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Arch Hunter

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Everything posted by Arch Hunter

  1. Arch Hunter

    One Step Closer

    I think Andrew is the only one who can't 😂
  2. "I commence the first Sweet and Spicy board meeting," I said. Jake and I were sitting on the carpet in the middle of our room. It sucked to have to bother with business one day before Christmas but duties come first. At least school was over until the end of the year. "The agenda of today's meeting is," I paused to read the only item on the list I quickly made on a piece of paper, "do we fucking post the Meet Sammy and Jakey video and where do we make the cut." Jake raised his h
  3. Arch Hunter

    Chapter 2

    It's always a pleasure to bring back good memories. I have no idea what's coming next but I'm not going to settle on "the same" 😊
  4. Arch Hunter

    Chapter 2

    Can't wait to see the parents check on them in the morning...
  5. Arch Hunter

    Chapter 2

    The most dangerous sweetheart ever 😈
  6. I had to take a break but yes, it's coming. Can't tell exactly how soon, but I'm already working on it, so it's not going to be super long. Thanks for checking in!
  7. Arch Hunter

    Chapter 2

    Bradd is a top. He would never let anyone topping him. Unless...
  8. Arch Hunter

    Chapter 2

    oh yes... will he be up for more? Tempting... to make the story more interesting, I think she should learn about it in the most horrible of way 😮
  9. Arch Hunter

    Chapter 2

    Who wouldn't? That was some first-class servicing he got 😋
  10. Arch Hunter

    Chapter 2

    omg I hope you're okay! I can't promise this chapter has any healing properties so read it whenever you feel like it or not at all ❤️
  11. Arch Hunter

    Chapter 2

    “So? Bring the lube and let’s get this started!” Keith clapped his hands. Patrick and I shared surprised looks. “If you don’t have any lube left, I can go and get some, no problem,” he added, sounding desperate. “I’ll be back in ten minutes, and then we can do it again. It’s hard to admit how much I liked it but I did.” “We got plenty of lube left,” I said. “But that’s not the issue, man. We’re not your sex toys. We only did that to give you some confidence before your first time
  12. Arch Hunter

    Chapter 13

    Thank you for all the comments. I can't wait what happens next, too, but at least I think Iv'e finally figured out how it's going to end - more or less. That gives me something to hang on to and I look forward to writing another chapter ^^
  13. I woke up but my eyelids felt like they were glued together. I was sleeping as close to the left edge of my bed as possible without falling, and my left arm was hanging from the side. I felt the bed to my right. The sheet was empty but still warm. I stretched and squinted in pain. All my muscles were sore from shoveling. I rolled to the other side, sighed, and was ready to go back to sleep, but then remembered all the things I was looking forward to today, and immediately I felt like I jus
  14. Everything in the world is about sex — except sex. Sex is about power. This quote is a little overused but it's so right. Sex lets you reveal so much about your characters and give a deeper meaning to their relations. All the primitive instincts and desires come to the surface and - if well-crafted into a story - they can add a lot more depth to the experience. It's also hot as f*ck.
  15. Thank you for a very valuable feedback. You're correct - there is a missing story in this equation, but it only exists in my head for now. I'm only giving you glimpses through the limited point of view of different characters. It's not an easy thing to do and you're not the first one to point out that it's more confusing than it should be. Hopefully the next season will glue it all together, so I hope you stick around now that you've gone so far. Also, in some ways, I feel like your comment perfectly describes my life 🙈 Thank you for reading and commenting.
  16. Arch Hunter

    Chapter 1

    I planned to be a one-off but who knows; I've already grown a soft spot for the boys, even thought 24 hours ago they didn't even exist. Out of my 8 stories (including 2 not listed on GA), 5 include some forms of threesomes, and in fact, there's always a limit to what the third guy joining a couple can do. I don't know, I guess it just feels right ^^ Thank you ^^ writing it was fun for sure. It turned out so silly I nearly didn't post it here at all; I'm glad I did 😂 Thanks!
  17. Arch Hunter

    Self Esteem

    Things are happening... 😬 Andrew is about to discover the whole new side of life he'd never expect he could enjoy. \ You already know that this is not true lol! I'm borrowing from everyone and I can already feel my spidey senses tingling...
  18. Arch Hunter

    Chapter 1

    Keith and I met in primary school and hit it off immediately. Ugh, how many stories start like that? All of them? I thought so. Well, I don't care because it’s a fact. It first started with a casual chat about Minecraft and Pokemon Go and before I knew it, we were spending every other afternoon together. We liked the same games, the same cartoons, the same YouTubers, and the same jokes. I didn't know how I could have lived without him all my life. We were both only sons and we quickly became the
  19. When your best friend and high-school crush turns out straight, it's not the end of the world!
  20. An example of an adjective that is both proper and improper? Hawaiian Pizza
  21. Arch Hunter

    Chapter 12

    Pretty well put ^^ So far it looks like Jake is 100% happy with just pleasing and being fed by Sammy but Sammy feels like he's being selfish in all this... let's see where it goes. Good observations. The boys should be happy with the little money they made. Hopefully things will start getting better for all of them, unless something unfortunate happens... Yeah, 3 subs at FF isn't a lot but it already earns them more than their humble allowance combined. I wonder if they can get to 4... You just want everyone in my sweet story in jail, don't you 😂 still, good points, can't wait for Sammy and Jake to become celebrities... So true... hopefully they will start seeing where the real money is. They need the cash before Christmas, though, and they won't see any money from their social media before the next month, so don't blame them. Ah yes... depending on what they do with those shovels. Naked twin shoveling, anyone?
  22. I woke up early to prepare food for the whole day, but the first thing I did was to check our ForFanz. I gasped when I saw we had two new subscription requests. With our security settings, I was able to review their profiles before approving or declining them. They were both long-time users with many contacts and a high reputation rating. I wasn’t able to find what reputation meant exactly but it seemed to be a score calculated by an algorithm based on the interaction with creators and other use
  23. Arch Hunter

    Chapter 4

    Knowing very little about the subject, I did some research on the shooting right after reading this chapter and it's really horrifying how much all of this is accurate. Now that we live in an era, where in addition to everything that has been said, the Internet has become a tool for trolls, bots and all kinds of entities (domestic and foreign) to purposefully stir and divide societies, there seems to be less hope than ever for solving issues like this indefinitely. However, it was good to find out there were some legislation changes in Florida (not sure how far going), and that some media, politicians and TV personalities who made false claims received backlash, including firings and boycotts. None of this will return lives but at least it's a glimmer of hope that our societies will eventually mature.
  24. Arch Hunter

    Chapter 11

    Yup, let's hope Leo is not an angel of death. 😂 Good point, good point...
  25. Arch Hunter

    Chapter 11

    yeah they better not leave their laptops on without logging off... The first rule of every mother in the world - you never know what they really think. ah yes, can they balance it to become popular, but not too popular? ... and to their wieners 😋 if the electricity between the boys continues to grow and she has to pay for it, she will need to make a ForFanz account herself! It's tempting to make Book 2 of this story solely about their mom trying to escape from prison.
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