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  1. rustle

    COVID is just the Flu!

    Dude, I'm so sorry. At first, I thought this crap was milder than the flu, but a whole lot more transmissible, and the greatest threat was the burden on the health care system. The more they learn about this, the worse it seems to be. I'm sorry to hear about all your struggles with it, and I hope you see much relief soonest. I agree with Aditus regarding maskholes.
  2. rustle


    Strange to see a comment on this story after all this time. Thanks. It's been a while since I wrote it, but I still remember the chills it gave me. Figured if I could creep myself out...
  3. K, you done good. I cannot say it enough. So this is for your readers. Follow this author. I've read his work on Nifty, and it was raw, but it had spirit and heart. I nagged him then about editing for him. Then he came to GA, and I finally convinced him to try working with me when I produced a fan email I'd sent him years ago. He busted his butt on this story, and it shows. He took it places I'd never expect, and took me with him. I love his characters, and I admire his vision. Track down some of his other work, and give it a chance. You won't be disappointed.
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  4. Dude, I coulda told you that would be your result. Have you considered trying to fit the stereotype better? Maybe buy a Judy Garland album or something?
  5. At 99, no discovery is easy. But with age has come the self-awareness that renders this "test" a lark.
  6. Very gay. I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you.
  7. rustle

    Chapter 24

    There's a lot to like in this chapter. You started with good bones, but you fleshed it all out very well. Again, you went well beyond any suggestions I made, and your technique, especially on the last rewrite, was great, and smoothed out the chapter beautifully. I loved the internal dialogue from Ryder and the narrative when he and Tyler were texting, and the physicality he showed when he straddled Tyler on his bed. It helps put Ryder in context. He's a jock, so he's gonna be physical. The play between the two guys is really true to character, and makes me smile. Good character development on Mrs. K, and Coach's presence is pitched well. As for Jaxson, I just want to take him home with me, but he'd drive me nuts. Your writing has come a long way on this story. Tremendous effort, bud, great job.
  8. rustle

    Chapter 20

    I loved working on .this chapter with you. You busted your butt on it, and it made it a lot of fun to edit. Damn good work.
  9. rustle

    Moving On

    All the best, always. Real life awaits.
  10. WL, what is the trajectory of your relationship? Right now, are you getting closer or more distant? Your bf had a thing then. Would he do it now? If you're growing closer, I question your question. Are you sabotaging yourself? If you're growing distant, well, you have to decide if you want to correct course, and do what's right for you. But do nothing except in love, and things will work out. All the best.
  11. Happy happy bud! I hope it was your best so far, and they only get better.
  12. Thanks everybody. I really appreciate it.
  13. Do I get to ask, "Who's your daddy" first?
  14. I got home yesterday, and my neighbor had mowed my yard.
  15. You may find you have a rhythm, and a personal quota. Work with it, improve it, revel in it. There is no substitute for doing stuff. I would suggest one bit, though. Make a list of all you have to do, and each day, cross something off that list. You'll always be adding to that list, but if you always try to take something off, it evens out. If you're super-industrious, you may finish it all for a while. If that happens, turn up the tunes and dance around nekkid.
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