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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Confounded: Part I - 21. Chapter 21

CHAPTER 21 --==Taylan's POV==--

I hesitated, staring at it. Then I got up and slowly approached it, almost feeling relieved when no one was showing in the small screen. Phew...probably someone who'd had the wrong doorbell.

I was about to return to the computer when a shadow appeared in front of the opal glass and then the doorbell rang.

My eyes widened when I opened and Mitchell stood there, grinning.

"You're nuts, you know that?" I breathed, disbelievingly.

He came inside and shut the door with his foot none too gently, took me by the arms and pushed me against the wall.

"I dare you, you said," he grinned. "No one dares me. C'mere."

The openmouthed kiss that ensued would have melted steel; hot breaths mingled and I couldn't help but beginning to laugh.

"I thought you were trying to rile me up."

"We all learn from our mistakes," he murmured against my lips, then probing as deep as he could. "I don't have much time."

He grabbed my hand and led it straight to the bulging front of his pants.

He softly bit my lips and put a hand on my shoulder; then he pushed me down and I let myself kneel, using the wall as support. Oh man, was this really happening?

The sound of his zipper lowering made me look in front of me, and he pulled his cock out. Then he moved his hand to the back of my head and fed it to me in one go; I started gagging and worked hard to quell the gag reflex. He hardly fit, as thick as he was, and I moaned in protest. Somewhere above me, Mitchell expelled a deep breath, groaning deep in his throat.

I sucked his cock while he fucked my mouth, and I raised a hand to wrap around him, also making him go in less deep, and enabling me to do a much better job. With my other hand I felt for his balls and pulled them; when you do something, do it right, right?

He hissed softly when I solely concentrated on the blunt top, and let go of the back of my head, seeking support at the wall.

"Damn..." he sighed, his eyes closed. "That feels good."

It sure did!

Pre-cum flowed richly, escaping my mouth down to my chin; he slithered between my lips easily now.

"Watch the pants!"

Tssk...complaining? Was he kidding me?

It didn't take more than five minutes, maybe; then he suddenly pulled his dick out of my mouth and started jerking off. Within seconds, thick strands of semen jetted out onto my shirt, and not a little either; holy shit!

I massaged his balls as he came, and he moaned loudly; it echoed in the hallway. I didn't even want to take a guess as to what my neighbors had to be thinking was happening here.

I looked down, and saw that a major amount had landed on my shirt; some on the floor. His pants had been saved. I grinned up at him and he looked down, panting and grinning.

"Now that's horny; you, covered in my cum."

I snickered and took off my shirt; that one was ready for the laundry, right away.

"You're a pig. Look at this; I'm soaked!"

He pulled me up and gave me a fiery kiss.

"You so love that I did that," he claimed.

Yeah, I kinda did.

"I gotta go. Not very romantic but..."

"Oh, that's just great. Yeah, go run off. Abuse me and leave me. Nice," I said, winking.

He grinned and gave me another long kiss; then he opened the door.

"See you tonight, sexy."

I licked my lips a couple of times and stood there, long after he'd left, the sticky shirt in my hand. This was my favorite shirt, damn it!


The honeymoon, as I usually call the first few weeks of a starting relationship, never seemed to end. Normally, after three or four weeks, you'd come down from that incredible high, and return to normal life. But three or four months after that first weekend, Mitchell still surprised me with things I absolutely did not expect him to do, or not as fast.

He told me he loved me pretty quickly, in the third week, during a particularly night of unbridled, hot sex. It's not completely valid then; people claim lots of things during sex, and so I didn't really register it. But the next day, during a movie we were watching, he said it again; and Kit was there to hear it too!

We were watching an action movie on DVD. Kit sat, watching it enthralled from a chair a little further away, while Mitchell and I sat on the couch; I'd pulled my feet up and sat with my back against his chest. Very homey. Yuck. (NOT). I'd gotten used to this much more easily, and quickly, than I would've previously thought possible.

At first I didn't even hear it, thinking it was some sort of special effect sound from the movie. Mitchell slowly caressed my hair with his nose, and when I didn't react at first, he brought his mouth closer to my ear and whispered it again.

"I love you."

The arm that he'd wrapped around me came up, and he tilted my head so that he had easier access for a warm, tender kiss.

I stared at him when he lifted his head and he smiled, rubbing his nose against my cheek.

"I just wanted to say that."

Right. That's great. And now he expected me to say it back, huh?

As stated before; I'm not one who talks about my feelings all that easy, especially not that little sentence. But I underestimated him, once again.

"I umm..."

"You'll say it when you're ready," he said, still smiling. "But I'm there, so...I'll say it, if that's okay?"

Disturbed with us, Kit sent us an annoyed look, but apparently he saw something going on, because his expression changed from annoyed to grinning stupidly. His blue eyes twinkled.

I blinked and looked at Mitchell and then nodded.

Sure. Of course I didn't mind.

"Okay. But I'd have said it, anyway."

Of that I had no doubt. He never kept quiet about anything he felt. I knew that now.

"I'll...take a little more time, if you don't mind."

I grinned and he smiled back knowingly. I think he knew how I felt, and maybe that's why he didn't mind so much. Yet.

"Not at all," he answered, stealing another kiss.


Another one of his little bombs came about a month later. He asked me to move in with him.

