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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. Choosing a therapist of a gender I'm not attracted to would not work for me. I'm attracted to all genders.
  2. Currently reading insane amounts of White Collar fanfiction over on ArchiveOfOurOwn.org. Yeah, I don't know how I got into this either, but watch that show and tell me there's no sexual tension between Neal and Peter. I'm pretty sure they did it on purpose. Or, Matt Bomer did, anyway. Actually, judging by the behind the scenes photos, Tim DeKay did too.
  3. What?? None of them knew Soundgarden?? Not even the grungy looking chick? I am beyond shocked.
  4. In 1998, Placebo released their second studio album, Without You I'm Nothing. Some time later, the band (the members of which were only in their twenties at the time) was contacted by David Bowie, who basically told them that he loved the title track so much that he'd written vocal harmonies for it, and asked if they wanted to record another version, with him on it. David Bowie was a huge inspiration for them. I can't imagine what it must have felt like. The song was released as a single.
  5. CHAPTER THIRTEEN Without You I'm Nothing When Nick arrived for rehearsal on Tuesday afternoon, Matt hadn’t showed up yet. Stuart looked up from fixing his cymbals to the drum kit, and stood when he saw Nick. ‘Hey! There he is.’ He smiled. ‘Yeah, here I am . . .’ Nick put down his guitar case. ‘Where’s Matt?’ Stuart shrugged. ‘He and Alan had some time to kill, so they went to get some food. He should be along in a bit.’ He stepped up to Nick and placed a hand on his sho
  6. Kids should be allowed to dress up as whatever they want for Halloween. I mean, within reason, some costumes are not child appropriate. But gender shouldn't matter. If a girl can wear it, a boy can wear it too, and vise versa. And young children almost always like sparkly things, regardless of which bits they were born with. Gendering costumes is just weird.
  7. Dave is a stubborn bastard when he wants to be. Thanks for commenting!
  8. Billy's is especially beautiful. And Mark knows where it's at, that's definitely love.
  9. I second @droughtquake's welcome to you, @bensau5966. Lovely to have you here! Always fun with new people, especially ones who are immediately so active.
  10. I like poly stories. I somehow like them best bisexual, though... Like, supposedly straight married couple both fall in love with a cute boy and good things happen. A kink of mine, I guess. As a writer, I prefer writing couples, though. It's what I'm most familiar with, though I have been polyamorous. (My girlfriend and I broke up in May, but I'm still with my boyfriend, so poly to mono, I guess.) Though I have had ideas about writing polyamory, too. I dunno. I guess there's that passionate dynamic between two lovers that isn't quite the same when there's more people. In my experience, poly folks are so good at communicating their needs, and they don't get jealous in the classical sense, and honestly, it's a bit hard to make that interesting unless you're going for pure erotica. Dysfunctional relationships are the most fun.
  11. I like dogs, but cats will always win. Also, looks like cats are winning. Which makes sense, really, cause there's something kind of gay about cats. I think Robin Williams said in a stand-up show once that all cats are drag queens... I think he was kind of right.
  12. CHAPTER TWELVE Bosco Dave wanted to go home. He finished his cider, and went looking for Alan again. The moment he found him, however, he spotted Matt, who came out of the gents’ with Nick draped over his shoulder. ‘Alan!’ he called. ‘I need to get him outside, could you go backstage and get my bass and his guitar, please?’ ‘Shit, what happened?’ Alan asked. ‘Is he okay?’ ‘Yeah. Just really pissed.’ Dave swallowed, and then the practical part of his mind took contro
  13. I created the most likeable and sweet character ever in Patrick, so I was personally heartbroken when I wrote this. It would have been so easy to make him kind of a dick, so the inevitable end would have been easier to write, but he just turned out such a sweetheart... Thanks for taking the time to comment!
  14. @huktaunluv I love long comments like this! You're always so insightful. Nick and Dave both have some shit they need to work through, for sure. Nick especially, as you say, has a lot of emotional baggage he needs to take care of before there's even a remote possibility of rekindling his relationship with Dave, no matter how much they still love each other. Thank you for reading my story, and I'm so, so happy you like it!
