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Evangelical leader confesses to gay affair


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What hasn't been addressed in Haggard's behavior is his use of crystal meth. That a serious felony matter that carries a mandatory minimum sentence.

Well, the District Attorney released a statement saying a public admission isn't enough to take a case to court. It's my understanding that you can't just have a conviction that says "He bought crystal meth at some point in the past three years" but it has to be more like "On Sep. 22, 2005 he purchased and used .5 grams of crystal meth" and that would be hard to do.

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Any religious leader that has taken a high profile stance against gay rights and then uses a gay prostitute can't hide behind thier privacy.

There's such a thing as Due Process under the law. And the concept of Innocent Until Proven Guilty. Two things which are extremely important.


At present, regarding the use of a gay prostitute, all we have in this case are allegations.


Some of what is being said here sounds very lynch mob-like to me.


What hasn't been addressed in Haggard's behavior is his use of crystal meth. That a serious felony matter that carries a mandatory minimum sentence.

Which brings up another serious question. That of whether the restrictive drug laws really do reduce the harm that drugs may cause, or actually increase it.


But I suppose:


a] that could be construed a political question, so doesn't belong in this forum;


b] and it's :off:


~ Marty ~


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  • 3 months later...

I'm sure you guys will all be pleased to hear that Ted Haggard has been completely cured after only three weeks of therapy.


{Check out my message of November 4, at the bottom of the first page of this thread, so I don't have to come out and say "I told you so."}


I'm sure that if any of you want a quick cure, Rev. Ted will be glad to refer you to his therapists.

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Meh Whatever, I have nothing to say towards him, People like him just make me sick, all he did was to preach hate, wonder if someone tempts him if he would go back.

It's a miracle! It's a MIRACLE! Foo.


Colin :boy:

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I'm sure you guys will all be pleased to hear that Ted Haggard has been completely cured after only three weeks of therapy.


{Check out my message of November 4, at the bottom of the first page of this thread, so I don't have to come out and say "I told you so."}

Man, Glomph, you have psychic powers or what? Do you also predict the lottery numbers? :)

I'll wait to see if your next predictions come true, but they're quite likely to!

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There was much meaning behind Shakespeare's quote: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."


It is not uncommon for those exhibiting the most vehement and insistent protests to be doing so to hide their own secrets or for their own personal gain.


On the other hand, ponder this - the Evangelicals believe the Bible should be followed, without question... yet they are happy to pick and choose what parts to emphasize. An obscure verse(s) about man not sleeping with man have led to vociforous calls to ban homosexuality and maybe even get rid of all gays (thank you Rev. Fred), yet they fail to show the same zeal when it comes to God's Commandments (His most sacred of laws).


There was an uproar recently, because either Michigan or Minnesota, I forget which, has a law that would put adulterers in prison. Can you believe that? Someone wants to make the Seventh Commandment (which is right behind 'Thou shall not murder') 'Thou shall not commit (not admit) adultery' a crime punishable by prison time. If the Evangelicals believe in the Bible so strongly, this should be a no brainer, but thankfully it will not affect gays. Since we can't marry, we cannot commit adultery, since that is defines as 'sexual unfaithfulness of a married person' (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).


How too is it that so many of these same people so easily cut off contact with their parents or ship them off to nursing homes so they don't have to be bothered with them, thus forgetting about the Fifth Commandment to 'Honor your parents.'


To keep this short, I will not delve into Commandments 8 through 10, where they are told 'you should not steal' (including from your congregation), 'you shall not bear false witness' or 'you shall not covet your neighbor's wife or house.'


Just had to get that off of my chest.

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