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Hmm its hard to say, Travis really isn't that bad, Aiden doesnt really know Travis well enough to think that he would be bad for Owen.


I just didn't think it was a good idea for Aiden to warn Owen against anyone, if he really wanted Owen to move on then he wouldnt have done it himself he should of asked one of the many friends that they share together to tell him. Or even Ben someone who Owen totally trusts, he shouldnt have done the deed.


And oooh, writeincode your from Aussie to? So am I! QLD'er hehe.

But Aiden does know Owen well enough to know he's not a one night stand kind of guy. Meanwhile Aiden also knows that once turned down by him, Travis quickly singled out Owen to seduce. Owen whose emotionally vulnerable and will probably have a horrible 'morning after'. If Aiden got Ben to tell Owen to steer clear, then that would be even more unethical, sort of like manipulating a trusted psychologist.

Yay, Aus! There are only three of us here, that I know about. I'm a sydney sider


Neither Owen nor Travis seems to be able to extricate himself from the grip of their respective demon, so trying to accomplish that together might be a good idea. In other words, I sort of agree with you in that respect.

I've never thought of Owen and Travis as a potential pair. They don't really seem to have a 'spark'. Though Owen doesn't seem to have much of a spark with anyway in the third person.

Edited by writeincode
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Yeah but you have to remember that Luke ended up with Grandma Alice, and she probably pressured Rory to add that stuff at the end. I get the feeling that Luke not only stole the car he was in on his birthday, but also, the Jeep he was driving in the story when Rory came to live with him. We have no evidence to suggest otherwise


I'm sorry. I took your initial comment seriously.

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I think it's safe to say that Owen still has demons regarding the attack he received from his parents. It also seems the real reason why Aiden and Owen split is because Owen has to come to terms with those demons on his own or else he'll never feel worthy of anyone.

No, I disagree, Bard. I think all this has very little to do with Owen's "past demons". I think this is primarily about Aiden mistakenly trying to protect Owen against things that 1) Owen doesn't need protecting against, and 2) Things that Owen should handle for himself regardless.


It seems pretty clear that Aiden broke up with Owen because he was concerned that Owen "was only with him because he felt like he had to be" and more or less didn't know what he was missing. But obviously it's up to Owen to decide those things, not Aiden.


Travis and Dennis WILL get together....they must :(

I agree with you here, I'm not sure if this has been posed before since I'm coming in late to this story discussion, but I'm definitely a "TDITE"

Definately not rooting for Owen and Aiden to get back together. I'm not a fan of Owen at the moment- he's a self-centred, overly idealistic spoilt brat. Owen needs a little whiny boyfriend so that they can cry and be overly dramatic together.

GRRRRR :angry:


Of all the characters in all Dom's stories, Owen is my favourite! And I definitely think you're giving him a completely unfair rap here! He's not doing anything wrong! He's helping Dennis, being nice to all his other friends, and working through his problems. Sure he's a little shattered about the Aiden thing, but heck SO IS AIDEN! And I think they're about 50-50 where blame is concerned, if anyone's slightly more to blame for the whole ugly mess it's Aiden, not Owen. After all Aiden is the one who broke up with him, and for silly reasons, IMO.

I'm also not pissed at Aiden like everyone else seems to be. He's a bit slutty tho but theres nothing wrong with that really, I mean, Travis is slutty and noone seems to have the shits about that.


I don't think either Aiden or Travis are particularly slutty, though Travis has, up until now, seemed somewhat vague and "dizzy". I'm not exactly mad at Aiden since I do still like him from TLW, although it did take a bit of time in the original story for me to warm to him and decide that he was good enough for Owen. I still think he is, but Travis definitely needs to back off from both of them (and pursue Dennis?) and hopefully they can work it out (LOL or maybe Ryan, Dennis, Nicky, or Lacy will make them :P )


Travis might not be whiny, but it can't be denied he sounds pleading when talking to Dennis on the phone. Neither Owen nor Travis seems to be able to extricate himself from the grip of their respective demon, so trying to accomplish that together might be a good idea. In other words, I sort of agree with you in that respect.

Hmm, sounds like a receipe for an unhealthy codependent relationship to me, although personally I don't think Owen is dealing with those issues much anymore. In any case I don't want to see Aiden or Owen with anyone but each other.


Take care all and have a great day!


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