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    No. 4 Privet Drive, England

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  1. Tammian

    Journal 3

    I am just hoping that Chris finds a boyfriend to have kinky-fun-times with!
  2. Tammian

    Journal 3

    The truth is, second chances are hard, as you always have a thought in the back of your mind that if you make the same mistakes again, then that's it. I'm really enjoying this journal-style of writing, and I look forward to reading more
  3. Tammian

    Chapter 12

    This story is the very definition of bitter-sweet... My heart breaks thinking of Brett and how some people can never truly come to terms with who they are. I absolutely loved every moment in this story, so thank you so much for sharing it with us.
  4. Tammian

    Chapter 10

    I'm actually undecided whether or not I now hate Mrs. Weaver... To be honest, I find it more likely that her words were in reference to Corey finding a boyfriend and not giving Brett a second chance rather than talking about the game. Now, whilst I agree with Corey's decision to be with Adrian, somebody who can love him, I do sympathise with Mrs. Weaver, who was probably hoping that Brett would eventually come to terms with his sexuality and get back with Corey, but now this is obviouly no longer an option. Of course, this is based on her assumption that Brett ever truly loved Corey, which I find questionable to say the least.
  5. While I may not be that new here, I have only recently discovered this topic, so I figured I'd introduce myself anyway. I found this site completely by accident just under a year ago, and I haven't stopped reading since. I feel like it is one of the few safe spaces on the internet where I can be myself, and I would love to get more involved in the community on here. I don't write that frequently, but I may end up posting some of my poetry or something on here in the future... maybe. I look forward to chatting with you all.
  6. I am so in love with Overwatch. I'm a Reinhardt main, but i love playing all of the tanks and the healers. I also really like the backstory behind the world of the game, as well as Tracer's love life.
  7. Tammian

    Alpha Challenge

    I didn't think I could hate Cory's dad any more than I did already, but I was so wrong. Disowning your own child before he is born is cold. I love the family dinamic between al the brothers, and I hope we see more of Cory's uncle. I'm also looking forward to the Garza's reaction to these developments. Great chapter to start 2017 on a high!
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