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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. Don't forget breasts, Kev.
  2. Pointing out certain tendencies tends to cause a ruckus. This is something I often do as I'm not afraid to put things into proper context. However, others seem to think it's making assumptions about groups of people. For example, Christians tend to have negative feelings towards homosexuals. Does that mean that all of them do? Certainly not! So why is it that pointing out certain tendencies that many members of a given group may possess such a bad thing? I can't quite figure it out. I do not infer that 100% of a given group has certain tendencies, because doing so is dishonest, and quite frankly unfair. Yet, by inferring that some or many people in a given have certain tendencies, I'm somehow still accused of saying that a group ALWAYS has a given tendency when that is NEVER what I mean. Has anyone else had similar experiences? I'm sure many have, so maybe some of you can offer good insights into this phenomenon.
  3. Tiger


    That sounds like good times. I hope it continues for you.
  4. Life can be complicated. It's worth noting that there may have been some ulterior motives. I don't want to get into too many specifics, but let's say that I was at a point where I was easy enough to manipulate. People who know how to take advantage of that have an opening to basically bring you up a bit and then kick you back down. I'm not really angry. I don't tend to stay angry for long. I've had time to reflect on it, and I have clarity, and it's opened my eyes to signs of a person who lies. If you talk to a compulsive liar long enough, you can recognize their inconsistencies, and inconsistencies are definitely a sign of untruthfulness. People who lie and manipulate, in my experience, do not suddenly stop lying and manipulating. They simply get better at it.
  5. It was just Violent J.
  6. There's a similar story in Texas. Austin, Dallas, and El Paso come to mind.
  7. Well, this is an interesting story. I'm liking it so far. I wonder what is going to happen next. George is certainly an interesting character. Wilcox I did not like, and I was glad to see him leave. Travers is a great guy, and I wonder how true it was when the Earl said that the king was impressed with him.
  8. I like Insane Clown Posse, and I feel like being silly. This is Violent J.
  9. Happy birthday, Kurt.
  10. She's simply amazing. She also sang one of my favorite songs ever, and her rendition was superb!
  11. That's what I was thinking.
  12. I don't even think straight boys want to see mommy's vag. That's disgusting. That might make me afraid of vaginas. :wacko:
  13. Some actually are. I find it a bit weird to be honest. There's nothing wrong with them as far as I'm concerned. But then, I'm not one of the ones who's scared of them. Great comments, guys. Seriously, there's nothing to be afraid of. I may be a gay man, but I can appreciate the beauty of a woman and even have an exception list of women I'd totally do. 0:-)
  14. Okay, I didn't think this particular topic was appropriate for the forums, so I decided to use my blog instead. Okay, I totally don't get it. Vaginas don't do much for me, but I am not in fear of them, nor am I repulsed by them. I personally think this fear is irrational even for gay men. I mean, it's just a vagina. It's not going to hurt you. So you don't want to stick your dick in one. I could live without doing so myself, but why should anyone be afraid of them? By extension, there is yet another fear often associated with gay men, tocophobia, or fear of pregnancy or pregnant women in particular. This is just as silly to me. I happen to think pregnancy is a beautiful thing, not something to be afraid of. I want kids of my own, and obviously pregnancy is involved, so pregnancy is a good thing. I would even deliver a baby if I had to do so, and other than the blood, I think I'd be just fine. Anyway, why do so many have such fears? I don't hear about straight men freaking out over the sight of a penis, so why should many gay men have such a fear of vaginas?
  15. You know what they call smart middle class Republicans who are not-anti gay or anti-abortion? They're called Democrats.
  16. Yeah, I agree. Go with your muse. That's always the best thing.
  17. I think it's a shame. And normally I keep my mouth shut when she talks about politics, but I'd had my fill. She's basically to a point where she hates anyone who happens to be a Democrat and has compared Obama to Hitler... talk about irony. Obama isn't the one who wiped his ass with the US Constitution. Bush was the one who did that.
  18. Tiger

    Awesome video

    That's downright appalling. I know I'm in the minority of liberals who like guns, but damn...
  19. Well, yesterday I got into a fight over the phone with a friend of mine over politics. She's vehemently Republican. I can respect that. However, I criticized the Bush administration and talked about the video I linked in the Gay Left Forum. I tried to tell her that NO president should have the type of power that the Patriot Act yielded. Quite frankly, the thought of a mad man with the power to have people arrested just by calling them traitors is quite frankly unacceptable. That is so similar to what Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and other tyrants have done throughout history. A climate of fear is a breeding ground for the stifling of civil liberties and the usurpation of human rights in general. I may be a liberal, but I am a civil libertarian above all else, and any threat to civil liberties is a threat to what I believe is the American way. This country is not what it once was, a beacon of freedom, and that is a scary thought, and if it comes down to it I will fight and die to protect our freedoms. I don't care if the president is Democrat or Republican. When he uses his power to take my rights away, I have serious issues. I just wish my friend understood my position, but she clearly does not. I'm suspect simply because I voted for Obama. But believe me, if he was doing what Bush was doing, I would be just as appalled.
  20. I just thought it best to point it out now. There are other cocks in the hen house, and you'll find one better.
  21. That sick bastard got what he deserved. Just say no to that kind of animal lovin'.
  22. Short and simple... He's just not that into you.
  23. Tiger

    Awesome video

    Machine guns are only legal with a special permit, and they're really expensive. I can't run to the local gun store and buy an AK-47. Still, that show was really cool. You guys should at least be able to admit that.
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