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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. I think I'm gonna like it here.
  2. This was so nice. Hoping for more. There's a wonderful Brazilian film called The Way He Looks in English (though the original title translates to Don't Let Me Go Back Alone), about a blind kid who falls in love with the new boy in school. This story reminded me a bit of that. I highly recommend it.
  3. Can I sleep in the clock tower? I've always wanted to sleep in a clock tower.
  4. Well, I mean, you can use a magnet on it, but that must be some magnet if it manages to manipulate it over such great distances. Not to mention the timezone, and the direction of the sunset.
  5. Such days are allowed. Personally, I'm spending my day in bed. I'm trying to get over a cold, and have had some anxiety for the past few days, so rest is needed.
  6. Thorn Wilde

    Ian and Andrew

    This is so beautiful. Sweet and heartwarming. Thank you.
  7. Snow's pretty solid. Not much danger, really.
  8. It's tempting to just avoid situations that cause me anxiety... But that's not terribly productive, is it? So I guess the next step is to try to convince myself that my irrational brain is irrational.
  9. Hey Gary, nice to see you! How's your day going?
  10. You know, I think I did, at that.
  11. Such a good opening chapter, Laura! I was laughing so hard editing this. Heathcliff and Aidan are both such amazing characters. I love!
  12. Normal people are boring.
  13. Never did, you know. Must still be happening. The really impressive part is how they manage to manipulate the compass, though...
  14. I mean, I was born there and I visit every summer, but what do I know? https://www.reddit.com/r/finlandConspiracy/
  15. Always wanted to go. My ex-girlfriend studied there for like five years, but before we were together (we were friends, though). I never got round to visiting. Got some friends down there, though.
  16. Neither does Finland, apparently.
  17. Where do you live? Goodnight!
  18. Practically never. Can't remember when I last heard of that happening... They plough it well. If it's bad in winter and unsafe, they close off the roads so people don't drive there. There are tunnels that can take you around as well, they just take a little bit longer, and of course you don't get the scenery. The train between Oslo and Bergen runs all year round, though. It's a beautiful trip.
  19. You'd be surprised at how homophobic the figure skating world is... It's not like ballet, which is theatre, where sexuality isn't a big deal backstage. Perhaps it's because it's so competitive, I don't know. So, this is not a movie, and people probably aren't all that into anime here, but speaking of figure skating, I highly recommend Yuri!!! on Ice. It really is a beautiful story, 12 half hour episodes, so not terribly long either. It's not so called yaoi, it was a prime time cartoon series on Japanese television, but it's one of the sweetest love stories I've ever seen. The skating animations are amazing, too. It's funny and heartwarming and hella gay, lol! The whole thing is available to watch on Crunchyroll for free. All you have to do is make an account.
  20. Hope you feel better.
  21. This is Hardangervidda, a mountain plateau in Norway. It lies at about 1700 metres (no idea what that is in feet, lol) And this picture was taken in May. Once drove over it in late June, and it was almost as bad.
  22. I should say 'had'. It's raining away now.
  23. Windchill can definitely make it worse.
  24. Holy hell! That's worse than what we have...
  25. Nice to meet you too! I feel you about the snow... Ever so pretty to look at, sucks when you have to trudge through it...
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