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Billy Chase - 99

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So, if anybody else hasn't noticed, Billy Chase 99 is up now. It was a few days late, but... ah well, there's nothing we can do.




I read this entry today during lunch, and couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the school day. What exactly is Brandon thinking? He's got to be jumping to conclusions about Billy's relationships with somebody... Think he knows about Billy and Bobby? He did that project with Bobby a while ago, and was in contact with Bobby at the time, so isn't it completely possible that Bobby is out to him, and has maybe told him about things with Billy? Now that I've written that out, it actually seems a little farfetched.


Brandon seems to be implying that his problem is with Sam, but what problem could he have with Sam, and why now? He was acting wierd before he knew Billy was talking to Sam again. There has to be more to it than he's letting on.


Anybody else have any ideas?

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My thoughts are that Brandon, thinks Sam and Billy are an item. How that all fits with Billy being with Joanna. I don't know but perhaps Brandon thought it was a front and then Billy broke up with Sam when Sam cheated on Billy with Joanna. So Sam went stright on Billy I guess... which Billy moved towards Brandon, but as Brandon was sorting though his feelings, Bobby moved in and Brandon and him Hooked up.


This explains why Bobby knew what he was doing... This explains also why Brandon was upset with Billy as to why Billy showed any intrest in Bobby, because Brandon did a Lee with Bobby, as Billy is doing now. LOL apparently Lee needs to join Billy and Brandon's league of friends


Anyway, Brandon and Billy's feelings towards each other clearly developed and is still struggling to show itself. Billy tells Brandon, but by this point, Brandon afraid still to admit it. When he comes back he sees that Billy and Sam have finally made up and in his eyes this means that Billy and Sam are back together. Hence all the crazy chat about, go back to Sam and be happy bit.


Sure it's possable that Bobby got to Brandon first, but I doubt it. If anything Brandon hasn't heard about it yet, but might soon.


Ok that's my take... anyone else want to take a stab?


Say what does people think will happen in NUMBER 100? I really thought this one was a prep for that one. A lot is going to go down. I can't wait, as I bet the journal is going to be long as can be.


Great Job Com.

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...but as Brandon was sorting though his feelings, Bobby moved in and Brandon and him Hooked up.


This explains why Bobby knew what he was doing...


I think you're on to something. It's a little complicated, but this is high-school drama here, so it's not unexpected. I see how Brandon could think that Billy and Sam were, as you put it, 'an item'. I think I need to go back and read the beginning again. Every time Simon's been mentioned lately, I have to stop and think "...who?" for a second.


Maybe I'll re-read the early stuff this week. That is, if I can find a place to print it out. The school's librarians are mad at me now for printing the first four complete chapters of GFD. I swear, I didn't realize it was over 100 pages at .9 arial... <.<


Regardless, I can't wait for chapter 100. Which, if the schedule was just off there and 99 was a few days late, should be out sometime tomorrow evening~


Somehow, I don't think that'll happen. A man can dream, though...

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