosion in your tank has screwed up the gage.


We have to figure out what the estimated cost is to fix it. Then look back at the history of the car. Have you had just a few repairs or is there something going on every month that needs to be fixed. How many miles does the vehicle have on it?


Well, I am also going into accountant mode here as that is what I do for a living. If you have monthly maintenance cost that would be close to or the same as a payment on a newer car, then dump the car and use the mainenance money on a new one. You will have less of a head ache and still spend the same amount of money.


If this is t he first time in a long time you have had to fix something, then way the cost and more than likely get it fixed. Look at how much you spend in maintenance in a year and then divide that by 12 and see if you would be better off putting that money into a new car.


That is the best I can do with what you gave me. So, I hope it helps.





Yeah kind of time sensitive I
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I've been looking at options on what to do. Personally I'd rather keep the car to keep pissing my dad off since it was his father's and he doesn't like it.


The cost to fix it is going to be in the ball park of 800-1200 CND. Sadly, since the tank has rusted and is leaking the only option is to replace it. With that said since it's a 91 model, the whole under car is rusting. Joys of having the salt hit your undercar because of snow.


Anyway, I've been thinking about the cost I have put into the car since I have gotten it. Most of the repairs has been as a result of maintance, however the last bill was a big one. The one is going to exceed it though, by only a couple 100. Since the car is paid for I don't have any major monthly bills yet.


I asked the repair guy what he would do in my case. He said dump it. It's not worth and since it's rusting the odds of me having to be back for something else would be great.


I'm figuring now it's best to let the thing go. I just really can't afford to buy a car right now. Log story, but I'm not able to pull it off at this moment. It seems like fate's laughing at me again, however, that might not be the case. I might just be missing something and cant for the life of me see it yet.


THanks for you advice, although I'm still uncertain if I should dump it.


Do you think I should?


Oh the Km on the car is 150000's

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I've been looking at options on what to do. Personally I'd rather keep the car to keep pissing my dad off since it was his father's and he doesn't like it.


The cost to fix it is going to be in the ball park of 800-1200 CND. Sadly, since the tank has rusted and is leaking the only option is to replace it. With that said since it's a 91 model, the whole under car is rusting. Joys of having the salt hit your undercar because of snow.


Anyway, I've been thinking about the cost I have put into the car since I have gotten it. Most of the repairs has been as a result of maintance, however the last bill was a big one. The one is going to exceed it though, by only a couple 100. Since the car is paid for I don't have any major monthly bills yet.


I asked the repair guy what he would do in my case. He said dump it. It's not worth and since it's rusting the odds of me having to be back for something else would be great.


I'm figuring now it's best to let the thing go. I just really can't afford to buy a car right now. Log story, but I'm not able to pull it off at this moment. It seems like fate's laughing at me again, however, that might not be the case. I might just be missing something and cant for the life of me see it yet.


THanks for you advice, although I'm still uncertain if I should dump it.


Do you think I should?


Oh the Km on the car is 150000's


OK, the first question is, why so much for the gas tank replacement? Even factoring in the exchange rate, that seems very steep to me. If you are comfortable disclosing this, what is the make and model?


Also, where is it leaking from on the tank? Just one point? is that point on the bottom or the top half of the tank? If it's from the top half, you might solve the problem by keeping it half full or less.


You could call a couple of junkyards and see if they have a usable one, then swap it out yourself. This would likly save you about 80% or more of that quoted price.


Finally, back to the leak. *IF* it's from just one or two places, and they are pinpoint leaks, ask at your local auto parts store (you might need to ask at more than one) if they have JB Stickweld or something similar. It's an epoxy-based sealant. Tell them what you want it for, and they can probably help.

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91 Spirit Dodge.


as for why it will cost so much. Us canadians like to rip off the little people. :lmao:


That we have laws that prohibit me from changing things like gas tanks or have one even running that is rusted or needs repair.


If i do fix it, then odds are I'm going to have more problems with it. Everyone I know is saying don't.


I think they know I don't know anything about cars.

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91 Spirit Dodge.


as for why it will cost so much. Us canadians like to rip off the little people. :lmao:


That we have laws that prohibit me from changing things like gas tanks or have one even running that is rusted or needs repair.


If i do fix it, then odds are I'm going to have more problems with it. Everyone I know is saying don't.