"Have you gone completely off the deep end?" I asked, mockingly. I thought he was making a joke, but he was dead serious.

"Why not? I love you, you love me..."

Right; I had told him the night before, and it had resulted in the most romantic, tender night of lovemaking to date. He'd been endlessly sweet. Enough to make you puke, hehe.

"I don't see any reason to delay what's going to happen anyway. It's a logical step."

"So you're automatically assuming that it'll happen?" I got a little pissed off because of his overbearing behavior. "What if I don't want to give up my freedom? Give up something to go back to in case something happens?"

"Your freedom?" He echoed, frowning. "Are you trying to pick a fight? Since when do you wanna be ‘free' again?" Either he deliberately misunderstood me or... "Last night you told me you loved me and now you wanna be free again? Sometimes I just don't get you. And I said it was maybe a good idea, to move in. You're acting like this is some kind of prison to you."

Ok, fine. It wasn't deliberate. I sighed impatiently.

"That's not what I meant. I mean...what if something happens; big fight, whatever. You know, it's just way too soon to be talking about such things."

He sighed, and pulled me toward him; I didn't exactly cooperate, then.

"We'll have big fights. God, I hope so because it'd become boring, real fast." D'oh. So far we were on the same page. "But what gives you the idea that I'd ever let you go?"

Bah. I tried to move away, and sent him a nasty glance.

"Don't be so goddamn possessive."

He tightened his arms around even more.

"I know you don't like it when I do that, but that's just tough; get used to it. You're mine; you're not going anywhere."

I rolled my eyes. Sometimes he made these declarations that really got my fire going. The exact opposite way, that is.

"You can roll your eyes as much as you want; that's the way I feel, and that won't change. In this relationship, we don't walk away when things get tough. Walking away is weak; talking about and solving a fight is how this is going to work. And if you leave, I'll drag you right back here. Got it?"

"I'm not a kid, Mitch; don't talk to me like I am. I just want time to think about this. So you can let go now. I'm not running away. Yet."

He pulled up a corner of his mouth but remained where he was, and drew me closer, bringing his face closer to mine.

"It's little stings, like that last one? Those completely belie what you're saying. Tell me; do you have an idea in your head that you're squandering your time with me?"

I sighed. No, of course not.

"No. I meant what I said, last night."

"Good. Do you trust me?"


"Have I ever lied to you?"

"No, not that I know of."

"Then here's the reason I'm asking you to THINK about selling your place, and moving in with me. Because you wouldn't actually be moving in with just me. You'd also be moving in with Kit."

Fixed a typo.
andr0gene 2005-Present; All Rights Reserved
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

i have waited sooooooooooooo long for this chapter.... and now that it's here i must say that i am pleased..impressed.. and in love with this story more than anything else!!! Good one Gene.. i'm loving it.. keep writing

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On 03/13/2011 11:52 PM, jazziebabe said:
i have waited sooooooooooooo long for this chapter.... and now that it's here i must say that i am pleased..impressed.. and in love with this story more than anything else!!! Good one Gene.. i'm loving it.. keep writing
Sorry I made you peeps wait so long. Hope I made up for it a little with completing this. ;)
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Just when Taylan thinks he's in control, Mitchell takes things a step further and suprises him again. Those two will keep each other on their toes. What fun.

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A big jump ahead in time, but I think that's needed. We're seeing them enter the next phase of their relationship and while Mitchell is not dictating to Taylan, he's certainly still leading the way and asking Taylan to follow.

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On 11/18/2015 07:30 PM, Graeme said:

A big jump ahead in time, but I think that's needed. We're seeing them enter the next phase of their relationship and while Mitchell is not dictating to Taylan, he's certainly still leading the way and asking Taylan to follow.

True. I'm reading this back again, along with you, and it...I dunno...'feels' too fast. I could use a few more chapters or exposition. As said previously, I won't, but there are definite flaws here. ;)

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le sigh.  Mitch continues to be a bully.  "i love you and you love me so i'll do whatever i want and you'll go along" is such utter bullshit.  the lack of respect and dismissal of consent is making me go crazy.  so we're clear, coerced consent is not a thing - it's just coercion.

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2 minutes ago, andamonkey said:

le sigh.  Mitch continues to be a bully.  "i love you and you love me so i'll do whatever i want and you'll go along" is such utter bullshit.  the lack of respect and dismissal of consent is making me go crazy.  so we're clear, coerced consent is not a thing - it's just coercion.

I know, right! Re-read it for stuff I needed in Part III, references and such? It had me cringing at times. I dunno where my head was at, in 2011 (wow, 12 years ago!) but he's pretty one-dimensional. Which if why I'm writing Part III. 

I was looking for some that needed redeeming, and Mitchell definitely was one of them.

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This one felt like a step back instead of forwards.  It's not as if Taylan isn't speaking up for himself, Mitchell is just a bulldozer!

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He makes up for it in the next chapter, I know that. But eww; you know, he makes me think of that Spanish guy, currently in the news. The soccer idiot? That kissed a female player on the mouth? Skin in front of his head like an elephant has at the knees, yikes. 

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You do have an error in this chapter, it’s declarations not declamations 😂

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9 hours ago, Bft said:

You do have an error in this chapter, it’s declarations not declamations 😂

Fixed! Thank you.🙏

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