  15. CHAPTER ELEVEN Exit Wounds Nick came home after an early morning shift and picked up the post on the mat. It was a Friday, and Zoë had come home from Nottingham late the night before. Nick knew, because he had had to switch on some music to mute out the sound of her and Richard having sex in the master bedroom. Not that he begrudged them this. They basically only saw each other on the weekends, after all. Now he found Zoë in the kitchen in her dressing gown, with some cereal an
  16. It's already finished, actually. Just editing as I go now, so updates will continue to be frequent. It's good to know I have readers who aren't put off by where I'm going with this. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment.
  17. Yes, shag means fuck, though it's a milder term, really. You wouldn't use it for a slur, for instance. You don't say 'Go shag yourself.' I've always believed that humans are complex creatures of great emotional depth. I mean, sure, there are some people who do such wholly evil things that they're basically irredeemable, but even the worst of villains have some reason for how they are. They think they're doing the right thing, or they were fucked up by trauma, or they were just taught to be that way. That doesn't excuse their actions, but it's a fact of life. As for Dave's dad, we'll see what happens there. Some insight may yet be had.
  18. They're doing pretty well right now, it's true. Though their problems are far from over.
  19. CHAPTER TEN Narcoleptic Nick felt inexplicably nervous. He hadn’t spoken to Brian since that weekend, and the thought of calling him up now, nearly three weeks later, made him feel slightly sick. But he knew he had to. He couldn’t just leave things like this. He considered just texting, but that felt so impersonal. Brian picked up after only a couple of rings. ‘Nick!’ He sounded almost breathless. ‘Hey!’ Nick found himself smiling. ‘Hey. Is this a bad time?’ ‘Not at all
  20. Thank you. Can't have all angst all the time. Need some light amidst the darkness, after all. Dave and Patrick are so good together. I never intended for Patrick to be this sweet, but there you have it . . .
  21. CHAPTER NINE I Feel You A few days after the utter train wreck that had been Dave’s first attempt at a proper date with Patrick, he decided to ask him out again. Dinner and a movie in Sapswell felt like a much safer choice, and they opted for pizza and a superhero film. It was a resounding success, and so he asked him out again for the following Friday, this time to The Jekyll & Hyde in Windfield Green. That morning, he stepped into the kitchen where his mother was having b
  22. I'm obsessed with this song right now. Been listening to it on repeat. It's just so . . . erotic. Just the sound of it.
  23. I was in my teens, about fifteen at the time, when I had finally learnt the language for what I was and came out to my mum as bisexual. She was like, 'So what? So am I. I think almost everyone is.' And that was that. She's accepted all my partners, same sex or otherwise. Coming out as non-binary has been more difficult, though. My mum knows, because I talk about it on Facebook and stuff all the time, but she's just kind of never reacted to it? We've talked about the whole concept in the abstract, and I just don't think she gets it. She doesn't really get trans issues in general, not really, though she pretends to when it's convenient. I sometimes wonder how she'd react if I actually transitioned, though since I'm basically gender fluid, I probably won't, anyway. My final coming out, as polyamorous, went about as well as I would have expected, with her kind of disapproving, but happy to have dinner with both my boyfriend and my girlfriend.
  24. CHAPTER EIGHT Special K Nick was drunk, and he was high. He felt like the world was spinning around him, but that was okay, because Adolescent Pushback were up on stage, playing awesome music, and Brian looked really hot with his bass. All Nick could think about was after, getting him home and into bed. In the meantime, he danced. People were watching him. He didn’t care. Afterwards, he sought out Brian by the stairs to the stage and gave him a big, wet kiss. ‘That was amazing,
  25. Nor should you. Honestly, I think every restaurant should have a homeless discount. I love it when I hear about places that have a "homeless eat for free" thing, or bakeries who pass out the leftover baked goods at the end of the day to people who are hungry.
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