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  1. Blueyes57


    Time to start at the very beginning again with the first story
      • 2
      • Love
  2. Blueyes57

    November 20th

    Disappointed TBWH is a premium story
  3. I couldn't read this chapter. I had to make the font so small just to get it all on the page. what happened?
  4. I enjoyed this one Thanks
  5. Its a pity this story will never be finished. After 7 years I think its dead. Such a shame. Beautiful writing. Descriptive without a large amount of words. Such a shame ☹️
  6. I can't read this anymore. I don't what happened but it is taking up way more size in the tab. It needs to be resized and not on my end. Something happened when it was posted. Has to be. This chaperter and the last one too
  7. Blueyes57

    Man Crush Saga

    I just laughed so hard with this chapter that my ribs hurt and I have tears in my eyes! so damn funny especially Baker in the background going on and on and on and on.........lmao!
  8. Blueyes57


    Let me start by saying that I have every story written by Ms. McCaffrey and every Pern novel she and later her son have written before her death. You did an excellent job on this story. You captured Pern exactly. You even seemed to have gotten the flow down right. If I could figure out to give you 5 stars since they redid the site I would.
  9. Blueyes57

    October 2015

    Another chapter where you disparage WV. First calling it "Bumfuck WV" and now a "Hillbilly" State Trooper. I'll have you know our Troopers get the same education and training as any other state. But thats okay. Our Troopers will still come to the rescue if you need them no matter who or what you are and we'll take your money while you call us names while laughing behind your backs. No problem. Watch out though, we have Castle Law and Concealed Carry here. We Mountaineers like our guns hence our motto: "Mountaineers are always free". Characters spouting off about names and rights and yet they do the same
  10. Blueyes57

    Early December

    the money is from his college account maybe? I agree he is being slowly reeled back into the "class" he came from. Can't have " one of their own" slumming it you know. Looks bad
  11. Thank You!!!
  12. How do I find complete stories? The filtering system doesn't seem to have that option. Thanks for answering
  13. Blueyes57

    Chapter 4

    you wrote: If Marty moved to Toronto it would be a dream come true. But before that you wrote the Ontario office. I'm not Canadian so I have no idea what is what but that didn't sound right
  14. Blueyes57

    Chapter 2

    you wrote: He’d also discovered a long, oddly straight across his shoulder and down his torso WHAT did he discover? A welt? a cut?
  15. I'm going to share with two recipes for beer bread which is a very easy way to make some bread to go with meals. Two Ingredient Beer Bread 2& 2/3 cups Self-Rising Flour 12 ounces Beer Preheat oven to 375. Grease a loaf pan. Combine the flour and beer in a large bowl until flour is completely moistened. Pour into greased loaf pan. Bake at 375 degrees F for 50 to 55 minutes or until top is lightly browned. Cool in pan five minutes before removing to cool completely. * different beers give you different flavors* The second one has more ingredients but tastes outstanding. 5 minute Beer and Cheese Bread Set your oven on 375. Now stir the following dry ingredients in one medium size bowl. 3 cups flour (don't mix more than one cup whole wheat with 2 cups unbleached) It won't rise up light enough with just whole wheat) 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons dill (weed not seed) 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon baking powder (not soda) 1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese (you taste it better in this) After you have just stirred to mix that up...crack open a 12 ounce SEALED BEER. Any kind will do...dark will flavor that bread to a strong beer taste...a light beer will make it more of a sourdough flavor. Now pour the beer into that bowl and stir it up, it is ready don't let it set. Oil a loaf pan, spoon in your "bread mix".....then sprinkle a bit of cheddar cheese across the top. Bake for 45 minutes! I use the two ingredient recipe all the time. You can add any herbs that you like to it to give it more flavor.
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