I think they know I don't know anything about cars.


That's an outlandish price! Well, that said, I don't know how much it would cost here, either. But, i was 4-wheeling and put a rock through a gas tank two years ago, and they wanted $400 US to replace it (I was 200 miles from home, so wasn't thrilled with doing it myself in a hotel parking lot and checked a mechanic's price). I did it myself and put the savings into 1/2 inch steel armor plating for sensitive bits like the tank, so it wouldn't happen again.


I had a quick look, and you could get a new gast tank for $117 US, listed on this page http://www.gastanks.com/products.asp?dept=135

It's absurd that they won't let you replace your own gas tank! Ugh, that would piss me off so bad that I'd do it anyway, who would know? I once lived in an area of the US where you weren't "allowed" (GRRRR!!!) to do plumbing and electrical work on your own home. I did it anyway, just made darn sure it was to code, but that really steamed me.


Dropping and replacing a tank is quite easy (It's nowhere near as bad as replacing an engine or transmission), BUT, I guess it could be done wrong if you aren't used to such things. Better safe than sorry, as they say.


Hmmm, got any friends that are good with cars? Maybe they could help if you had a new tank shipped there? (not that I'm suggesting breaking the law, of course 0:) )

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I remember when my mother had a car and it needed a tank changed. It cost 2000 to get it fixed up. Now that was just plain wrong. Then again for that car to get to it you had to remove have of the stuff to get at the tank. Best part was the PRO's put it on wrong and it leaked like a sive.


I'm starting to think taking classes wouldn't be a bad idea for me. Thank you for your help. I have to figure out what to do next. I have to go out of town with someone who I'll deffently be talking to about this.


I'll let you know what I decide and if I can or have to junk it.




PS> Thank you.

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I remember when my mother had a car and it needed a tank changed. It cost 2000 to get it fixed up. Now that was just plain wrong. Then again for that car to get to it you had to remove have of the stuff to get at the tank. Best part was the PRO's put it on wrong and it leaked like a sive.


I'm starting to think taking classes wouldn't be a bad idea for me. Thank you for your help. I have to figure out what to do next. I have to go out of town with someone who I'll deffently be talking to about this.


I'll let you know what I decide and if I can or have to junk it.




PS> Thank you.


You are very welcome! I sure hope it works out for you, as being without wheels is a major pain!


2k to change a gas tank?!?! YIPES! That's $1785US at current exchange rates! Good grief, I don't care how much stuff needs moving, that's an insane charge! And as for leaking like a sieve, I'll bet they put the fuel gage seal on wrong, as that's about the only way they could make it leak, and those are a simple gasket! Ugh, either that, or they forgot to tighten a clamp on the fuel line. GAH!!!


In my opinion, learning basic auto mechanics is a good idea for anyone. Even if you never do a thing yourself, it could save you a bundle if a mechanic is trying to rip you off. It can also be real handy if you break down in a remote area, and need to jury-rig a repair to get to safety. It's also great to know the warning signs, as that can catch a problem early before it causes major damage.


Let us know what happens, and good luck!!!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Well just to let you know, the car is now in car heven. It turned out it was worse off then I thought. So it's gone, and all I have left is an ashtray filled of coins.


I don't know why I'm sad over it. Maybe it's because I wanted to drive my father up the wall somemore. Perhaps it's because it's the only thing I have of my grandfather and now it's gone. I'm weird. What's worse I didn't really like my grandfather as he never accepted me.


Well there's my story for you. Thanks all for those who offered advices.


Until next time, I'm the Bard.


PS. My 100th blog is about to be posted :2thumbs:

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Well just to let you know, the car is now in car heven. It turned out it was worse off then I thought. So it's gone, and all I have left is an ashtray filled of coins.


I don't know why I'm sad over it. Maybe it's because I wanted to drive my father up the wall somemore. Perhaps it's because it's the only thing I have of my grandfather and now it's gone. I'm weird. What's worse I didn't really like my grandfather as he never accepted me.


Well there's my story for you. Thanks all for those who offered advices.


Until next time, I'm the Bard.


PS. My 100th blog is about to be posted :2thumbs:


Sorry to hear it went to "car heaven" (I love that term BTW!). But, if there is a lot wrong, that's probably for the best. Once a car gets to a certain point, it becomes unreliable and a maintenance nightmare (and enormously expensive).

