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  1. Can’t hide the truth from the parents… Reilly will be promoted to the next Santa. Hopefully Sabine will take some time for her plan that he can learn about his new role. Looking forward to the workshop tour.
  2. VBlew

    Chapter 6

    Good on Mom for getting it out. He has a gay uncle too. And the mystery txt, I’m thinking Hoppy too.
  3. VBlew

    Chapter 1

    So the question I have, is Lucas truly such a bully, or is it internalized homophobia acting out??? Being in a small town can be hard when you’re different,
  4. More secrets revealed and Reilly keeps on being the best boyfriend. The possibility of him becoming the next Santa is a surprise.. off to the North Pole.
  5. VBlew

    Chapter 16

    Great ending to this book. Looking forward to the next one. Love the idea of imperial houses for this series. Marc is very good at bringing people together, and is a brilliant tactician.
  6. VBlew

    Chapter 18

    Deeper and deeper. This is a total mess and is going to blow up spectacularly…
  7. Great chapter to learn more about the North Pole and its current inhabitants. Is the evil sorceress being released? What havoc will that cause?
  8. VBlew

    Chapter 3

    Making more friends. So far so good.
  9. Very fun. Hope going to meet the family works out. Is there an expectation of an heir from Nicky? May need a surrogate…
  10. VBlew

    20: Finley

    I get Emmett being upset not being able to use his powers, but Fin was just trying to protect him from the Cat. Steven being another dragon is interesting, I wonder if he is a younger brother? And is he interested in Emmett too? Even though he kept saying he didn’t swing that way… The guys need to be more clear about their feelings. Finley definitely called Emmett his boyfriend, so could that be part of what irritated him?
  11. The intrigue continues. Somebody want Ethan out of the business… it’s always follow the money… but who? Ethan would be a lousy poker player, he gave in too quick to Aaron’s prodding.
  12. Tickles and sex, fun chapter.
  13. VBlew

    Chapter 18

    Great ending. Now onto a life in England for a while. But with this group I’m sure there will be more adventures in their future.
  14. Kurt was a jerk. Is he going to tell Sampson what happened? He’s very fortunate he didn’t get bonded, that would have been a horrible relationship.
  15. VBlew

    Spring Ch 14

    Interesting chapter. K is a mystery, but being taken care of. If he quit being so shy, he could probably have a job on the property. Sounds like he was kicked out of his home… Dealing with the remnants of an unruly booking who thought they could do whatever they wanted on the property… new rules in place to help prevent that. How are the proposed renovations to the Watchtower going to affect K? He needs to be warned about the work commencing, so he doesn’t get hurt.
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