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Going to update on what car you going to buy :unsure:



Yreah sure I can do that... though I will probable mention it in my blog. Yes I'm starting up again. I stalled on the blog for a 100 days. Because I reached my 100th blog. You have to read the blog to understand. Check it out. the link is at just below this line. :2thumbs:


Oh yeah and goodluck

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I thought I would let you all know. I got my car. It's a Honda Civic.


It looks like this but blue



I decided I needed a car that can last me a while since I'm clearly not a car guy. Maybe I should give up my writing and become a car guy. What do you think . :lmao:


Ok take care,



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No reason you can't do both, I've been told that my writing is ok (anthology comments suggest that) and I'm approaching some more major maintenance on my car. I already changed the spark plugs, spark plug wires, and PCV valve. Now I have to concentrate on changing the transmission fluid and coolant (have to go to a garage for that since I have no machinery to do it right with). In 11,000 miles I'm doing a full brake job, that includes rotors and pads (letting a garage do the fluid since I don't wanna fudge up something like my brakes). Soon enough I have to change my oil, and I've changed the oil on all of our cars and a few friends cars...


Enough of that, yeah I would have told you to junk it. The tranny might have gone on you soon if it hadn't done so already, since Chrysler automatics are disgustingly unreliable. What model Civic did you get? Si?

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So I thought I would let you all know. I got my car. It's a Honda Civic.


It looks like this but blue



I decided I needed a car that can last me a while since I'm clearly not a car guy. Maybe I should give up my writing and become a car guy. What do you think . :lmao:


Ok take care,




Good pick, Bardeara! I've heard very good things about Honda Civics.

But, you have me worried about the whole give up writing to become a car guy thing! Rumor has it that it isn't hard at all to do both writing and auto mechanics. 0:)


And don't you dare give up writing! :read:


No reason you can't do both, I've been told that my writing is ok (anthology comments suggest that) and I'm approaching some more major maintenance on my car. I already changed the spark plugs, spark plug wires, and PCV valve. Now I have to concentrate on changing the transmission fluid and coolant (have to go to a garage for that since I have no machinery to do it right with). In 11,000 miles I'm doing a full brake job, that includes rotors and pads (letting a garage do the fluid since I don't wanna fudge up something like my brakes). Soon enough I have to change my oil, and I've changed the oil on all of our cars and a few friends cars...


I loved your anthology entry so absolutely!

BTW, watch out on that PCV valve. Take a look at the old one and see why it failed. If it is clogged with oil, you have a likely big problem: blowby. That would require major engine work (new piston rings, maybe re-sleeving the pistons, and a lot of other things too).

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It's not difficult to be a writer and a car guy. Check out the author Lugnutz at http://www.deweywriter.com who combines the two and writes about car guys.


Rumor has it that it isn't hard at all to do both writing and auto mechanics. 0:)

If it wasn't for the emoticon, I would've thought this was an unfortunately choice of phrasing, but I suspect it was deliberate. As such, I refuse to rise to the bait and I'm not going to mention it. :P

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Rumor has it that it isn't hard at all to do both writing and auto mechanics. 0:)

If it wasn't for the emoticon, I would've thought this was an unfortunately choice of phrasing, but I suspect it was deliberate. As such, I refuse to rise to the bait and I'm not going to mention it. :P


What? Would *I* do something like that? 0:)


BTW, Graeme, I notice that your method of not mentioning it involved making a post! :devil:

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  • Site Administrator
What? Would *I* do something like that? 0:)


BTW, Graeme, I notice that your method of not mentioning it involved making a post! :devil:

Did I make a post? Sorry, I thought I was just writing some random musings for private consumption. I didn't expect anyone to read them.... 0:)

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Did I make a post? Sorry, I thought I was just writing some random musings for private consumption. I didn't expect anyone to read them.... 0:)


Yes, I know how that goes. The same thing happens to me... 0:)

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Speaking of writing and doing auto mechanics, one of my favorite bits of writing involves doing an auto mechanic named Jude.



Ah yes Jude, B) I starting to think I'm a trouble maker. :lol: though in case anyone missed it, I was just joking about the whole giving up the writing for auto mechancs?!? I think I would be able to do both, as long as I have internet access. :blink:


I think I like starting discussions.



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